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This time, Fang Yun has become popular all over the world.

Gamers all over the world know that there is a Z countryman named Fang Yun who designed an original sci-fi RTS masterpiece!

Domestic peers are mostly envious and jealous of Fang Yun. As for hatred... Haven't you seen the end of Sky Interactive Entertainment!

And now it is approaching the end of the year, and the annual game selection shortlisting event is about to begin.

Game selection is a selection activity that every country will conduct at the end of November. In China, at the end of November, players will vote and the committee will nominate games that are worth participating in the selection this year. From them, multiple awards will be selected and announced at the end of the year.

Of course, there are also such selection activities abroad, and the scale of foreign countries is larger. The most well-known one is the selection activity jointly organized by several major game media and the World Designer Committee. The time will be a little later than that of China. The selection will be in January, but the nominations will be announced in mid-December.

Fang Yun said he didn't care about domestic selections. If it was an international selection, he would pay attention to it, but the domestic selections are really not up to par with the international selections.……


It has been two weeks since the international version of StarCraft was launched. In two weeks, the international version has sold a total of 900,000 copies!

Don't underestimate this number. Domestic games are already looked down upon by foreign countries. In such an environment, 900,000 sales in two weeks is already a terrifying number, and this is Fang Yun's first game to be launched internationally!

In these two weeks, Qu Xiaoyi also revised her plan and showed it to Fang Yun. This time Fang Yun was quite satisfied. When he asked Qu Xiaoyi if he needed the help of his team to produce this game and launch it online, Qu Xiaoyi shook his head and refused:

"This game can be designed like this now, in fact, most of it is due to your help, boss. I want to design my first game independently. When the next plan is ready, I will put it into action if you are satisfied."

These are Qu Xiaoyi's original words. Fang Yun did not expect that Qu Xiaoyi was also a competitive girl, so Fang Yun nodded and agreed to Qu Xiaoyi.

After Fang Yun was free, he also drew all the ten consecutive draws given by the previous task. As expected, the plot of"FateStayNight" was gathered together, and after exchanging, he actually exchanged all the plots of the three plot lines!

"Damn, I didn't expect the system to be so kind. I thought these 20 fragments could only be exchanged for one plot line!"

As for the remaining prizes, they were some game plot fragments and some potions. The memory potion I used to recall the plot of"StarCraft" was replenished. If I make a short plot game next time, it should be enough.

At this time, on the Internet:

"Voting for this year's game nominations has begun. Have you voted?"

"《After"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and"StarCraft", there are also flagship games from Emperor Penguin and Yiwang this year."

"I think it’s almost certain that Fang Yun will win the award, right?"

"Do you think Fang Yun will win the"Best Game" award this year? This is the biggest award every year, and the winning designer can also upgrade his professional title. You know, Fang Yun just got an intermediate professional title not long ago. If he wins this award,……"

"The fastest promotion to senior designer in history? I think it is very likely. Although"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" may be evenly matched with Emperor Penguin and Yiwang's games, the international success of"StarCraft" is obvious to the naked eye. No domestic game has ever achieved this achievement internationally. With this point,"StarCraft" should be far ahead of other games!"

"That's true, but I don't know if the judges will take this into consideration."


Although Fang Yun did not pay attention to these, he had only been idle for nearly a month, but he still received an invitation letter from the Design Committee:

Dear Designer Fang Yun:

The game you designed this year:"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"》;《StarCraft has been nominated for this year's game design competition.

We sincerely invite you to come to Shanghai XX Center on December 15 to participate in the designer competition.

The competition held by the Z Country Designer Committee is equivalent to an annual designer gathering.

The shortlisted designers will of course be invited.

Designers who are not shortlisted can also submit applications to the Design Committee to apply to participate in the competition, because the annual competition is not just as simple as announcing the winners.

There will also be some well-known designers holding special sessions to share their game design experience, and there will also be some salon-style gatherings to talk about topics such as the future development direction of games.

Therefore, every year, many new designers are eager to participate in this competition, and designers who receive invitations from the Design Committee are even more proud of it. Designers like Fang Yun who hold an indifferent attitude may be the only one except him.

Both of Fang Yun's PC games were successfully nominated. Some people even wrote some"seed players" on the Internet that might win the [Game of the Year] this year. Fang Yun's"StarCraft" was placed in the number one seed position, and"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was also ranked fourth.

Soon, the time came to December 15th.

Fang Yun went out early in the morning.

There was no other way...

to catch the subway!

Fang Yun didn't have a car, and he was too lazy to drive.

It had been several months since he traveled here.

Fang Yun had only gone out a few times, and most of the time he actually stayed in his small experience store like a salted fish basking in the sun.

When Qu Xiaoyi asked about it, he said that this was to replenish his brain with inspiration.

He had already arranged today's affairs with Qu Xiaoyi, so Fang Yun went out alone without any worries.

There were also a lot of people on the subway.

As soon as Fang Yun got on, he regretted why he didn't buy a car.


"Eh? Isn't this Fang Yun? Fang Yun!"

"Huh? Fang Yun? He should be attending the selection of the Design Committee, otherwise he wouldn't take Line 1."

"He must be going to participate in this! Haven't you seen that Fang Yun hardly goes out on weekdays?"

"Why not buy a car? The game makes so much money……"

"Maybe this is what makes him different from ordinary people like us!"

"Fang Yun, please sign for me!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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