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So, Fang Yun arrived at the venue surrounded by players.

According to convention, this event will last for three days. In the first three days, there will be various game exhibitions, lectures by senior designers, discussions on salon mode, etc., and the formal award ceremony will not be held until the afternoon of the third day. As soon as

Fang Yun entered the venue, he heard someone calling him. He turned his head and saw that it was his best friend Gu Peng who he had not contacted for a long time!

"You are here too. Fang Yun greeted Gu Peng.

"Yes, every year at this event, which new designer doesn't want to learn from the experience of their predecessors? I was lucky this time. My application was approved soon after I submitted it! As for you, although I haven't seen you for a few months, your reputation is getting bigger and bigger!"

Gu Peng said with some envy

"I just have too many ideas in my head. Although my games sell well, my investment is not seen by many designers.

Fang Yun smiled.

Indeed, not counting the two small-scale mobile games, the money invested in"StarCraft" alone is huge. If Fang Yun hadn't saved some money before, he would not have been able to make CG animations of this level.

"Indeed, many people only see the surface, and they don't understand the in-depth things at all."

Gu Peng nodded in agreement.

The two stood in a corner of the venue and chatted. Gu Peng mainly talked about his current situation and some of his questions, and Fang Yun answered some of Gu Peng's questions.

However, many designers who came and went recognized Fang Yun, and then came up to say hello, which made Fang Yun a little miserable:

"Fang Yun! Hello, I am XX Zhang San"

"Oh! I've heard so much about you!"

"Hello, I am XX Li Si!"

"Long heard of your name……"

In fact, Fang Yun had never heard of these people.……

"It seems that being famous is not a good thing."

Gu Peng looked at Fang Yun's helpless expression and laughed.

Gu Peng had heard of several of the designers who had just come to say hello, but none of them were famous designers, and Fang Yun had never heard of any of them...

Fang Yun and Gu Peng were now in the main venue, which was where the lectures and salons would be held later, and the awards ceremony on the last day would also be held here. This was a gathering place for game designers, and as for the players who came to watch, they played in the exhibition hall next to them.

At the exhibition hall, the design committee displayed all of this year's achievements, and some well-known cosplayers were there, so players could experience and take photos. Of course, these cosplayers were invited by the official design committee, and Fang Yun didn't know if his game had cosplayers.

"Didn't they say there would be a lecture here soon? When does it start?"

Fang Yun asked

"You didn't know anything about it before you came, did you?"

Gu Peng was surprised when he heard Fang Yun's question.

"I don’t know… I just know there will be lectures and salons."

Fang Yun nodded honestly.

"……"Gu Peng was speechless, but still explained for Fang Yun:

"This is the main venue.

The lectures to be held later will all be about the VR game industry, and the speakers will be some of the most famous VR game designers in the country.

Each of them must have one or two outstanding works to give a lecture.

There will only be one such lecture a day, and now is not the time to start.

In addition to this, there are several small venues in the back, two for PC and two for mobile games, and famous designers will give lectures there.

It should have started by now.


After saying that, Gu Peng pointed to the small door on the side of the venue, indicating that it was the place leading to the small venue.

"Then shall we go over there and take a look?"

"OK, you didn't receive an invitation this year? Even if you are a newcomer, your performance has surpassed most designers in the industry, and you are qualified to give a lecture. Why didn't the Design Committee invite you?"

Gu Peng asked as he walked towards the branch venue.

"Invitation? I think there was one? I forgot... I didn't read it carefully after I saw it was an invitation letter for the award ceremony.……"

Fang Yun then remembered that there seemed to be a small invitation in the envelope of the previous invitation letter, which seemed to be inviting him to attend the lecture?

He didn't even look at it carefully.……


As they walked, Fang Yun and Gu Peng came to the door of a branch venue. They asked the staff at the door and learned that a lecture on mobile games was about to begin. The topic was [On the Development Trend of Casual Mobile Games】

"How about we go in and have a listen?"

Gu Peng couldn't help himself when he heard the topic.

After all, he was a new designer, and now he was mainly involved in mobile games, and the hottest mobile games on the market could be regarded as casual mobile games!

Fang Yun also understood Gu Peng's idea, nodded and agreed, and the two walked in.

The lecturer of this topic was an independent designer who was quite famous in the mobile game field. He had made several hot-selling casual mobile games. His name was Li Xiang.

The whole lecture lasted about an hour or so. Li Xiang talked about relatively ordinary things, such as the subdivision of casual mobile games, why casual mobile games are popular, and even used Fang Yun's"Fruit Ninja" as an example.

Overall, Gu Peng felt that he had learned a lot, but Fang Yun's attitude was a little disdainful.

Soon, Li Xiang finished his speech and stepped down. This lecture was over, but there was still more than an hour before the next one, because the design committee reserved two hours for each lecture. Li Xiang finished speaking after just over an hour, so a lot of time was left.

"Let's go, let's go somewhere else."

Fang Yun stood up with some boredom.

"Isn't this Fang Yun? We still have a lot of time, Fang Yun, why don't you go up and talk about it? Your"Fruit Ninja" is one of the representatives of casual mobile games!"

"Yes! Fang Yun, please go up and speak! We all want to hear the genius's opinions!"

"Is this Fang Yun? He looks really young. I didn't expect he's already a mid-level designer!"

"Maybe he will become a senior designer in a few days!"

"Comparing yourself to others is really frustrating.……"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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