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Yun was recognized by others, and these people asked him to speak on the same topic. Unable to resist their enthusiasm, Fang Yun could only reluctantly go up to the podium:

"Let me first say that I am just a newcomer and what I say are my own opinions. You all just need to listen to them and don’t take them to heart. I don’t have any speech scripts, so please forgive me if my speech is not clear."

"It's okay, go ahead!"

Fang Yun sorted out his thoughts and began to speak:

"The title is"The Future Development Direction of Casual Games", right? In my opinion, the development of casual mobile games has reached a peak, and there will not be much progress in the future, and it may only slowly regress!"

Fang Yun's first words shocked everyone present!

"How is that possible? Why is there no room for casual games to grow?"

"This is impossible.……"

The designers below were talking about this.

Fang Yun ignored them and continued his speech:

"There are already too many games on the market now, whether they are level-breaking or non-plot types. Even my"Fruit Ninja" and"Temple Run" have only made some innovations in the game mechanics, and the essence has not changed. You can imagine, when the mechanism can no longer be changed, where is the future of casual games?"

"Of course, a fun casual game can occupy a lot of players' time, but no matter how much time is wasted, there will always be a day when players get tired of playing. When this day comes, do you think players will still download a game similar to the one they play? The reason why casual games have a market now is that there are still many mechanisms that have not been developed, and players still have a sense of novelty. When this novelty is over, will players still like this type of game?"

Fang Yun's words triggered everyone's thinking. Before, Li Xiang's speech only analyzed the"mechanisms" of casual games. They felt that they had gained something, but they never thought about it. When these mechanisms are developed, what is the future of casual games?

"So I think casual games have reached a peak now, and will only slowly decline instead of continuing to be popular."

"I personally believe that the future development direction of games is from light games to heavy games, especially mobile games. The reason why light games were popular in the past was very simple, because many players only have fragmented time, and they do not have a lot of time to focus on one game!"

"They need to work and live, but what about now? Technology is constantly improving. The basic materials in our lives, that is, food, have now become fully automated. Except for a few industries, the work in other industries is undoubtedly much easier than before. Players also have a lot more free time. This is also an important reason why the entertainment industry is so developed now."

"Since players have more time, why can't we design some more time-consuming games? Maybe they will be more popular, right?"

Fang Yun said this and smiled:

"This is my general idea, it's good to be big, don't take it seriously."

After saying this, he walked down the podium.

At this time, someone asked:

"So what kind of game will be successful?"

"This... I don't know either."

Fang Yun smiled mysteriously after hearing this, and then walked down and called Gu Peng to leave the venue together.

"What kind of type is it?"

Fang Yun's speech triggered everyone's thinking. Some smart people had already noticed the mysterious smile on Fang Yun's face when he answered the last question before leaving the stage.

""Fang Yun must have the answer in his mind!"

These people came to the conclusion.

Then, these people quietly left the venue, ready to find an opportunity to ask Fang Yun for advice, but they didn't know whether Fang Yun would tell them. After all, this was also a business secret.

Sure enough, in the next two days, these designers quietly came to Fang Yun to learn from him, but they were all persuaded by Fang Yun with the reason that"I am also considering it."

During these three days, Fang Yun also attended some lectures. Some of them made sense, while some people's speeches Fang Yun felt were just farting...

Time soon came to the award ceremony: that is, the conference venue, Fang Yun sat in a seat in the front row. The specific seats were arranged by the Design Committee. The designers invited by the Design Committee personally sat in the front row. The leaders must be sitting in the first row. The other seats were basically arranged from front to back according to the designer's title. Fang Yun was in the middle. The seats before the exam.

As for the designers who came later on their own, there are no fixed seats, first come first served.

The host came on stage, and some designers who were whispering to each other immediately quieted down, and warm applause rang out in the audience.

The leaders have also taken their seats. These leaders are basically the bosses of various departments of the Design Committee, and they sat according to the seats that had been arranged long ago.

Then the chairman of the Design Committee gave a speech.

He spoke for more than ten minutes, making Fang Yun think that he was at the opening ceremony of his high school. The principal spoke for half an hour, and the more he talked, the more he couldn't stop...

Fang Yun hated this kind of speech before, and this time was no exception. The more than ten-minute speech made Fang Yun drowsy. If he hadn't paid attention to his image, he would definitely fall asleep on the chair with his head tilted.

The designer sitting next to Fang Yun saw Fang Yun's appearance, smiled and whispered to Fang Yun:

"Geniuses are really different from ordinary people. Look at the people on the field now, each one is more energetic than the other, only you, it's like you haven't slept for a few days!"

Hearing the voice, Fang Yun slightly propped up his somewhat confused eyes and glanced at him: he was about 30 years old, a fairly young game designer, and seemed to be a little handsome.

"I don't want to sleep either. I've been dozing off when I hear speeches like this since I was a kid, and I can't stop myself.……"

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am Wen Maoyan, a designer under Yiwang."

"Oh, I've heard so much about you."

"……There is no need to be so polite. I know you have never heard of my name. I am just an unknown little character. Wen

Maoyan said with a smile.

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