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"A small character? How could a small character sit here? How could a small character join Yiwang?

Fang Yun glanced at him


Wen Maoyan laughed dryly.

At this moment, the opening speech was over, and the host walked to the stage again and started today's"main course"."

"Next, it is time for our annual awards ceremony! As for the awards, I think I need to say more. Next, I will announce the first award: the winner of the Best Original Score Award is---《Crazy Journey, designer Wen Maoyan!"

The audience burst into warm applause!

"See? I'll tell you what's going on?"

Wen Maoyan, who was sitting next to Fang Yun, stood up excitedly. He didn't care about Fang Yun's teasing at this time, and walked up to the stage in two steps.

Wen Maoyan went on stage to receive the award, and then gave a speech:

"Thank you, thank you. I didn't expect to win this award because this game is a niche game. It's all about escaping. The only selling point is the exciting music during the escape. This award means a lot to me today because it is a recognition of Crazy Journey and also a recognition of me personally. I am very grateful to the leaders of the design committee and the players who have always supported me. Thank you!"

Another round of applause

"What a coincidence! I told you that you are extraordinary!"

When Wen Maoyan came back, Fang Yun teased.

"I really didn't expect to win an award. I was already very satisfied when I was nominated. Besides, compared to a little monster like you, am I not just an ordinary person?"

Wen Maoyan had just won the award and his words were still a little unclear.

The second award was the Best Visual Arts Award. The winner this time was Emperor Penguin's flagship game of the year.---VR game, FPS category"Guild Wars"》

《The designer of"Guild Wars" was also very excited. He went on stage to express his gratitude for a long time.

It is worth mentioning that the designer of"Guild Wars" only became a senior designer at the beginning of this year, and this game is his first time to be the designer of Emperor Penguin's flagship game! He is not very old, he looks to be in his thirties.

Soon, one award after another was announced, the Best Art Award, the Best Level Design Award, the Best Character Creation Award, the Best Music Award...

These awards have different focuses. Most of the awards are swept by VR games. PC games only won a few small awards. After all, VR games have a natural advantage in this regard!

Then it was time for the awards ceremony for classified games: Best Shooting Game, Best Fighting Game, Best Racing Game, Best Sports Game, Best Adventure Game, Best Puzzle Game...

Soon, it was time for the Best Strategy Game.

The leaders on the stage who were responsible for presenting the awards had been replaced several times. This time, the award was presented by the leader of the Magic City Design Committee: Mo Tianyi.

Mo Tianyi said solemnly:"I announce that the winner of this year's best strategy game is---《"Romance of the Three Kingdoms", designer Fang Yun!"

This award can be said to be one of the least suspenseful awards. After all, the theme of this year's grand prize competition is strategy games. Although there is a"national style" limitation, other strategy games can't get any better than"Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Fang Yun went on stage to receive the award.

Mo Tianyi handed a small trophy to Fang Yun and said with a smile:"Congratulations! Keep up the good work in the future!"

Fang Yun nodded in thanks, and then gave an acceptance speech similar to the previous grand prize competition.

Then he stepped down.

The next award is the best real-time strategy game!

The presenter was still Mo Tianyi.

"This award, like the previous one, is the least suspenseful. I declare that the winner of the Best Real-Time Strategy Game is---《StarCraft! Designer Fang Yun!

Fang Yun, who had just stepped down from the stage and put the trophy on the chair, was back on stage before he even sat down.

"You have to speak carefully this time, and you can't be so vague like before!"

When presenting the award to Fang Yun, Mo Tianyi also gave Fang Yun a small"warning".

Fang Yun took the microphone handed over by the host, cleared his throat, and said:

"《StarCraft is a great RTS game. Although the overall production time is not very long, the effort is not small at all. Here I would like to first thank the production team of StarCraft! Without their overtime work, StarCraft would not be able to meet you so soon. And I would also like to thank……"

After a bunch of thanks, Fang Yun stepped down again.

Then the next award was the Best Mobile Game Award. Although Fang Yun's"Fruit Ninja" was nominated this time, it did not win in the end. The winner was the work of an independent game designer.


"Now comes today's highlight! Game of the Year! Mo Tianyi will announce the winner of Game of the Year!"

"Before announcing the winners, I have some feelings to say. In the past few years, this award was dominated by VR games. However, this year, a PC game came out and broke the monopoly of VR games on this award. Now I announce the winner of the Game of the Year.--《"StarCraft", designer, Fang Yun!"

The loudest applause of the night rang out!

Fang Yun walked onto the stage amid the applause of everyone, took the biggest trophy of the day, and began to speak:

"To be honest, I didn't expect to win this award, because in the current gaming industry, PC is at a disadvantage compared to VR. Although many people on the Internet are saying that"StarCraft" is the pinnacle of RTS and the masterpiece of RTS, I don't think so."

"My game design experience is undoubtedly still at a novice stage. I am still in the struggle period. I don’t even have my own car. I go out by bus and subway. I have set up the studio for several months, but I have never received a salary in a month. I pay the salaries of others. I have never even touched the money. I have no interest in money."

"Now, StarCraft has achieved certain results, I admit this, but I think there is still a lot of room for improvement. If I have to rank success, I think StarCraft is just a small success. It is still a little short of the perfect RTS in my mind."

"So, thank you very much for your support. Next, I will work hard to develop more and more fun games to repay your support. Thank you!"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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