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"Yes, you are already an adult! I have also seen the little girl, she is a very quiet girl, she likes to watch anime on weekdays. Aren’t you a game designer? You should have something in common. The day after tomorrow, I have chosen the meeting place for you, you can go directly there in the morning!"

Fang's mother said

"A quiet girl? Like anime? Then she might watch Fate. When the game is released, she will probably download it. If she is European, it's okay. If she is African,……"

Thinking of this, Fang Yun no longer dared to think further...

What if the little girl was an African?《FGO》After learning about the krypton gold system and the card drawing system... and then knowing that he was the designer... that scene... Tsk tsk

Fang Yun didn't want to believe it, but how could Fang Yun's little arm twist Fang Ma's thigh?

On the third day, Fang Yun was called up early in the morning. After washing and dressing, he was directly kicked out of the house by Fang Ma.

Since there is no way to escape, you can only bite the bullet and face it!

With this mood, Fang Yun came to the coffee shop where he met the girl. After meeting, she was indeed a very quiet girl. Her name was: Zhao Yuhan. Although her appearance was not the best, she was also very attractive. After the two ordered coffee, they sat down and chatted...

It was called chatting, but it was actually Fang Yun's personal show. Zhao Yuhan rarely spoke, but when Fang Yun accidentally mentioned anime...

Fang Yun was horrified to find that this little girl seemed to have become a different person...

She suddenly talked more. Of course, the content of the conversation was all about anime, such as how the plot of XX comic was, and I supported XXXX CP. Then the little girl also took the initiative to mention the newly launched"FateStayNight".

At that time, people still didn't know that Fang Yun was the"writer" of"FateStayNight". They just thought that Fang Yun was a game designer with the same name as"Fang Yun".

Fang Yun didn't point this out. When the girl said that she liked this anime very much and would buy the mobile game as soon as it came out and that she heard that the designer Fang Yun was a very conscientious designer, and the games he made were fun and not expensive, Fang Yun wanted to run away.……

"Damn, if I get together with her, won’t the majority of leeks have their own leeks representative? This won’t do!"

This is the truest portrayal of Fang Yun's heart.

But the topic has been dragged to anime, and Fang Yun can only bite the bullet and talk to her about anime. It must be said that Zhao Yuhan is indeed a senior anime fan, and has her own opinions on many things. Through this half-day chat, Fang Yun also learned a lot about the anime in this world, which are things he couldn't find before!

After treating Zhao Yuhan to a meal at noon, Fang Yun found a way to slip away.

There was no way. If he didn't slip away, his identity might be exposed...

When he got home, Fang Yun said directly to Fang's mother:"After chatting, I feel that we are not suitable. Don't worry about this matter! I can handle it myself!"

Fang's mother said a few more words, but after Fang Yun repeatedly insisted on the principle of"finding a partner on his own", Fang's mother had no choice but to agree.

The days of going home are always boring, especially after becoming successful. Fang Yun had just returned home for a few days, and the neighbors all knew that Fang Yun was the game designer who had recently become popular on the Internet!

Then, the neighbors with daughters always found various reasons to visit Fang Yun's house, and their intentions were self-evident. Neighbors without daughters used Fang Yun's example to educate their own children, saying that they should learn from Fang Yun.

Fang Yun's classmates also knew about this matter and invited him one after another. Fang Yun went out to play, but after going twice, he felt bored. Socializing was too annoying!

Later, Fang Yun directly used the excuse of"helping with housework at home" to turn down all invitations. It was a lot quieter now, and Fang Yun now has a shadow on Su Cheng...

During these days at home,"FateStayNight" has been updated to the sixth episode. As the plot deepens, the characters in it have left a deeper impression on people, such as the"manly" king,"Miss" Rin, etc. As more and more characters appear, people have announced"I'm in love!"

So the Internet is filled with the sour smell of love.

On New Year's Eve, after eating the New Year's Eve dinner with his parents, Fang Yun did not choose to watch Spring Evening together, but locked himself in the room. Four hours later, when the bell rang for the end of Spring Evening,《FGO》It will be online soon!

Advertising companies have also made great efforts to promote this campaign. The advertisement has appeared on subway and bus billboards in many cities.《FGO》And the screen of FSN!

It can be said that this time, two groups of people are looking forward to the launch of this game at the same time. One group is the previous players. These players were not interested in anime at first, but Fang Yun successfully made them fall in love with paper people. The other group is the second-generation newts. These people love anime. Although they don’t play games much, they will definitely go back and get in touch with anime-related things!

Soon, the time came to 0 o'clock!

As the New Year's bell rang, Fang Yun clicked the"Publish" option on the background of his APPSTORE at the same time!

《Fate Grand Order is officially launched!

This time, Fang Yun did not conduct a single public test of the game, but only conducted a few internal tests before announcing its completion.

Therefore, no player knows the inside story!

《FGO》Half an hour after it was launched, the download volume broke the record!

320,000 downloads in half an hour!【《FGO》Downloads broke the AppStore's record] and ranked second on Weibo's hot search list!

As for the first on the hot search list, the"official" topic of"welcoming the New Year"

"《FGO》It's free to download? Is this a free game?"

"It's free, because there's no option to force you to spend money. I played for more than ten minutes and it felt like I could play without spending money. Fang Yun is really kind!"

"Conscience Fang Yun! The best gift for the New Year!"

"Fang Yun spent so much money on promotion, could it be that the main theme is animation? He wants to make money from animation?"

"Maybe Fang Yun wants to run a big IP that belongs entirely to him? That’s why the initial investment is so high?"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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