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Players were playing the games on their hands while discussing related topics on Weibo and forums.

Until a post appeared, breaking the original discussion:

【Hey guys, I just got a 5-star (SSR) card from a 10-pull! It's Aho-King! Is this card strong? 】 And posted the card!

A bunch of replies below:

"Damn, good luck to the OP!"

"Why do all my ten draws turn out to be three stars?"

"I hope you can test it and tell us the answer!"

"Are you the agent sent by Fang Yun?"

There were various responses, some were envious, some were jealous, some were jealous, and some were willing to go back and spend money immediately...

However, most players still expressed their envy and blessings in a friendly manner, and then asked the poster to test it out to see if it worked.

Soon, the poster replied:

"Damn, this SSR is simply invincible! I can pass the level by myself with it without any pressure! Is this the world of the strong? It's simply too strong! It can't be compared with those three-star cards!"

After these words came out, the players who had never seen SSR went crazy!

Then, they set their sights on the option of [Buy Saint Quartz]!

Clicked it and saw:

【Saint Quartz 1]: 6 yuan

【4 Saint Quartz + 1 free (5 in total)】: 25 yuan

【12 Saint Quartz + 6 free (18 in total)】: 78 yuan

【25 Saint Quartz + 16 free (41 in total)】: 158 yuan、

【42 Saint Quartz + 34 free (76 in total)】: 258 yuan

【86 Saint Quartz + 81 Free (Total 167)】: 518 yuan!

This is the recharge list. For the first recharge at each price level, 10-50 more stones will be given. The higher the price, the more you will get.


The same gasp was heard in every household!

Some players have already started to calculate in their minds:"Three stones can be used for one draw, and 30 stones are a ten-draw. If I buy the highest price, the first recharge is 221, which means seven ten-draws. I should be able to draw Saber, right? After all, the previous ten-draws were only given away for free in the tutorial chapter. It's normal not to draw good things... For my wife! Charge! Charge! Charge!"

Then, he resolutely bought the 518 level, and then... after seven ten-draws, he visited his Brother Phineas (Siegfried) and Uncle B (berserker)... and then……

"Ahhhhhh! Why can’t even one drop? Is the drop rate so low?"

The player could only vent loudly, and then opened the forum and Weibo:

At this time, the forums were already"thundering like thunder", with countless people showing off the SSRs they had drawn: Kong Ming; Dai Mao; Jeanne d'Arc; Captain...

The entire initial card pool of SSRs were being shown off. The player closed these things with tears in his eyes, and then opened them again.《FGO》This time, he set his sights on other recharge levels. The reason was simple. Each level would receive more rewards for the first recharge. It was undoubtedly the most cost-effective for a new account to recharge all levels for the first time.


If Fang Yun saw the performance of this player, he would only sigh: A good young man... Alas.

The same scene as this player was played out everywhere, except that some people recharged from small to large, and then large, large, large, large, while some people recharged from large to small, and then still large, large, large, large...

Some people spent all their pocket money and still didn't draw the card they wanted, so they could only wait for the day to come quickly: so that they could greet the New Year, receive red envelopes and continue to recharge!

For a time, the forums and Weibo were in chaos:

"You all say Fang Yun is cheating me this time, but I don’t think so. I just drew two SSR cards in a ten-draw draw! (Sent a screenshot of the ten-draw draw)"

"Shit, I spent all my money on all the tiers, but I only got an SSR? Is it possible that I am really not suited to this game?"

"I spent 5180, but still didn't get my wife 555555"

"Damn! Boss, are you missing any accessories on your legs? Also, Boss, who is your wife?"

"Okita Souji!"

"Didn't Fang Yun say before? Okita Souji is in the next event pool... Today there is only a plot card pool, and there is no Souji-chan in it.……"


"Brothers! I spent more than 8,000 and finally got 5 Aho-Mao cards! Hahahaha!"

"Why do you smoke so much?"

"Didn't you read the introduction? There is a treasure in it. If you want your card to become stronger, you need to feed it the same card. The maximum level is level 5! I am now a five-treasure ahoge!"

"Nani? 5 photos?!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Fuck! Fang Yun, get out of here! We need your explanation!"

"The cards here are so pretty that my tongue is sore from licking them……"

There is a lot of confusion online. After some players sorted it out, they summarized the rules of the game:

1. The higher the SSR treasure, the more powerful it is. The highest is five treasures, which means that five identical cards are needed to upgrade and fuse. Some high-strength cards...must be drawn! Charming young lady...must be drawn! Elegant and handsome young man...must be drawn!

2. In addition to character cards, costumes are also very important bonus props. Like cards, five cards are combined into one, but the full-broken costume has outstanding effects, so...must be drawn!

3. Characters have levels, and they need to be fed with corresponding props to upgrade. Props need to be obtained from [Daily Activities]. In other words, you need to complete daily tasks to get the corresponding props for job upgrades, so daily tasks...must be done!

4. The highest skill of a card is level 10. If you want to upgrade, you need corresponding materials. You can brush them in [Daily Activities] or [Story Chapters]. So, if you want your card to be more powerful, materials...must be brushed!

5. The game has a limit on physical strength. Brushing will consume physical strength. The higher the master level, the higher the physical strength limit. The daily natural recovery is just enough for daily dungeons. If you need a large amount of materials, you need an item called [Apple]. This item will be given when you sign in. Of course, [Saint Quartz]】=【Golden Apple], the effect is to directly restore physical strength to full, so, those who want to brush materials... crushed stone!

PS: Do you have to wear women's clothing to get flower tickets and rewards?! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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