This is the overall gameplay of the game sorted out by the players: recharge - draw cards - sink the ship - recharge again - draw cards - maintain cards - insufficient materials - crush stones to brush materials - a day has passed!

On the first day of the new year, during the day, Weibo was already full of complaints.

The seals jumped wildly on Weibo, showing off their"great achievements", while the chiefs hid in the corner and silently licked their wounds, while calculating the next krypton gold plan in their hearts.

After the New Year's greetings, Fang Yun looked at the situation on Weibo and smiled with satisfaction.

"This is just the beginning! Don't worry, the event is coming soon."

After the New Year's greetings, players used to open their phones to play small games, but now they are《FGO》!

"There is no other way, I can’t waste my energy! Maybe the system will see that I have been online for a long time, and the next lottery will let me escape from Africa and enter Europe!"

At this time, Weibo's hot search【《FGO》Download volume breaks AppStore's historical record] This one has been pushed to the back and replaced as the second��【《FGO》How much did you spend? ], the third place is [On the Self-cultivation of Europeans], the fourth place is [The Resentment of African Chiefs], and the fifth place is [Fang Yun, the old thief, has lost his conscience! ]

Without exception, all the things are related to Fang Yun and his《FGO》It does matter.

The players cursed Fang Yun for having lost his conscience this time, but they still clicked on it honestly.《FGO》Clearing the stamina on their accounts, sometimes even breaking stones unconsciously...

Players have not yet realized that most of their time every day is spent on《FGO》However, Fang Yun's colleagues were very keen to notice this.

Some designers who had listened to Fang Yun's lecture at that time could not help but think of something:

"Is this the answer you gave? An original mobile card game? It really takes a lot of time for players to get a game, and the game itself is free with in-app purchases, which is indeed a good idea. But the price of this in-app purchase is...……"

Some designers looked at their《FGO》The recharge list made me feel annoyed. Maybe only Fang Yun dared to do this? 518 for one order? This is more than just cutting leeks? It's simply not treating leeks as human beings...

But when they looked at《FGO》Two days after launch: 1.93 million downloads!《FGO》Revenue: ** yuan! 83.82 million!

These people were silent.

If someone had told them before that a free mobile game could reach 2 million downloads in two days and could earn 80 million in two days, they would have raised their middle fingers without saying anything, and then squeezed out two words from their mouths: idiot, and finally kicked this person out.

But now? The fact has happened! It happened so suddenly.……

《FGO》It was completely popular.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the AppStore also released their official statistics:《FOG》Two weeks after launch, the download volume reached 7.83 million! The highest number of players online at the same time was 6.42 million! Half-month income (monthly turnover): 470 million!

The average consumption per person is 60 yuan!

60 yuan may not seem like much, but you have to know that no matter which world, rich people are a minority...

For this game, Europeans really don't need to spend much money, and Africans can't spend any money...

It's just such a magical game, which earned 470 million in half a month!

When the data came out, all the peers were silent, and the players were silent too. It wasn't until today that the players realized that there are so many rich people in this world...

And this is still《FGO》Just launched, without launching any activities!

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival,《FGO》The first event was also launched: [Chatting Honnoji], which is the event pool of Okita Souji that players have been longing for!

As soon as the event started, the number of online users of this game skyrocketed again! The annual vacation was over at this time, and Fang Yun had returned to the store in Shanghai as early as the eighth day of the first lunar month. To be honest, Fang Yun did not expect that there would be so many leeks...

Although Fang Yun knew that his game would definitely be popular, he did not expect that the number of people online at the same time would reach 6.42 million! Although there are more people in this world, this terrifying data is also the first time Fang Yun has seen it. Fang Yun, who originally planned to open after the fifteenth day, had to set off early and informed Qu Xiaoyi of his decision to go to work early...

At this time, other companies were holding meetings, and the content of the meeting was very simple: analyzing the market for card games.

Emperor Penguin Entertainment Company Meeting Room:

Boss Xie Yun looked at the designers sitting below. These designers were either senior designers or well-known designers who focused on mobile games.

"Fang Yun's《FGO》I don’t need to explain what the situation is now, right? The revenue of a mobile game in half a month is higher than that of a VR masterpiece. Have any of you analyzed why?"

"Boss, Fang Yun once said something at the award ceremony of the Design Committee before the New Year. He said that casual mobile games have no future, and the future is heavy mobile games that will occupy a lot of players' time. Then he launched this game during the New Year. I think this is his answer."

This is what a designer who had heard Fang Yun's speech before said.

"I think there are three points. The first point is IP. Fang Yun《FGO》, and specially produced animations in order to establish this IP in the minds of players. Moreover, his game is aimed at two groups of people, one is the people in animation and related industries, and the other is game players, so Fang Yun has an advantage in this regard."

"The second point is the novelty of the card game. The card game was created by Fang Yun and was the first of its kind. The unique game mechanism was something that players had never encountered before, so Fang Yun was also the first person to try it out and was successful."

"The third point is what he said before, he focused on the players' large blocks of time, rather than taking advantage of their fragmented time, which is also a very critical point!"

Another senior mobile game designer said his analysis.

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