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, when the players heard that Fang Yun's prize was only this account, they didn't care. Although there were indeed a lot of good things on this account, as long as they were willing to spend money, they could save up slowly and get them. It seemed a bit uneconomical to give up their existing accounts for such an account.

But when Fang Yun said,"This is an account with the aura of the European Emperor," the players went crazy!

"What about those who are no longer alive? Please die! Don’t come to the lottery!"

"Can Fang Yun not draw?! I want to buy the account at a high price!"

"Then I'll offer you a higher price than you!"

"I suggest you Africans not to draw. Anyway, even if you draw, you will only add to the denominator of the final draw probability. I have already reserved the numerator 1!"

The barrage was in chaos again. Fang Yun had already set up the draw: you only need to send a free flower in the live broadcast room (key point!!!) to participate in the draw!

Then, the entire live broadcast room was directly covered with flowers!

More than 6 million and nearly 7 million viewers sent out the flowers on their accounts. Some people gave away all the flowers in their inventory in the hope of luck!

Ten minutes later, the draw result came out, and the account was taken by a fan of Liu Xin!

"Hahahaha! Leaving Africa and joining the EU is today!!!"

The lucky guy laughed and said, and then his words were drowned out by the comments of others who were angry because they didn't win.……

"Today's live broadcast ends here. It seems that I am quite popular? It seems that I should consider whether I should also set up a live broadcast room to broadcast live when I have nothing to do. Haha, okay, today's live broadcast ends here. See you later!"

Fang Yun said a few closing words and directly closed the live broadcast.

As soon as the broadcast ended, Fang Yun stared at Lu Mang:

"Hero! Please help my account draw too! This is the first time in my life that I have seen someone get three yellows + four stars + star gift equipment!"


Shortly after the live broadcast ended, the video of Fang Yun hiring someone to live broadcast the card drawing was uploaded to the Internet. When many players who had not watched the live broadcast saw this lucky guy, their first reaction was:"Is this video made in the later stage?"

But when they learned that the card drawing was live in front of millions of people... everyone was silent.

"It seems that we are not playing a game that is really different. When the players are still considering how much they need to top up to draw, the lucky ones are already considering the lineup matching problem.……"

Fang Yun also relied on《FGO》He has become a billionaire, although his goal is not to"make money".

Someone is responsible for the operation of the game, so what is Fang Yun doing now?

He is staring at the computer screen in front of him with a sad face!

Just in the morning, Fang Yun received a call from the former head of the university department, saying that he wanted to invite him to return to the school to give a speech and share his experience and ideas in designing games with students majoring in game design. Fang Yun couldn't refuse it, after all, the current experience store still occupies the territory of the school.

After agreeing, Fang Yun began to prepare the speech. After all, this time he couldn't just go up and talk a few words like last time. This time he had to give a complete speech.

In theory, Fang Yun has a lot of things to talk about, but because he has too many things to talk about, he doesn't know what to say...

That's right, Fang Yun fell into choice difficulty!

In the end, Fang Yun turned off the computer directly: Let's improvise!

On Friday, Fang Yun gave Qu Xiaoyi a warning, and then went to school. Today was the day he was going to give a speech. Fang Yun was still dressed in a daily outfit, and did not choose a suit or other formal clothes because of the formality of the occasion.

Today's speech was held in the school's auditorium, because the audience was the game design majors of four grades and other students who were interested in game design.

When Fang Yun first arrived at the auditorium, he was shocked by the huge crowd. He never expected that so many people would come to listen to the lecture today!

This scene made him feel as if he had returned to last year's award ceremony... except that the designers sitting below had become"quasi-designers".

After chatting with the department head and several of Fang Yun's mentors, the host on the podium announced that Fang Yun would go on stage!

Fang Yun walked to the podium with his hands empty!

"Hello everyone, I am Fang Yun, who is now hated by the majority of players, and I am also your senior! When the department head invited me to give a speech, I originally refused because I am not good at this kind of thing."

"You see, although I don’t have a manuscript in my hand, I don’t actually have a manuscript in my mind either!"

Fang Yun’s slightly humorous opening drew applause.

"The topic of the speech is very broad, which is about the experience or ideas of game design. I dare not talk about the ideas, after all, everyone has their own ideas. If I force a set of ideas, it will be equivalent to killing the future of the prospective designers present. As for experience, I can talk about it."

"Let me first talk about my views on several gaming platforms. VR games are the most popular right now, and they also make the most money. But this does not mean that VR is the only future! PC and mobile phones also have a future!"

"As for gaming equipment, VR is a huge game room.

If you want to play, you have to go to a special store or play at home.

This is actually very inconvenient.

Many people need to go out, or their family cannot afford a game room due to financial constraints.

At this time, a more portable laptop or mobile phone can come in handy.

People can play with their mobile phones and laptops while traveling in a car, but they can't play VR while traveling in a car? Of course, if you have a motorhome at home, just pretend that I just farted.



Fang Yun's words drew another round of laughter.

"VR games are now in a relatively early stage, so it is relatively easy to make money through VR games, but I still advise everyone not to easily get involved in the VR field without rich experience.

In my opinion, there are only two directions for the development of VR: the first is a masterpiece!

The highest level of picture quality, sound effects and plot, these things can be most perfectly reflected in VR, and the second point is: exquisite small games or special types of games!

"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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