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"Premium games refer to those extremely creative games that can relax you in VR, while special games refer to horror games, which are also for better performance."

"As for other games, I think they have no future in VR. PC is different. Any game can be released on PC, and PC is more suitable for practice than mobile phone! Many people’s graduation projects before were to make a mobile game. The reason is very simple, because it is simple to make and low cost. I am no exception. However, the production cost of small games on PC is also not high. Why don’t you consider PC?"

"Mobile phones are essentially used for communication, and playing games is just one of their functions. PCs can be used specifically for playing games. All configurations can be created for games, and you can also better display your ideas on PCs. Why do we have to stick to the mobile phone platform?"

"Having talked about the platform issue, the next thing I want to talk about is the designer issue. I don’t know about other designers, I’ll just talk about myself. My personal philosophy is to"create happiness with heart". Before being a designer, I was a player first, so when I designed the game, I always considered the players. For example, the price of my game is relatively low.……"

Fang Yun had just said this when he was interrupted by the students below:"Senior Fang, but your《FGO》Are you really considering the players?!"

"Of course!"

Fang Yun nodded affirmatively and continued:

"Speaking of《FGO》Actually, many of you have misunderstood.

As a card mobile game, collecting cards is the greatest fun.

Moreover, other games also have paid content.

Players will become stronger after paying.

This is extremely unfriendly to many civilian players.

《FGO》It’s different.

Here, even if you spend money, you may not be able to draw it.

Even if you draw it, you still have to spend a lot of time and energy to cultivate it.

Ordinary players can also draw the same thing if they are luckier.

Do you think this is fair?"

"Moreover, there is a battle assist system in the game. Even if you don't have powerful cards, as long as you add one or two people who have powerful cards as friends, you can also experience the power of these powerful cards, right? This point has invisibly narrowed the gap between the local tycoon players and the ordinary players."

‘《FGO》Is this fair game? Are you fucking kidding me?’

‘Create happiness with heart?

Fang Yun's words triggered a discussion below. Someone asked what the non-Africans and Europeans would say.

"Then this is a personal problem of the players. I have tried my best to ensure fairness in the game mechanism. As for the unlucky and the European, it is really just a problem of the players. Like me, am I not also quite unlucky?"

"Now that we are talking about card games, I have to remind you that《FGO》Now it has achieved success, but the life and duration of card games are actually not very long. In other words, I strongly recommend that you do not get involved in the card game industry, because there are《FGO》There is no room for games in front!"


There was an uproar at the scene!

Fang Yun's speech basically ended here. The main content of the speech was actually that it was not recommended for novice designers to touch the VR industry. PC and mobile terminals are different from PC terminals.

As for the other content, some people thought that Fang Yun was bragging, some people thought that Fang Yun was just floating, and some people felt that what Fang Yun said was quite reasonable, but after careful consideration, they felt that it was not what they imagined?

Not long after the speech ended, someone uploaded the audio of Fang Yun's speech to the Internet!

"Create happiness with your heart? I think it’s creating happiness with your salary!"

"Damn, how could Fang Yun be so shameless!"

"Use salary to create happiness, if you don't have money to play, you are paralyzed? Isn't this what it means?《FGO》?"

"Fang Yun, you are still floating! Card games are obviously a new game category, how can you say that there is《FGO》Will there be no room for other games in the future?"

Fang Yun's remarks once again became a hot topic of discussion.

Fang Yun's colleagues also noticed his statement that"the market capacity for card games is limited" and also expressed their agreement, but the next sentence"With《FGO》"There won't be room for more card games later." These designers sneered.

Why can Fang Yun make card games but we can't?

With this idea in mind, the designers who were originally prepared to follow the trend accelerated the design of the game. For a time, the IPs of some well-known domestic online novels and animations increased in price... The authors of novels and comics took this opportunity to make a fortune.

At this time, Fang Yun was considering"expanding recruitment".

Now Fang Yun can be said to have completely established his foothold, but he only has Qu Xiaoyi as an employee, and his [War Battle.

net is already online.

His goal is to turn Battle.

net into a gaming platform like Steam in its previous life.

This requires a large number of designers to publish games on his Battle.


In other words, he needs to expand the external members, and at the same time, he also needs to expand the internal members.

It is impossible that the games on Battle.

net will be designed by outside designers except Fang Yun himself.

So Fang Yun once again posted a recruitment advertisement:

Recruitment: 3 game designers!

Salary: All five insurances and one housing fund are complete. Independently designed games will be arranged for production and launch after passing the review. At the same time, the studio's unique platform will also be���For the corresponding games launched, the studio only takes 10% of the sales cost of the [] platform! Other employees with corresponding job titles will be treated well with generous benefits!

Requirements: The registered designers need to independently complete a game plan, which will be checked on the day of the interview. There is no limit on experience, job title, age, or gender.

In addition: Designers who want to launch games on [] can also contact us and get the same benefits as regular employees.

Contact information: Send your resume to email address XXXX

Interview address: No. 58, X University Road.

Contact person: Fang Yun 180XXXXXXXX

After checking and finding no errors, Fang Yun posted the recruitment information on the website. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Xiao

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