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Fang Yun’s recruitment information came out, there was an uproar in the industry!

Of course, it was not because they felt strange that Fang Yun was recruiting people, but because the share of [] was too low! The current common game share of unique game platforms is 73, and some very small (unknown) game platforms will be 82, that is to say, the platform will take at least 20% of the profit, and what about Fang Yun? People all believe that his [] will definitely develop, but this commission...

It simply breaks the unspoken rules of the industry!

But colleagues can only secretly hate Fang Yun, and can't do anything to Fang Yun. After all, there is no public rule that the commission must start at 20%! As soon as the recruitment announcement came out, many independent designers���They came to the door. Ninety-nine percent of them were optimistic about the future of [Battlenet] and the lowest commission in the industry and wanted to launch games here. The remaining one percent submitted resumes and wanted to work under Fang Yun.

In a week, Fang Yun successfully settled the shops on both sides of his store. Tomorrow, he will close the store for renovation. The renovation is expected to take two days.

Fang Yun also received a lot of resumes and planned to interview people while the renovation is going on tomorrow. The number of people who submitted resumes this time is far from the first time they were recruited. Before, Fang Yun was at most a"slightly famous" rookie designer, but now, Fang Yun is already a senior designer! And he can be said to be one of the top senior designers in the country, although he has not produced any VR games.

Although there are many people who came to submit resumes, the overall age is relatively young. The oldest one is only 36 years old, and the youngest are all game designers who have just graduated from the same class as Fang Yun. Fang Yun doesn't care much about age. After all, he has already stated that he needs to bring a game plan when he comes for the interview. Whether he has potential can be roughly seen from the plan.

The next day, Fang Yun arrived at the office of the"system staff" early in the morning. Because of the renovation of the experience store, Fang Yun and them arranged to interview here.

After a while, the first interviewee came.

Fang Yun looked at his resume: Guan Tao, male, 27 years old, graduated from XX with a major in game design, has four years of work experience, and is good at designing small games for PC.……

"Why do you want to come to my studio?"

"Because I am good at PC game design. I also watched your speech on the Internet. According to my understanding, you are a person who is sure of what you say. You let your juniors start from the PC side, which means that you should have a certain understanding of PC games. This is the purpose of my coming."

After hearing this, Fang Yun wanted to ask him:"Are you the legendary detective?"

But the words turned into:"Where is your game plan? Let me see it."

Taking the plan handed over by Guan Tao, Fang Yun simply flipped through it:

《"Wild Survival" mode: single-player and multiplayer.

A group of people are placed in a tropical rain forest. They only have a certain amount of food and some small tools at the beginning. They need to survive in the tropical rain forest for a certain number of days to pass the level. During this period, they need to find food, build shelters, and prevent wild animals from attacking...

Difficulty classification: easy, medium, difficult, crazy.

Level setting: three days for the first level, seven days for the second level, and three days for the third level.……


In general, Guan Tao defined"Survivor" as a small game with levels to pass, and there are also settings for difficulty, etc. However, this whole setting reminded Fang Yun of a popular game in his previous life:"Don't Starve"》!

《Don't Starve is also an action-adventure survival game. As a sandbox game, Don't Starve has a high degree of freedom, and the greatest fun is that it allows players to develop MODs independently and make these MODs part of the game. The

MOD library of the previous Don't Starve is extremely rich. The original version of Don't Starve did not have things like [damage caused in battle] and [monster health bar]. The designers at the time wanted to create a tense combat atmosphere in the game. After all, if you slap your dog in the face in real life, it is impossible for a -1 to pop up on the dog's head.

So the MOD functions made by players are different, but they are all for reducing the difficulty of the game. These MODs are basically divided into three categories:

1. Functional category: For example, [Food Recipes], [Item Carrying Limit 99] (the original version can only stack 20 identical items in one grid), [Health Bar Display], [Cell] (super large warehouse), etc. These MODs can effectively reduce the difficulty.

2. Characters: There are only a few initial characters in Don't Starve, and each person's skills are limited. Players will always get bored after playing for a long time, so some people have developed various character MODs, such as the classic [Elf Princess], [Millennium Fox] and even various anime characters: [Rem], [Ram], [Emilia], etc.


Parody: It is undoubtedly very exciting for new players to play"Don't Starve".

If you are not careful, you will become a soul.

However, Don't Starve is a bit simple for veterans, so some bored players have developed some boring MODs.

Fang Yun used several such MODs in his previous life: [Eating Shit MOD]: Cows in Don't Starve will poop, and this shit can be used as fertilizer, but after adding this MOD, the character you use can eat shit, but will lose blood; [Shitting mod: Every time the character eats a bite of food, he will poop out a pile of shit...

The effect of using these two MODs together will be better...

Think about that picture: Wolfgang holds a pile of shit in his hand, eats it in one bite, then poops out a pile of shit, picks up shit, eats shit, poops, picks up shit... and dies.

If it is an online version, it will be another picture���: Several people stand in a circle, the first person eats shit, the second person picks up the first person's shit and eats it...infinite cycle..._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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