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"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the planning?"

Guan Tao looked at the strange expression on Fang Yun's face and couldn't help asking.

"Ah, no, I just thought of some other things. Sorry, there is nothing wrong with your planning overall, but I have some questions to ask you. There must be a 'survival value' for survival, right? How do you set your survival value?"

"My settings are based on three points: health, food, and water. In the survival game, you may encounter monsters such as wild beasts, and the battle will definitely require health to measure, and the most basic things for survival are food and water. Moreover, this is a small game, so I don’t want to make the settings too complicated."

Guan Tao replied immediately

"Well... welcome to join us!"

Fang Yun thought for a moment and directly admitted Guan Tao.

""Ah?! Is this the only question you ask? Shouldn't an interview ask a variety of questions?"

Guan Tao was startled by Fang Yun.

"That was someone else's interview. I had my own considerations for my interview.

Fang Yun explained.

"So when do I go to work? Is the workplace here?"

Guan Tao looked around at the large team around him and asked

"Your office is on the second floor of the experience store, where the production team works. As for when you start work, it will be two days later. The experience store is being renovated these two days, but you should not be idle when you go home. It is best to improve this plan. I will have a good chat with you when you start work!"

Fang Yun explained briefly.

"Oh well!"


Fang Yun spent the whole day interviewing people here, but none of the remaining people could satisfy him. The reason was very simple: the plans given to Fang Yun were all"re-skins" of existing games on the market, and there was almost no bright spot in them. Even if such plans were made into games, they would not be successful. It would be good enough to keep people fed and clothed...

The situation on the second day was exactly the same as the first day. During the whole day, he interviewed more than a dozen people, but none of them caught Fang Yun's eye. In desperation, Fang Yun could only postpone the date on the recruitment advertisement and prepare to continue the interview at another time. In two days, Fang Yun's experience has changed a lot!

Originally, there were a lot of"blank spaces" on the walls of Fang Yun's experience store. Now these places have been posted with large posters of [Reno], [Kerrigan], and [Zeratul]. In addition, there are life-size figures of [Toriya Pendragon] and [Okita Souji] as soon as you enter the door!

The stores on both sides have been connected, each with an"arch" connected to it, and in front of the arch are also placed《FGO》On the walls on both sides, Fang Yun added storage compartments filled with StarCraft and《FGO》Small figurines of the characters inside.

As for the middle part (Fang Yun's original store), it is now neatly arranged with computers, while the room on the left is the [Casual Mobile Game Area], and the room on the right is the [VR Experience Area], which has more than a dozen brand new game pods with the highest configuration.

Such a game pod costs nearly 10,000 yuan, and Fang Yun bought more than a dozen of them without blinking an eye.

The number of computers in the PC area has not only increased, but also the configuration has been comprehensively upgraded. For example, if the previous computer configuration was 1080Ti, then the current computer configuration is 2080Ti dual-card crossfire!

In the middle of the first floor, the former front desk has been expanded. In addition, Fang Yun has added a bar counter, which will provide some drinks such as milk tea and beverages. Of course, there is no alcohol.

The second floor has also been upgraded: like the first floor, Fang Yun moved his lounge to the far left of the second floor, and then Fang Yun's own office. The original [Conference Room] and Fang Yun's lounge in the middle of the second floor have all become work areas. This time the work area is a small office, which is prepared for designers like Guan Tao. The right side was changed by Fang Yun into a large conference room.

As for the rent of the two stores, Fang Yun paid the school at the market price, because he didn't want to take advantage of the school anymore, so that he couldn't refuse when the school invited him back to give a speech. The school gave a little concession for the lease: 10 years! By the way, the lease of Fang Yun's current store was also extended to the same time.

Fang Yun paid nearly 20 million yuan for the entire renovation!

If the previous store was a rough house, Fang Yun's experience store is now a luxuriously decorated villa!

In this way, the usual crowded experience store will undoubtedly be reduced a lot, but Liu Xin, who usually broadcasts live upstairs, now has to go to the experience area downstairs to broadcast live if he wants to broadcast live. Liu Xin said that there was no problem with this, because the current headphones have a good noise reduction effect. Even in a noisy place, as long as the noise reduction is set up, it is like a person broadcasting live in the room.

Looking at the current experience store, Fang Yun has a sense of being a rich man, which can be seen from the bed in his room: it was just a single bed of 1.2 meters before, but now the bed is 2.2 meters!

Although he was the only one sleeping on the bed... well, this is really a sad story.

In fact, Fang Yun also considered the option of moving to a bigger place, and even thought about directly renting a floor of an office building, but after thinking about it carefully, this is not the most perfect option. Although the number on his bank card is already 9 digits and close to 10 digits, if he does it according to his idea, this amount of money is far from enough!

Even if he rents a floor of an office building now, he will still need to move to another place when the time comes. In this case, it is better to make do with it for now, and then do it all at once. Wouldn’t that be more convenient?

Well, in fact, Fang Yun is too lazy to move...

However, the VR experience area is not open yet, because Fang Yun does not have any VR games yet..., and preparing in advance is just to prepare for his plan: this year he plans to launch three to four PC games and a VR game. As for mobile games, he thinks this depends on the situation. After all, now《FGO》It is currently at a hot stage. If he releases another game to cut leeks, Fang Yun is afraid of being beaten to death by players...

The leeks have been cut hard enough, so let them grow first...

PS: Thank you Huahua! Today, the number of flowers suddenly increased by more than 2,000. I was shocked when I saw it, so I decided to add another chapter, but the additional chapter cannot be updated until the day after tomorrow. The drafts I wrote today have to be used tomorrow, and I have to go to the hospital again tomorrow... It's so miserable.

In addition, I will report the results to everyone: more than 300 subscriptions are satisfactory to me personally. Of course, it can't be compared with other big guys. I also know my own weight. I just hope to maintain this result. It would be best if I can reach 500 subscriptions. Thank you for your support! Thank you all! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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