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"Holy shit… this VR? If I remember correctly, it’s the latest model this year? It looks like the highest configuration? This one would cost 300,000, right? Fang Yun bought more than a dozen of them at once?"

"Yes, a game cabinet costs nearly 300,000 yuan, and this life-size figure is not cheap either! Such a life-size figure would cost tens of thousands of yuan, and it would be even more expensive if it was custom-made. How many did Fang Yun order at once? Aren't you afraid that it will be damaged if it is placed outside like this?"

"Do you think Fang Yun would care about this? He is making a lot of money now. A figurine is only worth a few hundred orders.《FGO》The big guy has already made forty or fifty orders in just one month since the server was launched?"

"Hiss...I really want to experience it���The machines in this PC section look so good... I can't even afford to have a computer like this at home.……"

"The key is that the experience is free, but drinks are charged! Although Fang Yun is very ruthless, when it comes to the game experience, I have to say that he still has some conscience. This experience store should have been losing money since its opening, right? Now the configuration has been fully upgraded, but the policy of free experience is still implemented. I have to give a thumbs up to this. At least Fang Yun is much better than some designers and companies in this regard!"

"VR experience area? Doesn't that mean Fang Yun is going to get involved in the VR industry? Didn't Fang Yun say before that he would release a PC game to compete for the Game of the Year award this year? Is he going to slap himself in the face? Really fragrant warning?"

"The above, don't you know how fast Fang Yun makes a game? Fang Yun only took more than a month to make a masterpiece like"StarCraft", and he almost won an award, and this year has just started! Isn't ten months enough for Fang Yun to make a PC game?"

"Indeed, Fang Yun's production speed is too fast. I wonder what kind of team he organized? Could it be that his team has hundreds of people working on the code at the same time? Even if it is a three-star company, it will take at least three to four months to make such a game. Of course, this is without mentioning the creative planning."

"Let's go to the experience store tomorrow! I plan to touch the figurine and start drawing cards. Maybe the figurine will bring me good luck!"

"Good idea, take me one!"

"I am coming too!"


The next day, Guan Tao came to work on time.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw many players surrounding several life-size figures, touching them, some even bowing to them, while mumbling something. He got closer and listened:

"Great King Arthur, please bless me to get something out of the ten consecutive draws! If I get something out, I will come to pay my respects to you once a week!"

Then, the player who was muttering to himself took out his mobile phone,"FGO", and drew cards!

The first nine cards were mediocre, and even the Star-Protecting Gift Set had already been released. Just when the player's face was about to be filled with disappointment, the last rotating card suddenly emitted a golden light!

""Shit! It’s out!!!"

The player yelled excitedly, and people around him gathered around to watch.

"It's my general manager! I finally got the general manager! I am also a person with a general manager! Thank you Fang Yun, thank you Fang Yun for providing such a platform for worship! I will come to worship once a week in the future!"

Guan Tao finally understood, and Fang Yun also came over:

"Come on, follow me upstairs. I'll arrange an office for you. Xiaoyi, come upstairs with me too. I have something to talk to you about later."

""Boss, what's going on with them?" Guan Tao asked as he went upstairs.

"I just wanted to pay my respects to these figures. I didn't expect that the figures, which were originally used for decoration, would be so popular. And it seems that a few people actually drew the cards... and the rest of the players are like this."

Fang Yun said with some laughter and tears

"This is really……"

Guan Tao was also a little amused. It was clearly a purely random card draw, but they had to make so much mystery out of it.

After going up to the second floor, Fang Yun took Guan Tao into the first office. This office would be called Guan's from now on. The three of them walked in, and Fang Yun closed the door directly:

"It's a good opportunity to talk about our first project this year!"

Fang Yun looked at Guan Tao who was observing the office and Qu Xiaoyi who was a little confused, and said straight to the point

"Since there are only three of us designers in the company, we don't need to go to the big conference room next door. I'll just say that my first project this year is to make a small PC game, and the type is exactly the kind of"survival" game that Guan Tao planned for me."

"It just so happens that you are best at this, Guan Tao, and this is also a big part of the reason why I recruited you. This is the plan I made before. You two can take a look at it, and then Guan Tao, you will be responsible for perfecting it, and Qu Xiaoyi will assist Guan Tao. You two can work here now, and I will watch it alone."

Fang Yun said, opening a document on the office computer.

Guan Tao and Qu Xiaoyi looked at the document together:

Project name:"Don't Starve"

Game type: Action adventure survival sandbox game, PC.

Background setting: Maxwell is a magician, whose original name is William Carter.

He lived in Country Y, but his performance was very bad, so he was heavily in debt, and then he ran to Country M, but his performance in Country M was still unsuccessful, so he went to San Francisco, Country M to seek refuge with his brother, but the train had an accident halfway, and William survived, but it was like a different person, and he also called himself"The Great Maxwell".

After the train accident, William Carter had a book, which became an important prop for his magic performance.

Later, William Carter became a hit and became a well-known magician. teacher, and recruited a girl named"Charlie" as his assistant. During a performance, the shadow monster in the magic book suddenly went out of control! Maxwell escaped by chance, but more shadow monsters in the book still captured him, and even Charlie was involved in this practice.

In this way, Charlie and Maxwell were brought to another world (the world the player came to), and he must use his own wisdom to survive in the cruel wild environment.

Game mechanism: Players must use the natural resources in the other world to keep themselves alive and resist the threats of various creatures in the other world! The ultimate goal of the game is to survive. The longer you live, the higher the final score!

Survival settings: life; hunger; spirit value; humidity.

Monster settings; BOSS settings; survival tools; consumables; weapons; props enhancement----Pending.

PS: Please give me flowers and votes~

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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