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"This is the background of the game I set. It is different from the plan you gave me in that this is a [different world], and the overall style is absurd. You should be able to feel this from these pictures. What you need to do is to improve these tentative settings and make them closer to the actual survival needs of a survivor. The settings of monsters and the like must also conform to the overall style."

Fang Yun looked at the two people after they finished reading the background story and said

"I have a question. Guan Tao thought for a moment and said


"Why do you give them a backstory no matter what game it is?"

"This is very simple. In my opinion, games with background stories and games without background stories are completely different games. Background stories can greatly enrich the connotation of the game. Take my current game"Don't Starve" as an example. If it is just explained that this is a different world, then how did the protagonist come from? Players will inevitably go back and think about this question during the game. Without a background story, there will be no answer."

"Moreover, the background story will also arouse players' curiosity about the game. For example, what exactly is Maxwell's magic book? What functions does it have? These are not mentioned in the background story. Players go back to think about these, although it is not important whether this book has any special functions."

Fang Yun's words triggered the two people's thinking again.

"A person who pursues perfection."

This is what Guan Tao silently added to Fang Yun's"personal label" after thinking about it.

"You should understand the task, which is to set it up according to the overall style, and then give it to me to take a look. This can also be regarded as your entry test. Do a good job, I am optimistic about you!"

Fang Yun said this and walked out of the office, leaving the two to think about the next work.

"I understand life and hunger, but what is spirit? And what about humidity?"

Qu Xiaoyi didn't quite understand, but Guan Tao, who was good at this, gave an answer:

"The mental value should be san, which comes from the English word"sanity".

The player value of the game can be regarded as willpower to some extent: when a mental blow is suffered, such as witnessing a terrible monster or seeing a bizarre scene or directly witnessing those little-known and indescribable horrors, SAN will drop sharply.

The negative effect of SAN reduction is that it will cause some irregular madness and phobia.

When san drops to 0, it means that the person has fallen into madness.


"Boss Fang added this setting, plus the shadow in the background before, this game should have some Cthulhu style. San's setting is very clever. I never thought that such a setting could be added to a survival game!"

"As for humidity, there should be weather changes in the game, right? Too much humidity can make people sick, etc.?"

Through the four settings, the two of them roughly understood what kind of"different world" Fang Yun wanted to create, and then the two of them discussed what other settings should be in Fang Yun's style. In three days, the two of them finished the settings.

Fang Yun took a look: basic production tools were all there, monsters would give meat when killed, there were wild vegetables on the ground, and combat tools were also some simple and crude tools. There were also several monsters and bosses, but they were all placed in specific places.

"Overall it's OK, but some places need to be modified, and there are still many places that need new things added!"

"There is nothing wrong with the production tools, but the problem is the monsters.

This is a different world.

Will killing a monster give you a piece of pork? Can the meat of monsters be eaten? This part should be changed to: Monsters have a chance to drop monster meat when they die.

A small amount of monster meat combined with other vegetables can be eaten, but eating monster meat directly will cause blood and sanity loss.

Then you need to set some neutral creatures, and these creatures will drop normal meat after death!

Then you need to make a"recipe".

Different vegetables can be combined to make different foods, and the effects of the food are also different.


"As for the setting of san, I haven't seen you ask me these two days. I guess you all know that san comes from Cthulhu-related board games, so this game will have day and night. If there is no light at night, san will fall off. When san is low to a certain level, hallucinations will occur. If it is lower, the monsters in the hallucination will attack the player!"

"The game has four seasons of humidity. In spring, there is a lot of rain, so food will rot faster, but plants will also grow faster. In summer, the dry weather is easy to catch fire, not only the player's buildings, but also the system's forests. Autumn is the best season. In winter, plants stop growing, and players need to store food for the winter in advance."

"You guys can make the changes as I said, and add a seasonal BOSS to each season. The spawn point should not be fixed, but set it to spawn around the player, so that there will be a sense of survival."

"By the way, you must remember that this is a sandbox game. What should a sandbox game focus on? The freedom of the players! Therefore, the primary purpose of all settings is to allow players to move freely in this world, to survive freely, and some restrictions cannot be too many! But the players must feel the pressure of survival!"

Fang Yun briefly commented on the settings of the two people. Fang Yun affirmed the results of the two people's three days. The basic things are all there, but some details are not noticed, but it is understandable. After all, the two people want to keep up with Fang Yun's ideas. It still requires a lot of effort, and now it has just begun.

After the comment, Fang Yun went downstairs again with milk tea as his receptionist, leaving the two upstairs looking at each other.

After a long time, Qu Xiaoyi spoke first:"It seems that Boss Fang already has a complete setting. Were these tentative settings used to test us?"

"It looks like... Yes, these settings are so novel! Many of them are things I have never thought of or heard of. According to Boss Fang's settings, this game is almost the same as real life!"

Guan Tao said with admiration.

PS: I have to go to the hospital today, so the update time may be late, please forgive me!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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