"First of all, combining survival games with Cthulhu can be said to be original. There has never been a survival game like this before. The best survival game"Survival" on the VR platform only has settings for blood volume, health, food, and water. The san value setting now seems to be really suitable for this game!"

"Then these small details, such as the cooking system, are very close to reality, and the fact that monsters only drop monster meat, the details are really full!"

Guan Tao has now become Fang Yun's big fan, and all kinds of praises are constantly coming out of his mouth.

Fang Yun did not use the system for"Don't Starve" this time. First, because the plot of"Don't Starve" is very simple, and second, because Fang Yun has a deep impression. In his previous life, when he was in college, he often played"Don't Starve" online with his roommates, and they would starve all night.

Fang Yun remembered the main props, monster values and other settings clearly.

So this time the game production was completely handed over to the two people, and Fang Yun was busy with his business at this time.

Previously, because the players on the Internet were saying that Fang Yun was preparing to get involved in the VR industry, Fang Yun was ready to fight back, so Fang Yun is now... writing a novel!

It is not accurate to say that it is a novel. The full name of what Fang Yun wrote is:"Aize"Chronicles of Azeroth"!

Coupled with what Fang Yun said before:"In my opinion,"StarCraft" has not reached the pinnacle of RTS games", Fang Yun's purpose can be imagined!

If the background story of StarCraft can be made into a movie trilogy, then the story that takes place in Azeroth cannot be told even in ten movies!

This is a big project!

Fang Yun is also prepared for several months of research and development this time, but he can't just make this game in these months, so Fang Yun prepared a few small games and prepared to hand them over to the team he recruited to produce, and he will be responsible for the final review.

At the same time, the domestic"StarCraft" professional league has also started after the new year. Fang Yun has also reviewed the participating teams and found no black history. The organizer even invited Fang Yun was invited to personally commentate on a game to help promote the game, but he refused on the grounds that he was busy developing a new game and could not spare the time.

However, Fang Yun has been following the development of StarCraft, and professional leagues abroad have also been held. Of course, all of these organizers have obtained authorizations from Fang Yun.

While recalling the history of Azeroth with the help of a potion, Fang Yun was thinking about WCG. The professional league has already started, and judging from the current ladder, the professional players are adapting very quickly, and there are quite a lot of high-scoring players and passers-by.

However, if Fang Yun were to host the game alone, the experience and money spent would undoubtedly be huge. He now needs to invest a lot of money in the CG of Azeroth, so whether to find a financial partner becomes a question. This is Fang Yun's main concern at the moment.

After thinking about it, Fang Yun decided to do it himself. Although there is only one competition event in WCG now, there will be more than one in the future. If he finds a sponsor this year, it will be difficult to send him away in the future. Even if he is a little tired, it is better to do it himself.

There is no rush for the competition now. The operation and tactics of professional players still have a lot of room for improvement. If the competition is held now, although the popularity is enough, the viewing experience will be much worse. Not only the players, but also the commentators need time to adapt to this game.

In the next few days, Fang Yun has been downstairs with the memory enhancement potion recalling the plot of Warcraft, while Guan Tao and Qu Xiaoyi are supplementing and improving the various settings of"Don't Starve".

Finally, the settings of"Don't Starve" are all done. After Fang Yun read it once, he felt that it was not much different from the original work in his previous life, so he nodded and passed it.

The next step is the production of the game. The overall game is not big, and it is not difficult to make. Fang Yun's team only took a week to complete the production and installed the game on the computer in the experience store.

On this day, Liu Xin came to Fang Yun's experience store to live broadcast as usual.

Now Liu Xin has become the"second bridge" for communication between Fang Yun and the players.

Of course, the first bridge is Weibo, but this first bridge seems a bit narrow, and communication is very troublesome (Fang Yun seldom replies).

Therefore, Liu Xin naturally became a mouthpiece.

If the players have any questions, they will send barrage questions, and then Liu Xin will ask Fang Yun, and Fang Yun will tell the players what Liu Xin has answered...

It is obviously a modern society, but it is made to be like the ancient society...

But this also has its advantages. The number of people in Liu Xin's live broadcast room has increased significantly. Now Liu Xin not only broadcasts RTS games, but occasionally broadcasts《FGO》Moreover, players like to watch him spend money to draw cards, because... he is also an African!

"You look the coolest when you draw cards!"

This is the most common phrase that players say when Liu Xin draws cards.

As usual today, Liu Xin first turns on the live broadcast and chats with the audience while logging into the game. At this time, Liu Xin finds that there is another icon next to the [Battlenet] icon on the computer desktop that he has never seen before:


"Eh? Is this Boss Fang's new game? Damn, it's only been a short time and Boss Fang is making a new game again?"

Liu Xin was a little surprised. This time Fang Yun was very quiet. There was no movement at all about the new game. Suddenly he took out a test version, which made people who were used to seeing Fang Yun's previews on Weibo very uncomfortable.

"I saw it today, and asked Boss Fang. He told me that this game is more fun when played online. It's a small game. How about it? Do you want to try it?"

Lu Ziming, who was sitting next to Liu Xin, had just finished playing a game of StarCraft. Seeing Liu Xin looking at the Don't Starve icon, he said

"New game? Try it!"

"Play quickly!"

"It should be a game of finding food, right?"

"Isn't that a survival game?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were also very curious and persuaded Liu Xin not to play StarCraft today and play Fang Yun's new game to see what it was.

"Okay, then I will join the Don't Starve Together team today!"

Liu Xin made the decision immediately.

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