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Then Lu Ziming made a hoe and started mining. So, one of them chopped trees while the other mined. They had a lot of fun. What they didn't notice was that in the status bar in the upper right corner, the hunger level was always decreasing. Lu Ziming's Valkyrie didn't feel anything, but Liu Xin's Wolfgang was different:

Liu Xin found that his character was getting thinner and thinner while he was chopping trees.

"Damn, is it possible to lose weight here? This is too good to be true."

After Liu Xin found that his character had lost weight, he told the audience in the live broadcast room.

Some careful viewers had noticed the hunger level and sent barrages. Unfortunately, due to the large number of viewers, Liu Xin did not notice the barrages such as"You are starving to death" mixed in with the"weight loss" barrages.

Soon, the hunger value was almost at the bottom, and the game characters also issued prompts: I think I should eat something.

After receiving the character’s prompt, Liu Xin realized that his character’s hunger value was already very low!

"Damn, it turns out that my character gets thinner when he's hungry! He was a great history guy before, but now he's just a kidney-deficient man!"

Liu Xin complained, and quickly ate some berries and carrots he had collected before, but these things didn't increase the hunger value by much. After eating all the things he had collected, Wolfgang's hunger value just recovered to more than half.

Then Liu Xin discovered that his character seemed to get hungry very quickly?

"Hey, do you have any food? Give me some, I get hungry so fast!"

"Yes, I'll give it to you first. We still need to collect more things!"

Lu Ziming looked at his Valkyrie and saw that her hunger value was still healthy, so he shared the berries in his hand with Liu Xin, who ate them again.

After eating, the two continued to open the map and collect food.

"Is this a gathering game? I haven't seen any monsters yet, and my spear is thirsty!"

Lu Ziming said

"I don't know, maybe we haven't found the monster yet. Why do I feel like it's getting dark? Do I need to light a fire?"

"It should be, let me do it."

Lu Ziming made a disposable fire, and the two stood in front of it. Soon, it was dark.

The lighting range of the fire was limited, and Liu Xin did not dare to leave the lighting range, but the night was so long that Liu Xin could only stand by the fire and eat food. Soon he made a new discovery:

"Damn? This berry can be roasted and eaten?"Liu Xin said in surprise as he looked at the roasted berries he occasionally made.

"Really? Let me try it too!" Lu Ziming was also curious. He took out some berries and roasted them on the fire. He was about to eat them, but was rejected by the Valkyrie!

"I am not a vegetarian? What the hell???!"


"What to do? Do you have any meat?"

"Damn, we two were acting together, where did it come from?"

"Damn, I'm almost starving to death!"

Lu Ziming looked at the Valkyrie's gradually decreasing hunger value and felt like crying.

"How about we make two torches and see if there is any meat?" Liu Xin suggested.

So, the two of them made two torches and started to work separately in the evening.……

"Shit! I’m starving!"

Lu Ziming watched as his Valkyrie suddenly fell to the ground, and a white soul floated out of her body.

"Where can I be resurrected?"

"I don't know, let me help you check! No, why did my san start falling down after you died?!"

"What is san?"

"have no idea……"

Liu Xin watched as his Wolfgang's sanity kept decreasing and soon reached the red warning line. Then he found that there seemed to be many black eyes around his screen staring at him. After a while, his sanity was cleared... and then many illusory monsters appeared and gradually surrounded him.……

"Haven't you resurrected yet? I'm going to die too!"

Because of the torch, Liu Xin couldn't attack at all at this time. His attempt to attack the monster just now ended in failure, so he could only run away with the torch.

What he didn't notice was that... his torch was almost used up.

As he ran, the torch went out!


Liu Xin looked at his dark screen, listening to Wolfgang's struggles from the headphones, and then there was no movement...

He also became a soul!

So, the first journey of the two failed: one starved to death due to lack of meat, and the other was killed by the night...

The two speechless could only start the journey again, but the various ways of their deaths made the audience in the live broadcast room very happy.

At the end of the day, the two were exhausted...

After turning off the live broadcast, Liu Xin finally couldn't help but complain to Fang Yun:

"Boss Fang, this game is too difficult, isn't it? Although the setting is very novel, the food is too hard to find... There were so many spiders in the early stage, and the two of us couldn't beat them at all... Lu Ziming also provoked a group of cows, and the two of us were directly killed by the cows.……"

"Is it fun?

Fang Yun ignored Liu Xin and Lu Ziming's complaints and asked directly if the game was fun.

"……It’s fun!"

Liu Xin finally nodded and admitted the fact.

When admitting that"Don’t Starve" was fun, Liu Xin even had the thought"Am I a masochist?" He died all day playing a game, and in the end he still said that the game was fun. Isn’t this masochism?

Almost all the players who came to the experience store today experienced"Don’t Starve", but some played the online version and some played the stand-alone version, but the endings were similar: on the first day, they collected resources, but it was dark and there was no fire, so they died; they survived for a few days, but because they didn’t dare to fight monsters, they didn’t have enough berries, so they died; they mustered up the courage to fight neutral cows, but were gored to death by the cows, and died; because of curiosity, they Went to check out the beehive, got stung by bees, died; couldn't beat the spider, died; fed the pigman too much monster meat, the pigman mutated and started killing, died...

During this day, the experiences of the players in Fang Yun Experience Store are enough to write a novel called:"One Hundred Ways to Die in Don't Starve".

Although the infinite reloads and infinite deaths make the players miserable, the novelty of the game mechanism still makes them deeply addicted!

This is the kind of game that you don't play, but you will feel happy just watching others play it. The audience in Liu Xin's live broadcast room laughed and watched Liu Xin constantly"knock out GG" all day long."


PS: Fortunately, I have some drafts saved. I left home before 9 o'clock this morning and came back after 5 o'clock in the afternoon. This little time in the evening is not enough to write four chapters... Five chapters tomorrow! Please give me some flowers and votes~_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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