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Liu Xin's live broadcast screen recording was uploaded to the Internet, and the players discovered that it turned out that [survival] games could actually be played like this?

"Holy shit...isn't this too real? Burning a tree will give you charcoal?"

"What's wrong with that? Didn't you see that if you cut down too many trees, the old tree spirit will appear to punish you? Doesn't this highlight the word environmental protection?"

"The most interesting thing is to pick up cow dung. The fertilizer for crops in this game actually all depends on shit!"

"Do you have a brief history of time (picking up shit)?"

"It looks really fun. Do you want to team up with friends? When the game is launched, let's go pick up shit together’!"

Players were talking about it, and Fang Yun did not disappoint them. The test of"Don't Starve" lasted only three days, and Fang Yun launched the game online!

Players downloaded it one after another. Although many people had played survival games before, those games were nothing compared to"Don't Starve".

In essence, general games do not have the setting of"eating and drinking water", because players need to spend their time on other things.

Survival games do the opposite, specifically magnifying the point of"survival", highlighting one point: how can you survive?!

This is the foundation of a survival game, but other survival games on the market now focus on the diversity and strength of monsters, but forget the most basic thing: survival.

To be honest, the monsters in Fang Yun's Don't Starve are not terrible.

Although players who play for the first time may die N times a day, most of them are caused by unfamiliarity with the game.

The essence of"Don't Starve" is actually collection and construction, collecting resources, and building your own home.

When players complete this step, they will feel a great sense of accomplishment, because every brick and tile of this home is collected by themselves through hard work.

As soon as the game was launched, it was very popular. Many designers in the same field found that the absurd style and Cthulhu were a special match. Survival games can actually add san settings!

It can be said that Fang Yun's"Don't Starve" is a huge improvement to survival games in the eyes of other designers. Although it did not change the RTS game landscape like"Starcraft", it also provided a good direction for designers in the same field, especially those who focus on survival games.

Fang Yun's"Don't Starve" is just a small production, a small game. What if they make"Don't Starve" into a large game? Will it also be very popular?

Designers are thinking about this problem, and Fang Yun is preparing for another thing. It turned out that when he established his studio, there was no such thing as an official website. It was not until the launch of [] that Fang Yun registered an official website for his own company, but the structure of the website was very simple. In addition to the download addresses of several games and the download links of [], it was just a simple introduction of the studio.

What Fang Yun is doing now is a complete website. In the past two days, Fang Yun has applied to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for a new company name: Yunmeng Entertainment Company!

The previous Yunmeng Studio is now very suitable, because the studio is like a small workshop. For a company that has produced such a fine game as"StarCraft", it is now considered a powerful company. It is not too much to change the studio into a successful company.

The application was approved today, so I started to modify and improve the company's official website. The previous official website was only divided into two categories: [Company Profile] and [Game Download]. But now Fang Yun has subdivided all the games that have been produced, and added a forum function to each game's webpage.

In other words, the current structure is: [Company Profile] [Blank] [Game and Related Forums]

After the structure was completed, Fang Yun began to write in the middle column:

【blank】=【Azeroth National Geographic】!!!

【[National Geographic of Azeroth] was the largest"World of Warcraft" forum in Fang Yun's previous life. It was an unofficial forum for"World of Warcraft", but it was the only Chinese website in the mainland that was officially certified by Blizzard's special website plan!

In the previous life, since the birth of"World of Warcraft", it has attracted the attention of Warcraft fans all over the world. Except for a few players in China who directly learned information from the official English website of Warcraft, most Warcraft fans could only find a little bit of introduction and information about Warcraft from the only Chinese website of Warcraft at that time: [National Geographic of Azeroth].

For people who are not familiar with Warcraft, this website is a world away from Warcraft from the name. Even if it is said that it is a small country in Africa, some people will probably believe it, but anyone who knows Warcraft will feel sincere and kind when seeing it: this is the country of the majority of Warcraft fans!

Fang Yun's [National Geographic of Azeroth] is regarded by Fang Yun as the beginning of the prelude to Azeroth!

After changing the name, Fang Yun uploaded the first CG produced by the team. Although this CG was not long, only about five minutes, the cost was huge!

The CG was divided into two versions: the Chinese dubbing version and the English dubbing version. The cost of producing this CG was no less than the cost of other designers to produce a large-scale game!

For the perfection in his heart, Fang Yun did not blink an eye!

After uploading the CG, Fang Yun opened a separate post:

【Azeroth History! 】

And uploaded the first history and the map of Azeroth!

Chapter 1 Mythology

Titan Creation

No one knows how the universe came into being. Some people believe that a huge explosion created the boundless universe and eventually gave birth to various forms of life. Others believe that the universe was created by a powerful entity. Although there has been no clear answer to the question of how this chaotic universe came into being, it is certain that a powerful race brought order to this world to ensure that other races can follow in their footsteps.

The Titans are huge gods with hard metal skin. They came from a distant orderly universe to change this world. They shaped their ideal world by creating tall mountains and digging vast oceans. They created a changing atmosphere and a boundless sky-all of this is part of their great plan to establish a powerful order. They even taught various skills to primitive races and taught them to maintain the balance and harmony of the world.

In the first age of creation, the Titans brought order to billions of worlds scattered in the boundless darkness under the management of an organization called the Pantheon.

In order to protect the world they built, the benevolent gods are always on the lookout for evil forces hidden in the evil dimension - the Twisting Nether.

The Twisting Nether is a void space filled with chaotic magical power.

It connects all the worlds in the universe.

Countless cruel and evil creatures live here.

All they want is to destroy all life and devour the energy of the universe.

The pure and selfless Titans work tirelessly to eliminate the threat of these demons.

PS: After thinking about it, I finally decided to write Warcraft first.

After all, it can be said that without Warcraft, there wouldn't be so many self-made maps, and there wouldn't be 3C later..


There wouldn't be a MOBA game like LOL.

I just received more than 2,000 flowers...

But if I want to update six chapters today...

To be honest, it's a bit difficult, especially when I don't have any chapters saved.

I'll try my best.

If I can't, I'll make it up tomorrow!

Thank you for your flowers and votes~_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Xiao

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