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After finishing all this, Fang Yun stretched his back and opened Weibo. Edit:

Yunmeng Studio has officially changed its name to Yunmeng Entertainment Company from today!

The official website has been completely revamped with richer content. URL: XXX

Note: There are surprises waiting for everyone to discover on the website!


After completing the task, Fang Yun continued to compile his [Chronicles of Azeroth] and the players who followed Fang Yun on Weibo saw Fang Yun's Weibo at the first time:

"The studio has become a company? Fang Yun's purpose is obvious!"

"That's for sure. What's wrong with being able to run a big company? I look forward to the day when Yunmeng Company surpasses the three major companies!"

"Official website update? Any surprises? I'll go check it out first……"

While discussing the name change of Fang Yun Studio, the players opened the link to the company's official website provided by Fang Yun:

"【[Company Profile] This is not a big change. Huh? The previous games all updated a forum function? This is good, it is equivalent to the official forum of the game, right? [National Geography of Azeroth]? What is this? Is it a small country in Africa? Is Fang Yun going to be a geography teacher?"

With curiosity, the players clicked on the link of [National Geography of Azeroth]. As soon as they opened it, a CG came into view!

A yellowed and unfamiliar map appeared in front of the players, and at the same time, the narrator began to narrate slowly:

"Four years have passed since the Alliance and the Horde fought side by side against the invasion of the Burning Legion. Although they successfully saved the continent of Azeroth, the fragile agreement between the Horde and the Alliance has long since disappeared!"

When the narration came to this point, the screen directly showed one of the continents on the map. The name on it was: Azeroth!

At the same time, the words [Stormwind City] and [Khaz Modan] were also displayed on the map.

"Now, the deafening drums of war sound once again!" When the narrator finished speaking, a word slowly appeared in the middle of the screen:

YUNMENGENTERTAINMENTPRESENTS (produced by Yunmeng Entertainment).

Then, the screen turned white, and when it appeared again, a European with a big nose and full beard came into view!

The camera slowly pulled away, and next to this person was a brown bear, and he was holding a shotgun in his hand! Judging from his height, this person seemed to be very short, because his height was only less than half a body taller than the brown bear lying next to him!

"Looks like a dwarf? But this is big, right?"

The players continued to watch the animation with this thought in mind:

As the camera gradually zoomed out, the players, the dwarf with a gun and his bear were now standing on the hillside of a snowy mountain, and now it was snowing heavily. There seemed to be a huge city gate in the middle of the snowy mountain.

Just when the players were curious about what kind of city was built in such a place, the camera turned: a dense jungle appeared in front of the players, and a woman with a dark purple complexion, long and pointed ears, and a left hand leaning on what seemed to be a staff appeared in front of the players in a half-squatting position!

The woman was observing the dagger in her right hand. Suddenly, her ears moved, as if she had received some news. She stood up, put away the dagger and took the staff and began to run wildly between the rugged rocks and the dense jungle. Her movements were extremely flexible, and it was obvious that she had practiced living in similar terrain for many years!

When she was halfway through the run, she seemed to feel that her speed was not enough, and her body pounced forward. A burst of purple light flashed, and the whole person turned into a nimble cheetah!

Jumped directly from the hillside!

""What the hell? Is this a human or a ghost?!"

The players were shocked by the sudden transformation!

The leopard landed on a small pool of water, splashing water everywhere. The picture changed again: this time it was a grassland, but many places on the ground were dry, with only scattered weeds growing strongly, and a foot that looked like a bone stepped on the grass!

The picture gradually moved up: the owner of this terrifying foot did not look like a good thing...

The whole person seemed to be skin and bones, with long gray and white hair fluttering in the wind. The overall picture tended to be dark green, and the right hand seemed to be holding a staff!

Behind it, a huge rock giant with green flames and roaring gradually came!

The picture turned again: this time it seemed to be a Gobi-like terrain. On a small hill, the players saw a minotaur wearing chain mail!

The minotaur was sprinkling unknown powder down the mountain!

The perspective followed the powder, and the picture came to a simple wall surrounded by flames. , a green-skinned monster (orc) stood in front of the city gate, holding a huge mace in his hand!

At this time, a few words were faintly heard in the magnificent background music: LOKTarogar!

The scene turned again, and the huge rock giant from before was climbing and destroying a city. A human stood on the city wall, rubbed a fireball and threw it at the rock giant coming towards him!

Then, the scene returned to the original dwarf: the dwarf fired a shot, and at the same time, the brown bear beside him also pounced on a minotaur! The minotaur held the bear aside with a totem in his hand.

The scene turned, and the girl who could transform into a leopard seemed to be fighting with the huge orc just now!

Then the human mage stood by the city wall, casting spells with both hands (emitting blue and white light), and I don’t know what kind of spell he was chanting! The last picture was frozen at the scene of the human mage casting a spell, and then the screen went black, and the words appeared:《WARCRAFT》!

The entire game lasts only five minutes, but players feel like they have personally experienced the grandeur of the mountains, the wildness of the jungle, and the excitement of war. They even worry about the bear's condition when the tauren uses a totem to hold the dwarf's bear aside. When the beautiful woman (actually the night elf druid) fights the green-skinned barbarian (orc), players worry whether such a cute girl can beat the strong man.

When the rock giant (hellfire) rushes towards the human mage, players worry whether the mage can finish chanting the spell.

Unfortunately, they don't know the result of all this and can only rely on guesses in their minds.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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