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Yun still does his own thing, maintaining the style of updating once a week, and the amount of each update is also very small, just a few paragraphs, adding up to only a few hundred words, but the next thing is not as beginning and end as the previous two updates. Next, a very important race appears: the night elves!

When the word night elves is mentioned, players will think of the elf girl with dark skin in the CG!

"Finally, there is a match!"

The players burst into tears, and the main course was finally served!

At this time, two weeks had passed since the development of"Warcraft". The battle system had been developed, and the plot chapters had also been developed. Now the production team was working hard on... CG!

There was no other way. Almost every chapter of the plot chapter had many cutscenes. According to Fang Yun's principle of continuous improvement, the time spent on this was even longer than making the game.……

"Alas, I don’t want to go this way.……"

Fang Yun sighed helplessly. When"Warcraft" was launched, Fang Yun had already imagined that the title of"Yunmeng Studio" would definitely be established. After all, these CGs...

The battle system was completed, and it was time for Fang Yun to announce:

《Warcraft is coming soon!

Tip: A different gameplay from Starcraft!

Just two simple sentences, and it's released directly!

In fact, in the past, there has always been controversy over which of Warcraft and Starcraft is the strongest RTS.

From the production point of view, Starcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 use the same game engine, so this aspect can be said to be fifty-fifty.

From the subject matter point of view, one is science fiction and the other is magic, which is also fifty-fifty.

From the plot point of view...

this point is undoubtedly that Warcraft has some advantages.

After all, a magnificent alien world is more popular than Star Wars.

Finally, the game mechanism, the unique hero gameplay of Warcraft is not available in Starcraft.

Some people like the gameplay of Warcraft that combines heroism and teamwork, while some people like pure teamwork, which is also the biggest reason for the controversy.

And a big reason why Blizzard did not launch Starcraft 2 that year was that Warcraft 3 achieved great success...

And the concept of heroes, in this world's RTS world, is also the first time it has been proposed!

Once the Weibo was posted, it once again triggered a wave of enthusiasm among players:

"What the hell? Another RTS? Is Fang Yun planning to play RTS forever?"

"Could it be that this is the real RTS he mentioned?"

"A different gameplay from StarCraft? What could that be? Aren’t all RTS games the same?"

"Last year, Fang Yun’s"StarCraft" almost won the Best Game award. Is it going to make a comeback this year?"

"Is this a self-talk before the execution? But the current market situation... I still don't think it's good.……"

Although the specific content is unknown, it still cannot affect the enthusiasm of the players to discuss. After all, Fang Yun's two sentences have revealed the theme of his new game: RTS.

That's enough.

The players are discussing it, and the one who suffers the most is Sky Interactive Entertainment. Since last year's flagship game was slapped in the face by Fang Yun, they are trying their best to make a fine RTS game this year to restore their reputation. As for how to do it?

Of course, they will learn from Fang Yun's success.

Although they can't imagine such a perfect plot, they can still make an RTS game with a plot, and then make some plot chapters.

Although it is not as good as"StarCraft", it should be enough to be called a good RTS game.

But Fang Yun suddenly did this, which confused Sky Interactive Entertainment!

Will they make this year's RTS or not? Everything is afraid of comparison.

There is no harm without comparison.

If you do it, you will inevitably compare.

Originally, they were ready to compare with"StarCraft".

Anyway, they were not prepared to compare with"StarCraft".

After all, in their eyes,"StarCraft" is enough to be called the pinnacle of RTS.

But what if Fang Yun's new game"Warcraft" this year is really as he said before, doesn't it mean that"StarCraft" will become the second?

Then their work can't even compare with the second...

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the company.

The RTS project team that had been formed was urgently stopped, and a meeting began to discuss whether to"face up to the challenge". After a long discussion, the final decision was... to admit defeat.

Then, the RTS project team that had just been formed for a few weeks was disbanded. There will be no RTS projects this year, unless Fang Yun's"Warcraft" suffered a Waterloo.

Players who love RTS are extremely tormented, but most of the other players are just curious about the story of Azeroth.

After all, judging from the plot that Fang Yun has revealed now, Azeroth must have many stories, and it is not something that can be solved by a simple main line!

Many years later, many players referred to this year as [Year One of Fang Yun], and the full name is [Year One of Fang Yun's Azeroth Universe].

Of course, this is already N years later.

As for now, the popularity of"Don't Starve" is still continuing, and"Don't Starve" has also been launched on the international platform and has been well received!

It has to be said that whether in the previous life or this world, the creativity of players is extremely rich.

"Don't Starve" has only been online for a short time, and various MODs have appeared.

There is almost no difference between the basic mods and the previous life.

There are many character mods.

As for the spoof (eating shit) mods, it may be because the game has just been online for a short time, and people are still addicted to the stage of picking up shit (collecting supplies).

There are already many masters on the Internet who have recorded their own"homes" into videos and posted them on the Internet, and the comments below are all envious.

Fang Yun had the same feeling back then. He looked at the luxurious homes in the online videos, and then looked at his own home which looked like a pigsty...

He had the urge to start over... When he really started over, his own home looked pretty good. The big guys on the Internet launched the [Home Building 2.0] version. After comparing...

Oh, it's so sad to talk about it..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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