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, players have just passed the stage of"how to survive", which means that players have just mastered the skills of fighting monsters and surviving.

Old Marxism tells us that the economic base determines the superstructure, and Maslow's demand theory also puts physiological needs at the bottom of the pyramid: when people can't even guarantee food and clothing, they will not consider whether their living place is comfortable. When people can already meet their own food and clothing, and even have a surplus, they will think about their own residence, their own clothes, and a series of other issues.

《The same is true for Don't Starve.

When you can't even survive the most basic things, you won't consider whether your home is beautiful or neat.

But when killing monsters is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables for you, you don't have to worry about finding food before you consider whether your home is beautiful and how to build it beautifully.

The big players can now kill monsters as easily as chopping melons and vegetables, so they began to study building homes and making fun of things that can generate fun.

Most players are still in the stage of"just being able to satisfy food and clothing", but it is only a matter of time before they get through this stage, so they are paying attention to the actions of the big players.

As for the survival stage...

Of course, some people have always been in this stage...

There is one person next to Fang Yun: Qu Xiaoyi!

It stands to reason that many of the settings here were made by her personally, and she should have played it well, but the result is completely the opposite...

She can't even kill monsters now... She becomes a corpse at any time.

Generally speaking,《FGO》It is still in an upward stage and is not far from saturation.

Fang Yun has now successfully become a wealthy man with the help of Feigou.

He has enough money to develop large-scale games.

Don't Starve has helped Fang Yun turn the previous《FGO》I have regained a lot of lost moral integrity.

After all, the price of"Don't Starve" is only 30 yuan, there is no in-app purchase, and there will be gift packs in the market for logging in/hanging up in the game every day, and players can also get all kinds of clothes.

《StarCraft helped Fang Yun establish an image of a"genius designer" in the eyes of many players. He has masterpieces, can make money (he is obsessed with money), and has many ideas. This is the image of Fang Yun in the eyes of his peers.

Anyway, players fell in love with building a home in Don't Starve. Although the process is boring and even tiring, the sense of accomplishment brought by the final result is enormous!

Otherwise, there would not be so many players uploading pictures and videos of their own home building.

Players have turned a survival game into a construction game. Speaking of construction, Fang Yun thinks of a famous game in his previous life...

But it is not the time to launch it yet. The current priority is Warcraft. Although this is an RTS game that is about to become outdated in Fang Yun's opinion, it is the foundation of Azeroth, so there can be no accidents.

Fortunately, his team members are very powerful and almost perfectly restored the world of Azeroth in Fang Yun's mind. Moreover, since Warcraft uses the game engine of this world, the effect produced is far from comparable to that of the previous life!

Soon, the CG of"Warcraft" was also completed.

Unlike the previous life,"Warcraft" covers all the plots of the trilogy, and the final plot is the Frozen Throne, which is the part where Arthas becomes the Lich King... cough, the Lich King!

So Fang Yun added some clips from the previous life's"Wrath of the Lich King" expansion pack to make an opening CG that is different from the previous life!

After the game was finished, Fang Yun had the confidence that"StarCraft" brought him: the work of the system team has no bugs!

So this time there is no need to do any testing work, and it will be launched directly!

The day before the launch, Fang Yun started editing Weibo:

《Warcraft is about to be launched. Are you ready to witness the history of Azeroth?

See you tomorrow at 12:00!

As for the international version of Warcraft, it will be launched simultaneously!

And Fang Yun still found the advertising company that helped him promote StarCraft internationally before, and started warming up internationally in advance.

Although the players were already prepared, Fang Yun's fast launch speed still shocked everyone:

"What the hell? StarCraft was released in a month, and Warcraft was also released in a month? Didn't Fang Yun say before that StarCraft was not perfect because there was not enough time? It also took a month. Is Fang Yun slapping himself in the face?"

"Maybe it's just an early version? There should be updates later, right?"

"Or did Fang Yun start planning long ago? He just announced it recently when it was almost done?"

"He did a great job keeping it secret.……"

"Isn't he always like that? Don't try to guess what's going on in Fang Yun's mind. You can't guess it!"

"hiss……《The international version of Warcraft will be released simultaneously? Damn, Fang Yun is going to be amazing! Is all the translation work completed?"

"Depend on……"

The unsuspecting players were confused by the sudden news, but they still expressed their expectations. After all, there was already a precedent of"StarCraft". Even if"Warcraft" is bad, it can't be worse than StarCraft, right?

If the launch of the international version of"StarCraft" before only let foreign game companies and designers know that there was a new talented designer named Fang Yun in China, then the international version of"Warcraft" made them ready to get to know Fang Yun again!

After all, even the largest game companies in the world don't make games so fast!

When they learned about Fang Yun's work, they were all shocked!

"Talented designer!"

"Why not us M people?!"

"How about we try to see if we can poach them? There aren't many new generation designers with such talent now!"

This is what the foreign companies thought after they learned about Fang Yun in detail. Some companies contacted Fang Yun directly, wanting to reach a cooperation or acquisition agreement with him, but Fang Yun rejected all of them.

Today, Fang Yun has stopped his work on the recollection after posting on Weibo, and is waiting for the game to go online tomorrow!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Xiao

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