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Overall, the operation is similar to"StarCraft", except that some shortcut keys have been changed, but Liu Xin quickly adapted to it.

Main quest: Arthas successfully arrived at the city of Steinblad.

Controlling Arthas, Liu Xin quickly arrived at the town of Steinblad. After entering the town, there were already many orcs looting inside. No nonsense, just rush up and kill all these orcs! The mission was completed.

Then there was another cutscene CG:

In Uther's camp, near the base of the Black Rock Clan (Blackrock Tribe):

Uther: I sent my best two knights to negotiate with the orcs, and the results will come out soon.

At this time, two horses ran back.

Arthas: Bastard, these orcs don't want to negotiate with us at all.

Uther: Arthas, remember, we are paladins, and paladins can never let the desire for revenge dominate our will.

Arthas: Yes, I know.

Uther: Very good, then I will let you command this attack.

Main quest: 1. Build a base. Build 1 farm, 1 barracks, and train 6 infantry.

The task is very simple, just build the corresponding buildings and gather enough soldiers to go directly to A to complete it. The overall difficulty is not difficult at all. The plot chapter is mainly designed to make players familiar with the operation, but the plot is still a very important link, although these plots have nothing to do with the battle.

Liu Xin is also very clear about this. The purpose of playing the plot chapter is to appreciate Fangyun's plot with the players, so when designing the operation, Liu Xin passes it quickly.

Then, in the third level, Arthas greeted Jaina, the messenger of the Supreme Court of Demons. Then the two discovered the invasion of the undead. Arthas and Jaina were besieged, but fortunately they held on until Uther came to support them.

The next day, Arthas and Jaina rushed to another city attacked by the undead-Stratholme. After they arrived, Uther led his knights to arrive.

Arthas:"I'm glad you came here to support me, Uther."

Uther:"You're welcome, but how do you plan to destroy the undead?"

At this time, Arthas saw a lot of empty boxes piled up in the open space in the city from afar.......

Arthas:"Oh, no, bastard, those citizens have been infected. Although they look like normal people now, they will soon become undead soldiers. We must destroy the entire city."

Uther:"No, are you crazy? There is no way to save them, how can you destroy the entire city?"

Arthas:"We don't have time to listen, Uther, this is an order I issue as your future king, destroy this infected city." Uther:

"No, you are not the king. Even if you are, I will not obey such an order!"

Arthas:"Then I can only regard your behavior as a betrayal."

Uther:"Betrayal? You are crazy, Arthas."

Jaina:"Artshas, no..."..."

Arthas:"Listen, all the troops. I, Arthas, as a prince, announce the dismissal of Uther and his status as a paladin. Those who are willing to follow him should leave here."

Many knights and some soldiers left, and Jaina was also ready to leave.

Arthas:"Jaina, are you leaving too?"

Jaina:"I'm sorry, I can't accept your plan to destroy this city. There must be other ways to save these people. We must save them."

Arthas:"Very good, you go, I will use my own way to eliminate the undead on this continent."

Then, the main task prompt appeared: Kill 100 villagers before the undead leader Mal'Ganis turns them into zombies!

"What the hell? What kind of prince is this? Massacre?"

"Isn't this too cruel? The villagers haven't turned into zombies yet? Kill them all?"

"How could Arthas do this? I used to have a good impression of him!"

"Damn, this is a reversal……"

Seeing the main line prompt, Liu Xin and the players went crazy!

Although the task is very simple, you only need to control your troops to A all these villagers, but this is a massacre of your own people!

After Liu Xin reluctantly completed the task, the plot continued to advance:

Then, the players followed Arthas and led the army to the cold northern coast of Lordaeron. Here, the players first saw the dwarves of Azeroth! And met the hero of the dwarf race: Muradin!

When Arthas and Muradin returned after patrolling around, they found that their army was gone! It turned out that after Uther met with the king, he sent the king's order from the capital, ordering all the troops to return to the capital of Lordaeron. Arthas was angry, but he had no way. At this time, he remembered that the army needed ships to return to the country. As long as he destroyed those ships, the army could not go back!

So, Arthas recruited some mercenaries whom he had always looked down upon, and destroyed the ships. When the army that was preparing to return home approached the ships, they found that only some wreckage of the ships was left. Arthas told the soldiers that it was the hateful mercenaries who destroyed the fleet at the instigation of Mal'Ganis. The angry army rushed up and killed all the mercenaries...

Muradin, who witnessed all of this, ran up and asked Arthas why he betrayed the mercenaries who had helped him!

Muradin:"Arthas, you have changed!"

Arthas:"No, Muradin, you have not seen the destruction that Mal'Ganis has done to our beautiful home. For this, I swear to kill him at all costs, even if it costs my soul."

However, at this time they were already besieged by the Undead. In order to solve the dilemma, Arthas left Muradin here to defend, and he personally embarked on the search for the"legendary sword.""--The road of Frostmourne.

Under the witness of the players, Arthas gradually transformed from a human to a death knight, and even killed his own father, and finally became the new Lich King!

When Arthas, who became the Lich King, successfully summoned the dead frost dragon: Sindragosa, the spouse of Malygos, the blue dragon king.

Everyone remembered the last pun of CG: Child, one day my life will reach the end, and you will be crowned king! _Please download Faloo Xiao to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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