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"I always feel that a lot of things happened before, and what will happen next should be quite exciting, but unfortunately they are not told here!"

"Fang Yun even created a National Geographic of Azeroth specifically for this purpose. I think other things will be updated in the future, and then these will be made into expansion packs and updated in the game!"

"Speaking of this, don’t you think that every game Fang Yun created has an extremely grand background story, such as StarCraft and Warcraft!"

"It's funny, I just played the award-winning Dark Wind a few days ago, which is a story-based game, but I actually felt that the plot of a story-based game is not as good as that of an RTS game? What's wrong with this world?"

"With so many CGs, the cost is quite high!《FGO》Most of the money he made was invested, so Fang Yun is quite conscientious.……"

"A conscientious Fang Yun?……"

After finishing the story of the human race, the players began to discuss the story content, mainly discussing what happened before and what will happen next.

Fang Yun's"Warcraft" is mainly based on the previous"Warcraft 3 - Frozen Throne". The story of the initial version is also the story of Frozen Throne. As for the previous works of"Warcraft": [Orcs and Humans] (The Last Guardian); [Tides of Darkness]】;【Fang Yun plans to make these things like [Dark Portal] (Dragon Age; Lord of Clans; Bloodline and Honor) and [Reign of Chaos] into prequels to"Warcraft", and will update the content of these prequels later.

Liu Xin did not play the story chapter of the Orcs because he was afraid that there would be too much content to accept at once. He planned to slow down and play it the next day, so he started the battle mode directly.

Of course, the opponent was still Lu Ziming.

1V1 officially started!

Both of them chose the human race. As soon as they entered the game and chose the peasants, Liu Xin found a [Hero Altar] in the construction column!

As for the other buildings, they looked very regular buildings, so Liu Xin built the [Hero Altar] first this time. After the construction was completed, Liu Xin found that it could"summon" four types of heroes: Archmage; King of the Hill; Paladin; Blood Mage!

Click on the Archmage, and then the Archmage icon disappeared from it. At the same time, the icons of the other three heroes that were originally lit also dimmed, showing: You need to upgrade the base to summon more heroes!

""What the hell! This is the setting? Hero? This should be the only troop of the race, right? Does an RTS game have this setting?"

Liu Xin immediately understood what the hero meant, and when he saw the level prompt above the head of the Archmage, he immediately understood the difference between"Warcraft" and"The Legend of Zelda: Reign of Assassins" that Fang Yun mentioned!

"Isn't RTS always a team-oriented game? Is this kind of individualism really suitable here?"

The players held the same idea and continued their new operations.

Liu Xin was very keenly aware of the importance of leveling, so he directly built some basic troops and took his archmage out to level up.

Lu Ziming, who was standing next to him, also built the King of the Hill, but ignored the level. When the two troops met, Lu Ziming suffered a great loss!

"Damn, this hero is so powerful! In this way, the tactics of Warcraft may be completely different from StarCraft!"

Liu Xin, who successfully suppressed Lu Ziming with his level advantage, said with emotion

"Indeed, although the style has changed from science fiction to fantasy this time, and the races have become humans, orcs, elves, and undead, the biggest change is the gameplay of this hero, and there are props in it! This is something never seen before in RTS!"

The players were also discussing related content, and Fang Yun was editing the introduction of"Warcraft" at this time:

《"Warcraft" is an RTS game independently developed by Yunmeng Entertainment. Players can control four races (humans, orcs, elves, and undead), dozens of arms and dozens of heroes!

"This game is the pinnacle of RTS!"---Fang Yunyu.

The unprecedented epic fantasy story will take you to appreciate the unique charm of the continent of Azeroth. The first-ever hero system and prop system will allow you to enjoy the pleasure of personal heroism in teamwork!

As always, the game is perfectly balanced, so you don’t have to worry about a certain race being too strong!


This is the game introduction that Fang Yun edited last, and he even inserted some shameless words into it.

So, everyone who hasn't downloaded the game to experience it saw this introduction.

"Personal heroism? Isn't that an RPG game? Can this kind of thing be put into an RTS? Funny! I want to see what Fang Yun is doing."

Then, the player bought"Warcraft", and two hours later……

"Wow, this is awesome! It turns out that RPG and RTS can really be combined!"

"Is Fang Yun really Chinese? How did he come up with this authentic fantasy plot? This is genius!"

"It’s just that VR games don’t have CG of this quality, right?"

…… foreign

《The international version of"StarCraft" was launched simultaneously, but although it was noon in China, it would be morning (Europe) and midnight (America) abroad.

Fang Yun also made a preview before. For example, the CG that was previously placed on [National Geographic Azeroth] is directly available on foreign video websites. So even though the launch time is not very friendly to foreign players, players who like RTS games and players who are interested in the plot still bought and downloaded the game as soon as possible.

The pricing of the game is the same as"StarCraft".

After watching the CG and experiencing the plot, foreign players expressed the same emotion as domestic players: As a Chinese, how did Fang Yun come up with such an epic magical plot?

If these plots were taken out and made into movies, they would definitely become classic magical masterpieces that are no less than"The Lord of the Rings"!

PS: Asking for flowers~_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect, recommend

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