In this regard, Garp simply put the matter behind his mind. However, Yan Xing, who had been left by them, appeared carelessly in the storage room of the Navy Headquarters.

Looking at the things placed in front of him, Yan Xing did not care about the gold, treasures, Bailey, weapons and the like. What he wanted were the devil fruits placed on the shelves!

Staring at the dozen boxes in front of him, all of which were filled with devil fruits! However, in Yan Xing's perception, the power of the laws contained in them was not much, and was very weak!

Just as Yan Xing was about to open the box, he turned his head and looked at the video phone worm that was slowly appearing in front of him, and immediately pointed his finger at it:"Go to sleep!" The video phone worm fell asleep directly, and at this time in the monitoring room of the Navy Headquarters, the navy soldiers watching the monitoring room looked at the screen with snow on it, and were shocked:"There is an intruder!"

As the navy soldiers spoke, a navy colonel outside quickly walked over and said:"Call up the last picture!"

""Yes! Colonel!"

As the navy soldiers controlled the screen, a graceful figure appeared in front of them. The posture was indescribable.

It was like the work of nature. One of the navy soldiers suddenly had love in his eyes. How could it be so perfect!

"Even the Pirate Queen Boya Hancock can't reach this level!"

"What is Xingxing thinking? He is a man, and an intruder!"


At this time, the colonel also quickly took out the Den Den Mushi and said:"Intruders have been found in the warehouse. Repeat, intruders have been found in the warehouse!"

Hearing this, Vice Admiral Weasel listened to the movement of the Den Den Mushi, and suddenly his eyes flashed with cold light, and his figure went to the warehouse in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Yan Xing raised his hand, and the box opened immediately, revealing the devil fruits inside. More than a dozen devil fruits were either animal-type or some rubbish superhuman-type fruits!

No wonder they are still here, but it is normal, otherwise, the powerful devil fruits would have been eaten by the navy.

After all, every devil fruit is a treasure in the sea. Even if it is rubbish, the starting price is 100 million Baileys!

But forget it, these are also better because there are only a few of them!


Accompanied by Yan Xing's words, which seemed to carry the might of heaven, the patterns on more than a dozen devil fruits began to twist.

Strands of light spread out from the devil fruits, and in a blink of an eye, the laws contained in these devil fruits were directly absorbed by Yan Xing.

At this time, Yan Xing turned around and took a step forward. As ripples rose in the void, his figure disappeared in a blink of an eye!

The devil fruits that originally stayed on the box, as the door opened, many navy appeared.

The slight sea breeze passed through the door and drifted throughout the warehouse, and the dozen devil fruits in the box were weathered instantly.

Weasel came here, and under the cover of the domineering aura of observation, he did not find any human figure!

Immediately said to all the soldiers on the side:"Count it!"

The navy soldiers quickly started to act, and soon they found that more than a dozen devil fruits disappeared!

Weasel looked at the empty box in front of him, thinking:"It seems that this guy is coming for the devil fruit, and the speed is so fast, it's incredible!"

The heavily guarded Navy Headquarters actually allows people to come and go, but what are these black sands?

It is estimated that it is not an important thing. Soon at the round table meeting.

At this time, Navy Marshal Sengoku, Navy Hero Garp, Navy Chief of Staff Tsuru, Admiral Aokiji and several vice admirals guarding the Navy Headquarters are all here!

Sengoku pointed to the large printed photo and said:"Okay, you should have heard about why I asked you to come here this time!"

To this, Tsuru said solemnly:"Indeed, entering and leaving the Navy Headquarters, and stealing more than a dozen devil fruits, is simply arrogant!"

To this, Sengoku said helplessly:"In fact, we were the first to discover him. He appeared in the office of the Navy Marshal at that time and looked at the documents on my desk!"

Hearing this, Tsuru frowned and said:"Why didn't you keep him?"

To this, Sengoku smiled helplessly:"I can't keep him at all. His ability is very strange. He can teleport away! And when he left, he said he was going to collect something. I didn't expect that the thing he was referring to was a devil fruit!"

At the same time, He said thoughtfully:"Zhan Guo, you can't do anything to him. It seems that he is at least a general-level fighter. And from your description, his ability is indeed weird. There is no such ability among the known strong men in the intelligence, and this appearance is so stunning that it is impossible not to remember it after seeing it!"

Qingji also said at this time:"If this is the case, then it is a newcomer? It's really terrible. The current sea is really full of strong people!"

At this time, He said solemnly:"In this case, there is no other loss, and the dozen or so garbage devil fruits are nothing, then is it possible to draw him to our camp!"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo said thoughtfully:"Looking at him, he doesn't look like he will join the navy. He has the aura of a superior. It is estimated that he is a lawless master, otherwise he would not do such a thing when he left!"

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