As Yan Xing spoke, Zhan Guo's muscles began to tense:"If that's the case, then I have no choice but to ask you to push the city!"

Hearing this, Yan Xing raised a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth:"You don't have the ability yet!" Zhan Guo stepped on his feet, and his figure suddenly appeared behind Yan Xing:"Finger gun!"

The fingers covered with armed color domineering, like a spear, pierced directly into Yan Xing's limbs.

Seeing this, Yan Xing smiled slightly, his figure was illusory, and he sat directly on Zhan Guo's armchair, flipping through the documents in front of him and said:"You are so nervous about these documents, I haven't read them yet? Since you have determined it, then let me see what secrets are in it! Otherwise, wouldn't I be at a loss?"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo's face was gloomy, and he said in shock and anger:"How dare you!"

As he spoke in shock and anger, Zhan Guo's figure began to enlarge, and at the same time, golden light emerged, watching Zhan Guo's body become more and more huge.

Garp on the side said helplessly:"No way! If you use this trick, this place will be destroyed as soon as you make a move!"

In this regard, Zhan Guo ignored Garp's words and stared at Yan Xing who was still flipping through the documents! At this time, Yan Xing flipped the documents quickly with the sliding of his fingers. It didn't look like he was reading the documents at all, but just flipping through them!

But who knows what ability it might be? After all, there are too many weird devil fruit abilities on the sea!

At this moment, as the shock wave in Zhan Guo's hand accumulated power, he shouted at the moment his arm slapped out:"Shock wave!"

The invisible shock wave emerged. As this shock wave swept over, it carried a very heavy pressure. Yan Xing looked at Zhan Guo straight in the eye.

Originally, the moment he saw Zhan Guo, he knew that this person contained his power!

But if you want to extract the power of the ability user and recycle the power, you need to be focused.

But in the current situation, it is obviously impossible to do this. Yan Xing stared at the invisible shock wave in front of him, and the power carried by it was also sensed in Yan Xing's heart!

Garp stared at Yan Xing, who was always lazy in front of him, wondering what means he would use to fight against Sengoku's shock wave!

After all, even if he faced Sengoku's shock wave, he had to be serious.

Just when the shock wave was about to affect Yan Xing, Yan Xing raised his head and sat lazily in his seat. Every move he made was a gesture of a superior.

Seeing this change, Garp's eyes narrowed, and Yan Xing said indifferently:"Disperse!"

In a blink of an eye, this shock wave was also dispersed by an invisible force!

At this time, Garp looked at Zhan Guo in surprise and said,"Zhan Guo, did you hold back?"

In response, Zhan Guo said solemnly,"How is it possible? I used seven levels of strength!"

Hearing this, Garp looked at Yan Xing curiously,"Then it's strange. When did a pervert of his level appear on the sea? Even the Four Emperors can't break up the shock wave so easily!" Zhan Guo looked at Garp furiously and said,"When were you still chatting? Now we join forces to take him down. We were all wrong. This guy came here with a plan, but I don't know which force it was!"

Garp looked at Yan Xing solemnly and said,"Little guy, who are you?"

In response, Yan Xing smiled,"Little guy, hehe!"

Yan Xing stared at Garp and said,"Your last name is Monkey! If it's Monkey, the blood in your body is also familiar!"

At this time, Yan Xing focused his attention on Garp and noticed the difference in Garp. After all, his eldest son, who he accepted, also looked unreliable. He was given the surname Monkey!

The words on the bloodline were not wrong, so Yan Xing smiled and said,"Little guy, at my age, you can call me ancestor, although I am indeed your ancestor!"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo turned his head and stared at Garp, but didn't think much. After all, in his opinion, the words spoken by Yan Xing were simply a fantasy!

While they were talking, Yan Xing also read all the documents in front of him, stared at Garp with an elegant posture and said,"Little guy, this time for your face, I will bypass him once. It's getting late now, and I should go to find my son, but before that, I need to pay some price!"

After saying that, Yan Xing took a step forward, and his figure disappeared in an instant, and left with Yan Xing.

Zhan Guo looked furious at this time, but he had no choice, after all, he didn't even know how Yan Xing left.

Maybe he came in this way, with such ability, plus his strength. He is elusive, no wonder he has never heard of him!

At this time, Garp looked thoughtful, although Yan Xing's words just now were a fantasy. But the serious attitude in it made Karp think that he was not lying!

Could it be that he really had ancestors? Impossible, how could a person live so long? And that posture was impossible. What was he thinking?

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