With such a handsome face, could it be Cavendish? But no, he uses a sword. And he should be in the new world now, not the man in front of him!

At this time, Yan Xing grabbed Tina's neck and lifted her up!

Yan Xing looked at Tina struggling in his hand with indifference, and the navy soldiers below immediately said,"Let Tina go!"

Yan Xing was indifferent to their roars, and at this time Yan Xing stared at a figure gradually walking out of the cabin, and there was another guy with good strength!

As his tall figure emerged, this was Vice Admiral Ghost Spider. When he was looking through the documents just now, he saw his mission transfer letter!

It was also because of seeing this that Yan Xing came here this time. The documents recorded that there were several devil fruit users!

And the strongest natural sand-sand fruit must be recovered. Now it is better to deal with the man in front of him!

The burly figure of Ghost Spider stood on the deck, staring at Yan Xing with a serious look and said,"You are the accomplice of Sand Crocodile. Come to rescue him at this time. I will never let you succeed!"

In response, Yan Xing smiled and said,"Save him, I think you misunderstood, I just want to take back some things!"

In response, Ghost Spider stared at Yan Xing with a serious look and said,"No matter why you are here, since you are here together, let's go to Push City together!"

After Ghost Spider spoke, Yan Xing smiled and said,"It seems that you are very confident?"

At the same time, the navy soldiers on the side also began to riot, with the blades and shells in their hands ready!

At this time, the things on it also began to change, looking at the turning gun head. Yan Xing said indifferently,"Now we still have to clean up these ants!"

In an instant, as Yan Xing spoke, everyone looked extremely solemn. Cleaning up the ants, are these navy soldiers?

Thinking of this, Ghost Spider said solemnly:"I won't let you attack the soldiers!"

Hearing this, Yan Xing smiled and said:"Do you think you can stop me?"

As Yan Xing spoke, a very strong power began to rise from him. At the moment when this power exploded!

It was as if the power of heaven was magnificent. The extreme pressure continued to gather here and suddenly began to spread, directly covering the area within a radius of 100 miles!

Everyone was dizzy under this power, whether it was pirates or creatures in the sea, all creatures were dizzy!

But there was an accident, that was Tina who was captured by Yan Xing. At this time, Tina could no longer exert any power under this pressure, and the whole person was directly hung on Yan Xing's hand.

Tina stared at Yan Xing with an incredible look, and the shock in her heart was simply indescribable!

How could it be possible that this power, this power was the domineering domineering power?

But how could it be possible that he had seen the power of the domineering domineering power before. Although they felt the sense of oppression, they could not be like now, making them unable to move!

The state of Ghost Spider was not good either. Although he could move around at this time, he could not exert his full strength under such oppression!

His strength was at least oppressed by five levels, so Ghost Spider stared at Yanxing and said,"Who are you? Even the domineering aura of Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, is not so strong!" After all, in his career, he had seen Whitebeard and had fought with the Whitebeard Pirates at least dozens of times!

But the current situation is simply unimaginable. With this power, the man in front of him may be stronger than Whitebeard!

But even so, he can't just leave like this!

After all, this is related to the majesty of their navy. Yanxing looked at Ghost Spider indifferently and said,"Okay, it's clean now, but do you still have the strength to fight?"

As Yanxing's sarcastic words emerged, Ghost Pearl roared,"Don't underestimate the navy! Life is returned!"

In an instant, Ghost Spider's body began to shrink, and the hair behind him directly pulled out eight swords to face Yanxing with swords!

In response, Yan Xing said indifferently:"Is this all your strength? Then there is no need for you to exist!"

At this time, Ghost Spider jumped up:"Little ghost, don't underestimate me! Ghost Slash!"

In an instant, Ghost Spider's figure jumped in front of Yan Xing, but Yan Xing smiled and said:"Space crushing!"

In an instant, the originally calm space suddenly twisted, and there was an extremely terrifying pressure in it. Under this pressure, Ghost Spider's figure was directly frozen in the void!

Under this extremely terrifying pressure, the armed color domineering aura involuntarily covered him, but even so, it could not stop the situation of space crushing!


The ghost spider's body was gradually twisted by the crushing, and its bones creaked!

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