At this time, Ghost Spider's consciousness began to become blurred, because his whole body had been crushed beyond human form!

However, the pressure of the space continued, and the extremely terrifying power in it caused unspeakable pain in his heart.

Tina, who was pinched by Yanxing, also stared at Yanxing with her eyes wide open. Now Yanxing was like a devil.

With such a force and space ability, only the power of the Zhenzhen Fruit in the entire ocean can shatter the space.

But from the current situation, Yanxing controls the power of space. Under the pressure of space, no one can escape such power!

The Yanxing in front of him is simply a pervert. The lieutenant general is simply vulnerable in front of him. Such power is no longer comparable to that of the admiral.

It is estimated that only the four emperors on the sea can compete with Yanxing. Thinking of this, Tina's eyes showed fear.

I didn't expect that she would die here. It was really unwilling. She is just a small colonel now. She hasn't become an admiral yet. Why should she die here?���Is it here?

At the same time, under Yan Xing's indifferent eyes, the ghost spider's figure was crushed into blood foam, and finally swallowed by the space without a trace.

Yan Xing looked up at Tina in his hand and said,"Okay, now no one will affect me anymore, I will take back your ability!"

As Yan Xing's words echoed, a subtle traction began to emerge in Tina's perception. Under this traction.

In Tina's body, the power of the law hidden in her body suddenly began to boil. Under this attraction.

Tina fainted, Yan Xing gradually let go of her hand, and under the traction of the power, Tina's body was suspended in the void.

Also above her head, a thread was gradually drawn out, and at the moment when this thread full of divinity was drawn out.

Endless brilliance began to riot, and under this brilliance, the power of the law rose.

The silk thread was gradually collected into Yanxing's body. Yanxing threw Tina on the deck and turned to walk towards the cabin.

At this moment, the people who were imprisoned together looked at the center with a solemn look. The figure with the seastone on his hand said:"Boss, it seems that someone is coming to rob the prison. Is it someone of yours?"

In response, Sand Crocodile on the side raised his head and looked outside with indifference. The original commotion has now returned to calm. Is it over?

He also wants to know who it is. Is it really coming to save him?

Maybe he forgot something? But even if it is to rescue people and rob the prison, it is probably his enemy. After all, he has offended many people after becoming the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

At this moment, with the sound of subtle footsteps, Yanxing's figure appeared in front of them.

At the moment when this backlit figure appeared, everyone looked shocked. After all, Yanxing's temperament did not look like someone who would come to rob the prison!

And Sand Crocodile looked at Yanxing's figure, thinking in his mind that there is such a person on the sea?

After all, when Vice Admiral Ghost Spider came over just now, they also saw it in their eyes. It is obvious that he is not a small character to be able to deal with Ghost Spider!

After all, this is a vice admiral of the navy, not an unknown person!

Even if he faces the vice admiral of the navy, he can't solve him so easily. After all, the vice admiral of the navy is the backbone of the navy, and he is proficient in the armed color domineering and the observation color domineering. None of them is weak! But the man in front of him, from now on, it has only been a few minutes since the movement to now!

The entire warship, at least hundreds of people, was solved like this!

Yan Xing looked at the people in front of him with a smile in his eyes. He deliberately avoided this place when releasing the pressure!

Looking at their appearance, Yan Xing looked indifferent, walked up and said:"Give me your ability!"

With Yan Xing's words, everyone present looked solemn at this time.

When they die in fear, they can maximize the power of the law. Although there are not very few, but mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small!

Yan Xing opened the prison, stepped out, grabbed Mr. 3 and lifted him up from the ground.

Mr. 3 was imprisoned by seastone and could not fight at all, nor did he have any strength. He could not even struggle, and was firmly held in Yan Xing's hands.


These words were indifferent, but contained a strong and powerful divine power!

At this moment, in the body of Yanxing, the power of the laws contained in the candle fruit began to gather.

At this time, Mr. 3 looked at Mr. 0, the sand crocodile Crocodile, with a pleading look and asked for help:"Mr. 0, save me!" me...Don't you want to die?"

But Sand. Crocodile stared at Yanxing indifferently, not knowing what Yanxing wanted to do.

But the only thing that was certain was that it was definitely not a good thing for them!

And he was now imprisoned by seastone, so there was no way to save him even if he wanted to.

He could only watch Mr.3 getting weaker and weaker, and above Mr.3's head. The white silk threads gradually gathered together, which seemed to contain divine majesty!

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