Looking at the devil fruit in front of him, Yan Xing's eyes curled up into a smile.

Because he had sensed the power contained in it, it was the power of death and withering, which could make vegetation wither!

The host said excitedly:"Finally, we have arrived at the penultimate item of our finale, the devil fruit. Each devil fruit can create a strong person. Many of the strong people who are famous in the sea are devil fruit users!" No one present had the patience to listen to the words of the auctioneer.

"Although we don't know the power of this devil fruit, it is estimated to be a superhuman devil fruit. However, how powerful it is depends on your luck. It may be comparable to the power of the Four Emperors. The reserve price of this devil fruit is 100 million berries!"

After hearing the words of the auctioneer, the people below did not have any emotional ups and downs.

After all, no matter what the devil fruit is, this is already the end point of the first half of the Grand Line, how could someone not know!

But just as they were about to bid, Yan Xing's indifferent words rang out:"Five hundred million berries!"

Hearing this, everyone present fell silent. Although Yan Xing was rich, the price he offered was almost the reserve price of this devil fruit! So at this time, almost no one was competing with Yan Xing, but some of the ferocious characters stared at Yan Xing closely.

Looking at Yan Xing's aristocratic temperament, they were ready to make a good deal.

Yan Xing didn't take their prying eyes seriously at all. If they dared to come, Yan Xing would make them die without knowing how!

At this moment, the auctioneer said with surprise:"Five hundred million Baileys for the first time, five hundred million Baileys for the second time, five hundred million Baileys for the third time, congratulations to this guest!"

Originally, Yan Xing was going to leave after bidding for the devil fruit, but the things pushed out in the backstage made Yan Xing feel a little familiar!

At this time, the auctioneer said with surprise in his eyes:"There was an unexpected surprise just now. Our auction house just received a mermaid!"

As the auctioneer spoke, everyone became surprised. After all, this situation really surprised them!

Mermaids are rare even in medium-sized auctions held once a month. They can only be seen in large-scale auctions held once a year!

The people present, thinking of the graceful figure of the mermaid, suddenly had fiery eyes!

And a thin figure sitting in the box had even more joy in his eyes:"I didn't expect there would be a mermaid. It seems that this trip was not in vain!" The tall figure next to him, a man in a suit. He looked at the thin man in front of him with respect and said:"Lord Saint Chaloros, this mermaid should have just been received!"

In response, Saint Chaloros showed an exaggerated smile on his face:"Mermaid, since the last mermaid lost the competition, I found that mermaids taste good. It's a pity that there are too few such slaves! And they are not good at playing!"

So at this time, Saint Chaloros' eyes showed surprise and said:"I'm going to get this mermaid slave! Five hundred million Baileys!"

In an instant, everyone looked at the box where the voice came from. How could it be the exclusive box for the Celestial Dragons!

It is obvious that the Celestial Dragons are bidding now. Who dares to go against the Celestial Dragons!

After all, the right to make people into slaves at will really makes them afraid.

And at this moment, tears appeared in the eyes of the mermaid on the water bar.

Regret was spreading in her heart. If she had known earlier, she would not have run away. Now she would become a slave of the Celestial Dragons.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the mermaid girl were filled with fear and tears slowly flowed out of her eyes.

And at this moment, the mermaid's eyes were fixed on Yan Xing, the kind-hearted man not far away. At this time, her eyes flashed with surprise, but soon dimmed again. After all, no one dared to go against the Celestial Dragons.

I don’t know why, looking at those eyes, Yan Xing at this time, inexplicably said:"One billion Baileys!"

With those calm words, the entire auction venue fell into silence. Everyone looked at Yan Xing with gloating.

Is this guy who dares to compete with the Tianlong people a fool?

It seems that there is a good show to watch. At this time, the thin figure of Chalo Ross Saint walked out of the box!

"" Tap, tap, tap!"

Subtle footsteps were heard, and then the figure of Charolos Saint appeared in front of Yan Xing, with a disdainful expression on his face:"Servant, demote this guy to a slave!"

The guard on the side said respectfully:"Yes!"

The guard on the side came forward with chains. Seeing this, Yan Xing's eyes flashed with murderous intent!

The mermaid in the water tank was desperately knocking on the glass. This man....

At this moment, Yan Xing looked at the people in front of him with disdain, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes!

With a flick of Yan Xing's finger, he said indifferently:"Dry up!"

In an instant, all the water on the guards who were walking towards Yan Xing was drained, and they turned into mummies. Yan Xing's figure flashed, and he stepped on the body of Cha Luo Luo Sheng.

At this time, Cha Luo Luo Sheng was completely confused and couldn't figure out what was going on!

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