Someone actually dared to attack the descendants of God. You know, attacking the Celestial Dragons is a serious crime that will bring disaster to a country!

Everyone present was terrified, and the figure walked quickly outside!

Such a thing has not happened for many years. I didn't expect that it would happen again now. Someone attacked the Celestial Dragons. The

Celestial Dragons, who are known as the descendants of God, were actually attacked. This is an extremely terrifying thing. Everyone was terrified.

After all, if the Celestial Dragons were attacked, it means that the admiral of the navy will come. It is not easy for those who want to stay in the Sabaody Archipelago!

Many of them are pirates wanted by the navy, or people from the dark forces!

If the admiral of the navy comes, they will definitely be arrested together!

The host of the auction had a sad look in his eyes. The Celestial Dragons were attacked here, and it was obvious that he had a responsibility that he could not shirk.

He didn't want to be a slave. He had to run now, run!

The whole venue became quiet in just a moment. Everyone present at this time looked solemn.

As the guards of the Celestial Dragons, they would definitely be demoted to slaves if such a thing happened!

But now they have to make amends and not let this incident harm their family!

The man in front of them is really terrifying. They saw the end of the guard just now.

This man didn't know what he did, and he turned people into mummies in an instant. Such a strange ability is terrifying!

They hope they can die here, because becoming a slave is more terrifying than death!

If they die in the action of protecting the Tianlong people, although they will die, at least they will not harm their families, and maybe there will be compensation!

So at this time, they are almost determined to die, and everyone is heading towards Yanxing. The Tianlong people who were stepped on by Yanxing are still shouting:"You are dead, you dare to attack the Tianlong people, I want you to live a life worse than death!"

Listening to the shouting of the Tianlong people under his feet, Yanxing still looked indifferent at this time, and there was no change in his expression!

Staring at the figures that were approaching in front of him, Yanxing snapped his fingers indifferently:"Snap! Dry!"

The power overflowing from Yanxing's figure eroded the bodies of the guards in front of him in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, their flesh and blood gradually dried up, and all the water in their bodies was sucked out!


As the breeze echoed through the door and into the room, their figures turned into sand and fell to the ground.

At this time, the Celestial Dragons were still shouting:"You lowly slave, dare to attack the great descendants of God!"

Looking at the Celestial Dragons who were still provoking him, Yan Xing wanted to pinch him to death, but he thought that the Celestial Dragons were still very valuable.

The World Government should want to exchange his life, so at this time, Yan Xing had a blank expression on his face, raised his hand and knocked out Saint Charlos.

Without the noise of this garbage, the world has become much more peaceful!

Looking at the Celestial Dragon lying dead in front of him, Yan Xing made a move. In the hands of the guard, a special Den Den Mushi appeared in front of Yan Xing!

Looking at the Den Den Mushi, Yan Xing looked quite emotional. This Den Den Mushi was a gadget he made, but it was a pity that after so many years, there was still no change!

Judging from the appearance of this Den Den Mushi, it should be a special Den Den Mushi. Thinking of this, Yan Xing directly pressed the button, and the Den Den Mushi directly connected to the Den Den Mushi in the office of the Navy Marshal!

At this time, Sengoku frowned as he watched the special phone placed on the desktop ring! Did the Celestial Dragons do something again?

Although he was very annoyed with these Celestial Dragons, there was nothing he could do. As a violent agency under the World Government, they were just following orders!

So Sengoku picked up the Den Den Mushi at this time. As the Den Den Mushi rang, a calm voice sounded over there:"The Celestial Dragons are in my hands!"

Such words, the meaning conveyed in them, made Sengoku look extremely solemn.

Sengoku said with a gloomy look:"Who are you, what is your purpose, don't hurt the Celestial Dragons!"

Yan Xing listened to Sengoku's hurried words in his ears, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:"What is your purpose, it doesn't matter. Now bring ten devil fruits over to exchange for the lives of the Celestial Dragons, I will wait for you in the Sabaody Archipelago!"

After saying that, Yan Xing hung up the phone casually. Zhan Guo's face was gloomy, and he stared at the Den Den Mushi in his hand with a serious look.

Sabaody Archipelago? Ten devil fruits!

At this time, Admiral Kizaru said helplessly:"It seems that I have to go there. Isn't the Sabaody Archipelago the back garden of the Celestial Dragons? The CP0 guys are no longer here, which is really troublesome!"

In response, Zhan Guo looked helpless and took out ten devil fruits supplemented by the World Government and put them in the box. After all, after the last incident, Zhan Guo discovered that these valuable things like devil fruits!

It's not good to keep them in the warehouse, so he put them in the Marshal's office for personal custody!

Then he handed the box to Kizaru and said:"You are the fastest, make sure the Celestial Dragons don't get hurt!"

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