But it is normal. After all, no matter what it is, it cannot withstand the erosion of time and will eventually disappear in the dust of history.

However, Yan Xing always felt that there was something strange here, but he couldn't see where the weirdness was. So he didn't take it to heart. In a blink of an eye, his figure disappeared and he went directly into the kingdom of the fishmen!

Looking at the corals in front of him and the faint smell of the sea, Yan Xing directly closed his sense of smell and felt better!

After all these years, the smell of the sea on them has not been removed.

It seems that their evolution is heading towards another line!

As Yan Xing's consciousness enveloped this mermaid kingdom, he soon frowned!

Evolution really deviated. After all, what he originally wanted to create was a mermaid.

That is, it has a beautiful appearance and also has good combat power.

But now mermaids don't have much combat power at all, it can be said to be extremely weak.

And it has evolved into all kinds of strange looks, which is also a bit speechless. But what makes Yan Xing speechless is that he actually evolved into a so-called fishman!

But according to the news he knows, this time it feels interesting!

There are still two mermaids who succeeded and inherited special abilities. Although there is not much radiation for their own combat power, it is a blessing to have two. One of them still masters the power of prophecy. What they master is not the power given by the devil fruit at all!

One of them is Shirley in the mermaid cafe, and the other one is a mermaid who can command the sea king.

Thinking of this, Yanxing walked towards the mermaid cafe.

After entering the mermaid cafe, looking at the mermaid sitting on the bubble in front of him, Yanxing said indifferently:"You are Mrs. Shirley!"

As Yanxing's words sounded, Mrs. Shirley also recognized Yanxing, the pirate with a bounty of 1 billion Baileys!

He must not be angered, so at this time, Mrs. Shirley said solemnly:"I am, don't you know what you want to see me for, sir?"

Yanxing looked at Mrs. Shirley and felt the power of prophecy in her body. It's not bad, although she can't control it now, which is why Shirley can only predict disasters.

However, Yan Xing wanted to see how far he could predict. So Yan Xing said indifferently:"I heard that you can predict. Please tell fortunes for me!"

Hearing this, Shirley took a deep breath, knowing that she could not resist, so she took Yan Xing to the inner room!

"Come with me!"

Seeing Shirley's attitude, Yan Xing didn't care, after all, this was common sense!

After entering the room, Shirley took out a purple crystal ball, and the figures of the two of them were reflected on the crystal ball.

At this time, Shirley was muttering mysterious words, and the words seemed to contain a mysterious Taoist rhyme.

As Shirley's slender fingers touched the crystal ball, the mysterious power began to emerge in Shirley's body and injected into the crystal ball.

In an instant, Shirley stared at the crystal ball in front of her with an incredible look, and her eyes were filled with shock!

A cry of surprise came from his mouth:"How is it possible! How could such a thing happen."

Looking at Shirley's shocked expression, Yanxing's eyes flashed with brilliance.

The moment Yanxing closed his eyes and opened them again, the image of the crystal ball appeared in front of Yanxing.

Although Yanxing has not yet regained the ability to predict, he still has the ability to spy on the results of the prophecy. After all, he has mastered it before! Yanxing was seen sitting high on the crystal throne, with a group of mermaids and mermen kneeling below. Shirley turned to look at Yanxing, he was like an emperor, accepting the surrender of everyone.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Shirley turned her head and stared at Yanxing. She didn't expect that the mermaid kingdom would surrender to humans. It was simply incredible, like a fairy tale.

But she knew that her own prophecy would not be wrong.

So at this time, Shirley looked at Yanxing in surprise, but Yanxing was not surprised at all!

After all, these mermaids and mermen were just his creations. Asking them to surrender was simply a mark engraved in their blood, and this was also the backup plan left by Yanxing.

Yanxing looked at Shirley with appreciation:"Your ability is pretty good, keep up the good work!"

After saying that, Yan Xing's figure flashed and he left the Mermaid Cafe directly. After leaving the Mermaid Cafe, Yan Xing turned around and looked at the Dragon King Palace. Compared with his Crystal Palace, it did not have the slightest sense of beauty!

Instead, it was full of exaggeration. However, Shenlong was one of his incarnations.

All animal-type devil fruits were derived from Yan Xing's ever-changing abilities. The creatures transformed by this ability possessed the power of that creature!

And Shenlong was one of the highest manifestations of this ability.

Thinking of this, Yan Xing took a step forward, and his figure appeared in the Dragon King Palace.

""Who is it?"

A scream sounded, and with the whistling wind, Yan Xing's figure became blurred, sensing the object passing through his body!

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