Looking at the pitch-black scene around him, Yan Xing sensed that there was a giant mermaid right under his feet!


Along with the sound of snapping fingers, a soft light emerged in Yanxing's hand. It was like a little sun-like light floating in the air, and the soft sunlight illuminated the darkness in front of him.

At this time, Yanxing also saw clearly what this huge mermaid was. Looking at the long pink hair and the huge fish tail, he was standing on her peak.

Seeing this, Yanxing looked a little embarrassed, and his figure gradually flew away and stood in the air. With the departure of Yanxing, the mermaid princess Baixing was relieved at this time.

Just now, she sensed that someone touched her shameful place, and she reacted immediately, but she didn't expect it to be a human.

Yanxing stared at the golden sun in his hand. Baixing could sense a terrifying sense of crisis emerging from it.

The sun in Yanxing's hand is the application of the power of light. It can bring soft light that shines on all things, and it can also burst out unparalleled power to destroy all things!

So at this time, Baixing looked at Yanxing with fear and said,"Who are you?"

Yan Xing looked at the huge mermaid in front of him. It should be the mermaid princess Bai Xing of this generation. But how come it has become so huge! According to bloodline, it is indeed the descendant of his pet mermaid, and still retains the red fish tail.

Although after thousands of years of inheritance, the bright red fish tail has now turned light red.

And Yan Xing looked at Bai Xing's fearful look, with reminiscence in his eyes. You know, his pet mermaid, relying on his own power. But he made the high-level officials of the Kingdom of Flame in chaos!

But they did not dare to disturb him, so they could only let him bully. So at this time, looking at the shy Bai Xing. Yan Xing's eyes were full of interest. Yan Xing looked at Bai Xing and said calmly:"Who am I? Your master!"

As Yan Xing spoke, Bai Xing immediately retorted:"Nonsense, how could I have a master!"

Looking at Bai Xing's appearance, Yan Xing suddenly thought of the abilities he had just taken back, one of which was the power to shrink. So Yan Xing stretched out his hand, and a little light flowed out from Yan Xing's fingers.

As the white light enveloped Bai Xing, Bai Xing's body gradually shrank, and finally became the size of a thumb.

Seeing the changes in himself, Bai Xing's eyes were filled with shock:"Who did you do to someone?"

In this regard, Yan Xing let Bai Xing float in his hand, looking at Bai Xing who was as small and exquisite as a toy, and said:"It's much cuter now! What I said just now are all facts, and it's up to you whether you believe it or not!"

Then, Yan Xing turned his head and looked around, put Bai Xing on his shoulder and said:"Let's go! I'll take you out for a walk, you haven't been out for a long time!"

Bai Xing, who originally wanted to struggle, stopped struggling after hearing Yan Xing's words and just sat here quietly! There was a tangled look on her delicate and small face. After all, she had been trapped here for decades and it was impossible for her not to want to go out.

But there was that person outside. If she was discovered by him, she would be doomed. Yan Xing did not see Bai Xing's entanglement. He took a step forward and immediately left Shell City! Looking at the coral in front of him, Bai Xing knew that this was the Deep Forest of the Sea. Thinking of this, Bai Xing's expression became excited. He had always wanted to come here.

But because of that man, he couldn't go out at all, so coming to the Sea Forest was just a delusion. Now that he has come to the Sea Forest, of course he has to go to his mother's grave.

Bai Xing looked at Yan Xing weakly and said,"That...Sir, can I go to my mother's grave to pay my respects?"

In response, Yan Xing smiled and nodded,"I don't restrict your movements, go wherever you want!"

Hearing this, Bai Xing looked delighted and walked outside quickly. Bai Xing walked to the front of the cemetery, tears flashing in his eyes, and his heart was full of sadness.

But Yan Xing was admiring the scenery of the Sea Forest on the side, watching the light of the Sun Tree Eve shining on the sea, and the marine creatures swimming leisurely here.

The scenery of the ocean is still the same without any change, as if it has never changed!


With the sound of breaking through the air, a huge axe flew from nowhere and chopped directly towards Bai Xing. The moment Bai Xing saw the huge axe, his eyes were filled with fear. Was he going to die? Bai

Xing was already satisfied to be able to see his mother before he died.


However, just when the axe was about to touch Bai Xing, a calm voice sounded, and the axe stopped directly in front of Bai Xing. Bai Xing could even feel the sharpness of the axe.

Bai Xing did not expect that this man was so strong. He could even block such a huge axe, and he stopped it with just one word. It was incredible.

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