As Yan Xing's warm words rang out:"It's only a thousand years, and the times have changed. It's a pity!"

As for Yan Xing's current words, they didn't know whether he was talking about the Kingdom of Flame or the current Tianlong people....Or the world government, or the changes in the world?

At this moment, Yan Xing's calm words echoed:"Since I have looked through your memories, I can compensate you!"

But at this point, Yan Xing paused slightly, because when he was about to disperse the poison from Roger, he suddenly felt the will of the world coming with resistance, and a pressure gathered on Yan Xing. Yan Xing's eyes suddenly turned cold, the will of the world, if his strength had not recovered now!

It seems that he can only bear it now, and settle the account with the will of the world after his strength is restored.

However, such a move also let Yan Xing know what the bottom line of the will of the world is. Does Roger have to open the era of the channel?

As for other things, when he travels around the world again, he will test it again! When

Yan Xing's eyes flashed with coldness, Rayleigh, Roger and others all looked tense. Because under that look, it was as if he ignored everything in the world, and it was so cold that it made people tremble!

But soon, Yan Xing returned to his original appearance again, otherwise, Roger would have thought they were useless, and this crown had the intention to kill them?

As Yan Xing waved his sleeves, four spots of light emerged in an instant and entered their bodies at lightning speed!

Rayleigh looked at Roger with concern, then turned to look at Yan Xing and said,"Your Majesty, we don't ask for compensation, we just hope...."

Before Rayleigh finished speaking, Yan Xing interrupted him and said,"I already know your intention, but fate cannot be reversed!"

Upon hearing this, Rayleigh looked extremely disappointed, because in the records, Yan Xing was an omnipotent god! He could give people immortality and split the sky and the earth.....

But didn't expect it, destiny?

Roger said carelessly:"It's okay, after all, I need to complete that thing!"

Seeing Roger's smile, Rayleigh's gloomy look on his face also retracted!

Although Roger's death is to open the Age of Navigation, the world's will does not stipulate that there can be no soul, right?

Thinking of this, Yanxing's eyes flashed with a playful smile, but I don't know what kind of surprise this surprise will bring during his twenty years of sleep!

At this time, Yanxing said with a faint smile in his eyes:"The benefits I give you, you will naturally experience in the future!"

With Yanxing's meaningful words, Rayleigh and Shanks looked thoughtful at this time, but only Buggy looked resentful!

He doesn't want any benefits, he only wants gold and treasures, but looking at Yanxing's majestic appearance, he dare not ask for it!

At this moment, Yanxing's gaze paused on Shanks' figure. In a blink of an eye, Yanxing's figure appeared in front of Shanks and said,"Shanks, are you willing to be my son!"

Upon hearing this, Shanks' mind went blank. Rayleigh, who was standing next to him, stared at Yanxing with a strange look. At this moment, he suddenly thought of adopting Whitebeard as his son on the sea!

However, thinking of this, Rayleigh was happy for Shanks from the bottom of his heart. After all, this was a big Buddha!

As long as Shanks became Yanxing's godson, then Shanks could walk sideways in the entire sea!

And Buggy's eyes were also fiery. If Shanks really became the son of this His Majesty, then what other ways would Shanks have to deny his treasure!

At the same time, Buggy also looked resentful. Why did this His Majesty look down on him?

If it were him, why would he be entangled here? He simply wanted to kneel down and hug Yanxing's thigh and call him daddy!

Shanks looked at Yanxing in confusion, and finally said solemnly:"Dad!"

In response, Yanxing's figure appeared in front of Shanks in an instant. Yanxing, who was a head taller than Shanks, stroked Shanks' hair and said:"Okay, from today Shanks, you are my son!"

At the same time, Yanxing looked at the three marks on Shanks' eye sockets, frowned and said:"As my son, I grant you the baptism of God!"

As Yanxing's words echoed, containing solemn words, countless spiritual lights began to flicker on the devil fruit tree.

The entire hall suddenly looked like a sea of stars, and the power of miracles made everyone present unforgettable!

These light spots directly wrapped Shanks inside, forming a light cocoon. At the same time, Yanxing looked at Roger and others and said:"You can leave!"

After speaking, he waved his sleeves lightly, and in an instant, the figures of three people shuttled through the void and appeared on the boat again!

At this time, everyone present was surprised:"Boss, why are you back!"

"That's not right! Why did Buggy come back with us?"

"The boss is biased. How can he take the newcomers and not us?"At this time, Roger and Rayleigh looked at each other with smiles in their eyes!

But at this moment, a sentence echoed in Roger's mind:"I agree with your plan!"

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