As Shanks appeared in front of them, everyone in Roger's pirate group was surprised!

During these three days, they found that Shanks was missing and looked for him everywhere, but in the end Roger and Rayleigh said that they didn't need to look for him anymore, he would come back!

Unexpectedly, three days later, Shanks did come back. You know, the captain didn't know what he encountered last time he went out, and he would never allow them to leave here again!

Now that Shanks is back, they don't have to worry, but Shanks has become a little strange now!

They looked at Shanks' gorgeous robes and fair skin, and even the three scratches on his face disappeared.

Is this really Shanks?

But Roger and Rayleigh could see at a glance that Shanks had not only changed in appearance, but his strength was also estimated to have increased a lot!

Seeing that the ground sank when he stepped out, I don't know what kind of luck he got!

Roger looked at Shanks and said,"Come back to see us!"

In response, Shanks scratched his head and smiled,"No matter what, you are my captain!"

Roger took off his hat and said,"I know that no matter who you are now, you are on my ship. Keep this hat. You are a man of the sea. In the future, you will venture out on the sea by yourself. This is my blessing to you!"

Hearing this, Shanks looked melancholy. Seeing this, Roger smiled and said,"Boy, there is no banquet in the world that does not separate!"

At this time, Buggy came over and hooked Shanks' neck and said,"You are rich, when can you compensate me for the treasure map? I can't ask for it, just pry a few gold bricks for me!"

In response, Shanks smiled and said,"That's easy to say!"

Yanxing in the hall has been watching Shanks' movements and watching his conversation with Buggy. There is nothing wrong!

After all, this palace was created by him at will. It's not too easy to turn stone into gold!

But seeing how happy they were at the banquet, Yanxing was a little envious!

With such an ordinary look, after he established the Kingdom of Fire, almost no one felt unbridled in front of him.

Even talking and eating were elegant!

After all, in front of everyone in the Kingdom of Fire, Yanxing was a god who did not eat fireworks of the world, because at the moment of crossing, Yanxing found that he did not need to eat!

As time came to late at night, it was only then that Shanks staggered to the hall, looking at Yanxing sitting on the throne, with a silly smile on his face:"Dad, I'm a little sad!"

Looking at the fragile Shanks in front of him, Yanxing stroked his hair and smiled:"Time is so big, there will always be a time to get together, sleep!"

After that, Shanks fell into sleep. With the will of Yanxing, in the hall, an exquisite cloud bed appeared, and the misty towel covered Shanks' body.

Early the next morning, Yanxing watched Shanks pry two floor tiles on the ground and gave them to Buggy! Buggy held the golden floor tiles, and a look of joy appeared on his face. Shanks looked at their ship getting farther and farther away, sighed, and returned to the hall!

At this time, Yan Xing watched them leave, turned his head and looked at Shanks and said,"I don't have much time!"

Hearing this, Shanks looked very nervous and said,"Dad!"

In response, Yan Xing smiled and said,"I will fall asleep again in three months. This time it will take twenty years to wake up completely. You must be unable to bear the loneliness, so before I fall asleep, I will send you out of Raftel, but your strength is too weak. I am going to teach you some tricks!" Hearing this

, the disappointment on Shanks' face was swept away. Shanks laughed with joy and said,"If this is the case, then Dad, hurry up!"

Yan Xing stretched out his hand and pointed at Shanks' eyebrows. In an instant, the two came to the white world!

Shanks looked at Yan Xing, a little at a loss. Yan Xing smiled and said,"This is your space!"

As Yan Xing waved his sleeves lightly, in an instant, this white space was gradually replaced by a prosperous country. Looking at the tall buildings and tall mountains in front of him!

Where did the magnificent palace emerge? Shanks was very familiar with this palace. After all, he had pried a few pieces of gold from the palace.

Seeing Shanks's puzzled look, Yan Xing smiled and said,"This is the Kingdom of Fire a thousand years ago, and what I am going to teach you now is the combination of three-color domineering and swordsmanship! The three-color domineering is a little trick I invented!"

Shanks was delighted and said,"Okay, Dad, then you teach me quickly!"

In response, Yan Xing flicked his sleeves, and in an instant, the scenery in front of him changed again. A figure whose face could not be seen clearly stood in the sky, and in front of him was a vast continent! Yan Xing looked at Shanks and said,"Look carefully, this is the scene of me opening the sea route a thousand years ago!"

Hearing this, Shanks stared at the continent in front of him with a solemn expression, and saw that this figure stretched out his hand, and the sword blade formed by the light emerged.

The light blade was slightly raised, and the sword intent was instantly eliminated, and the clouds were stirred up. The extreme sword intent, even if it was a photo, Shanks did not dare to look directly at it. At this time, he only felt dazzling!

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