Similarly, the Earth Bear also captured the figure of Yanxing through the observation Haki. At this moment, a deep black Armament Haki emerged from his body, almost covering his huge figure.

After all, the animal-type devil fruit can enhance physical strength, and this is a mythical beast, which is extremely terrifying for the radiation of physical strength.

For the practice of Armament Haki, it can be said to be like God's help. Therefore, the physical skills and two-color Haki of almost every mythical beast-type animal-type devil fruit will not be too weak.

After all, they rely on the body to eat, and the most important thing is. In addition to bringing unimaginable physical radiation, the devil fruit of each mythical beast also has a special power that can bring them, just like the griffin can control the wind, and the Earth Bear can control gravity.

Looking at the Earth Bear in front of him, which turned into a deep black iron ball, Yanxing's eyes flashed with a sarcastic smile.

Want to compare speed? Well, then let you see who is stronger. At this moment, as the two confronted each other, they competed for time.

However, the light blade in Yanxing's hand directly penetrated the protection of the Armament Haki and stabbed into the head of the Earth Bear. The lightsaber began to impact the Earth Bear's fragile body.

In a blink of an eye, countless lights burst from the body of the Earth Bear. At that moment, the Earth Bear was as dazzling as a light bulb.

At this time, the Earth Bear felt the lightsaber entering his body, and his eyes showed incredible colors. How could his Armament Haki strength be easily penetrated.

However, at this time, the Earth Bear also raised a gloomy smile at the corner of his mouth, even if I die, I will drag you down with me.

I saw that the griffin behind him also noticed the death of his companion, but his eyes were cold and without any mercy.

After all, for them, the CP0 members, companions are nothing, only the mission is the most important.

As his claws directly penetrated Yanxing's body, however, the smile in his eyes suddenly condensed, because he did not feel the flesh and blood body at all.

There was a sneer in Yan Xing's eyes, and in an instant Yan Xing walked out of the claws.

The space gradually turned his body into a solid entity, and the blade of light in Yan Xing's hand suddenly slashed towards the griffin.

On another island not far from this island, a figure holding an exquisite spear was lying on a high peak! He stared at Yan Xing's figure closely, because he had discovered Yan Xing's flaw. Yan Xing could not use both attack and dodge at the same time. If he wanted to attack him, he could only seize the moment when Yan Xing condensed a physical attack and attack.

However, he was the user of the Quick-Quick Fruit, with his gun skills and the bonus of his fruit ability, almost no one could escape his sniping.


As he pulled the trigger, the fruit ability was activated at the same time. The bullet was as fast as light, wrapped in deep armed color domineering.

The bullet was made of sea stone, and it flew towards Yanxing's forehead at an extremely fast speed.

However, at this moment, Yanxing raised an indifferent smile at the corner of his mouth:"Space compression!

" In an instant, the void in front of him solidified directly.

With Yanxing's full strength, the sea stone bullet turned directly into ashes.

The armed color domineering on the griffin in front of him also emerged, trying to resist this space compression force.

But it was of no use at all.

As his body was gradually crushed into blood foam, the sound of broken bones rang out.


At the same time, Yan Xing turned his head and stared at the island not far away, and lightning continued to emerge in Yan Xing's hands.

The moment the lightning was released, the sky and clouds changed, and everyone present looked solemn.

What kind of power could cause changes in the sky? Countless thunders were wandering over the island like silver dragons.

The scene of doomsday made the sniper hiding on the island feel uneasy.

Although he wanted to escape, he had no way, because he could sense that the thunder had locked onto his body.

Yan Xing snapped his fingers:"Heavenly punishment!"

Countless thunderbolts gathered together to form a terrifying thunderbolt beam, which directly enveloped the entire island.

At the moment when the thunderbolt destroyed the world, the white light covered everything, and everyone present could not open their eyes.

When the white light began to fade, they opened their eyes, but found that the island in front of them had disappeared, revealing a deep hole.

The sea water continued to fill the hole, and the sea water also flashed with arcs.

Yan Xing stared at the Griffin Fruit ability user in front of him who had turned into a blood clot, and also directly extracted the fruit abilities of the three of them.

As the power recovered, Yan Xing's eyes were filled with With a hint of smile, he stepped out and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

However, when Yan Xing left, everyone present was repulsed.

Such power is simply unimaginable. Even the generals do not have the power to destroy an island with one blow. After all, if they want to destroy an island, it will take a lot of power. It is not as easy as Yan Xing!

Only the four monsters in the sea can be comparable to him. Maybe the new world will have a fifth emperor.

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