After Yanxing left, everyone present also left.

With their spread, in less than a few days, the news spread almost all over the sea!

Even if the World Government wanted to suppress the news, it would be useless. After all, it was impossible to suppress such a momentum!

All pirates dared not underestimate this person who killed the Celestial Dragons and appeared at the forefront. All pirates were watching what actions the World Government would take next.

After all, this time they even took out their hidden strength, dispatched two admiral-level combat forces, several lieutenant generals, and dozens of major general-level combat forces!

Such a big loss would hurt even if the World Government was rich!

But what many pirates did not expect was that in the next few days, the World Government did not make any unusual moves!

It was as if they had given up now and no longer paid attention to Yanxing's problem. The same situation also disappointed Yanxing. After all, when it comes to the storage of devil fruits, which force can compare with the World Government?

After all, the World Government is the overlord of the sea, and there are countless forces hidden in the dark, plus the devil fruits they have collected.

Yan Xing wanted to go to the headquarters of the World Government, but Yan Xing did not take any action. After all, his strength has not recovered one level.

It is still a bit troublesome to face the national treasures held by the World Government. Moreover, he knows the power of that thing, and he made it with his own hands.

If it weren't for those guys mastering this thing, how could they overthrow the rule of the Kingdom of Fire so easily?

This is also Yan Xing's mistake, but don't worry about it now. Now that he has awakened, he can erase that thing after his strength recovers one level.

At the same time, in Mary Geoise, the highest holy place in the Red Earth Continent, the five elders who hold the greatest power in the World Government gathered in this hall.

At this time, an old man in front of them was crying,"The agreement we made back then stipulated that we would hand over the power to you, but you had to ensure our safety and give us eternal wealth. But now a pariah has killed the great descendant of God. No matter what, you must give us an explanation!"

As the old man's words fell, the old man Jianxing holding a long sword said solemnly,"I know you sent cp0 over and lost two battalions. We will handle this matter, you don't have to worry!" At the moment Jianxing's words fell, the old man Tianlong in front of him was a little embarrassed. After getting the answer, he immediately walked outside.

However, as the old man Tianlong left, at this time, the bald old man Zhixing said solemnly:"From the information collected, there is no corresponding devil fruit. Perhaps a new devil fruit was born there!" The bearded Anxing said silently:"So should we report this situation to Lord Yimu?"

At the moment when these words fell, the hall fell into silence. Quanxing shook his head indifferently and said:"Now is not the time to alarm Lord Yimu. After all, Lord Yimu will wake up soon to clean up the world. It won't be too late to talk about it then!"

As Quanxing's words fell, the other four nodded in agreement.

At the same time, Shaxing's words revealed a strong murderous intent:"So how should we deal with this guy!"

As his words sounded, everyone present looked solemn.

Quan Xing said slowly:"It's not easy to deal with. The two generals can't stop them. They are already comparable to the four emperors. We can only wait for the opportunity. After all, we don't have many people to mobilize!"

As Quan Xing's words rang out, everyone present nodded in agreement.

However, Zhi Xing said solemnly:"But if we let it go, it will be difficult to explain to the Celestial Dragons!"

In this regard, An Xing's eyes flashed with indifference:"The Celestial Dragons are nothing, but the meat of a whole sheep! If they were not still useful...Give them some treasures now. Haven't they been longing for that thing? Just appease them and that's it!"

Upon hearing this, everyone present nodded and looked at each other, but Zhixing said:"In this case, let me talk about the problem of Whitebeard. The navy has been reorganized and all forces have been transferred back to the navy headquarters, so now they can be asked to announce this matter!"

And Quanxing shook his head solemnly and said:"The time has not come yet, let's wait a few more days, after all, we need to arrange some other things!"

In response, the others began to discuss other things, discussing that with the death of Whitebeard, the peace on the sea would be broken.

Then, perhaps they could also recover the New World. Perhaps by then, Lord Im would be happy and reward them with something.

As their words gradually fell, Yanxing also set foot on Saiken Island, a famous hot spring town in the New World!

Looking at the volcanic sulfur smell lingering in front of him, Yanxing turned off his sense of smell with an indifferent look!

Looking at this island with people coming and going, the idea of taking a bath also came to his mind!

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