Although the conditions are not very good, it's okay!

Thinking of this, Yan Xing walked towards the most luxurious hot spring shop here. Looking at the comfortable cold-toned decoration in front of him, it looked pleasing to the eye! He casually manifested a huge piece of gold and threw it to the boss in front of him, saying:"Prepare an open-air hot spring pool for me!"

The boss looked at the huge piece of gold in front of him, and estimated that it would be worth tens of millions of Baileys if converted into Baileys.

I didn't expect this guy to be so generous, but the moment the boss saw Yan Xing's appearance, a look of horror suddenly appeared in the boss's heart. This is Yan Xing, the world's number one swordsman who has recently become famous in the sea.

The boss trembled and said to a beautiful maid with him:"Serve the master to Green Willow Garden!" The beautiful girl took Yan Xing and walked slowly to the back. She also saw Yan Xing's move just now.

He was so generous and had an aristocratic attitude. I think he was probably a noble son. If you can get close to him, then you don't need to worry about your life.

So when I brought Yan Xing to Green Willow Garden, I was dancing in a coquettish manner, not swaying my snake-like waist, but showing off my C-cup breasts!

When I arrived at the gate of Green Willow Garden, Yan Xing looked at the girl with an indifferent expression and said,"You are a slut who has been fucked by so many people, so don't fiddle with me. Go out and get your things ready!" Hearing Yan

Xing's words, the girl suddenly turned pale and stood there in a daze, and she dared not do anything else.

As they put the things in place, the exquisite fruits were placed on the fruit plate and placed on the edge of the hot spring pool.

Looking at the hot spring pool in front of him, with willows planted on the edge and silver moonlight pouring down, it was a different kind of poetry.

Yan Xing took off his clothes and soaked in the hot spring water, with the light hot water wrapping his whole body.

Yan Xing couldn't help but moan. It had been a long time since he had taken a bath like this. After all, he had been sleeping for more than 20 years since he woke up, and he had been on the road.

Or he was recovering the devil fruit, and never enjoyed it. You know, Yan Xing used to be an extreme hedonist.

However, at this moment, Yan Xing sensed a breath from the sky gradually descending. Looking at the bubbles falling in front of him at an extreme speed, Yan Xing looked indifferent and flicked his fingers.


In an instant, the bubble was shattered, and a burly figure appeared at the edge of the hot spring pool.

This burly figure stared at Yan Xing solemnly. As expected, he was the top powerhouse on the sea. He easily broke the bubble he used to fly.

You know, after he got the ability of the meat ball fruit, there were almost no people who could break his power so easily.

"Bartholomew Bear!"

Yan Xing leaned against the stone wall of the hot spring pool, looking indifferently at the figure who came in without asking.

In response, Bartholomew Bear said solemnly:"Yan Xing……"

But before Bartholomew Bear finished his polite words, Yan Xing interrupted him directly and said indifferently:"How come your Revolutionary Army has also started working for the World Government!"

At the moment when Yan Xing revealed Bartholomew Bear's identity, Bartholomew Bear looked extremely solemn.

How did he know his identity? Why was it exposed? Is the matter going to fail? You must know that they must pay such a price and must not fail!

Yan Xing looked at Bartholomew Bear's alert expression and chuckled:"I also know that you are undercover beside Vegapunk, and you have even transformed yourself into a puppet. But what do you want to get? I am a little curious?"

As Yan Xing asked, Bartholomew Bear's face suddenly became gloomy at this moment. If he knew so much, if he informed the World Government.

Then their action this time would be a huge blow, and the transformation had already begun. So this action must not fail, looking at the big Bartholomew Bear ready to go.

Yan Xing chuckled and said,"You can't beat me, and you don't have to worry. I won't expose you to the World Government at all. After all, the World Government and I are originally hostile!"

But even if Yan Xing said so, Bartholomew Bear still looked alert and didn't completely believe Yan Xing's words.

But it's normal, but if you really trust people so easily, then there is no need to stay in the sea. You don't even know when you will be sold out?

At this time, Yan Xing turned his head and looked at Bartholomew Bear and said,"Tell me! Why did you come to me!"

The moment Yan Xing opened his mouth, Bartholomew Bear replied solemnly,"This time I am going to contact you and see if I can pull you into the ranks of the revolutionary army!"

Hearing this, Yan Xing chuckled and said,"Your intentions coincide with mine, but let Long talk to me! As for you, forget it, you are not qualified!"

Bartholomew Bear's face changed and his eyes dimmed a little at Yan Xing's arrogant words.

Finally, he took out the Den Den Mushi from his hand and dialed a number directly:"Beep beep beep!"

"I am Long, what happened to Xiong!"

Bartholomew Xiong roughly told Long that Yan Xing had directly exposed his identity. Long, who was on the other end of the phone, looked thoughtful for a moment, and finally said:"Give him the phone! I'll talk to him!"

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