Yan Xing took the Den Den Mushi in front of him and said casually,"Dragon!"

Meng Qi D Long also said with a heavy expression,"It's me!"

At the moment when the Den Den Mushi was connected, Meng Qi D Long was thinking about Yan Xing.

What is his origin, and why does he stir up the wind and cloud as soon as he goes out to sea. And what is the extremely terrifying ability to obtain other people's devil fruit power.

After all, with the information network of the Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army basically obtains the information obtained by the Navy.

So at this time, Meng Qi D Long said with a serious expression:"I don't know what you think of the World Government!"

As Meng Qi D Long's words fell, Yan Xing said nonchalantly:"You are too big to stand, and you don't have enough courage to control this sea!"

Along with Yan Xing's comments, Meng Qi D Long was also thinking about the meaning.

It is true that you don't have enough courage to control the entire sea. The big head refers to the Celestial Dragons, whose power is really too great.

That's why the sea has been so chaotic over the years.���People are angry and resentful. You know, many countries cannot join the World Government and get the protection of the Navy because they cannot pay the Sky Gold.

But even if they join the World Government, the Sky Gold is deprived every year, and if they are unlucky and meet a greedy king, the people will live in misery.

Although there are a few greedy kings, most places still live a peaceful life, but it is just like that, too easy to be broken by variables.

Especially because of the advent of the Age of Exploration, many drawbacks of the World Government have begun to show.

And their Revolutionary Army will completely overthrow the rule of the Celestial Dragons in this special era.

I saw that Meng Qi D Long knew that Yan Xing was not a person who could be easily persuaded, so he was not going to beat around the bush and went straight to the point:"I want you to join my Revolutionary Army. Your status is not inferior to mine. I wonder what you think!"

Hearing this, Yan Xing raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and Bartholomew Xiong on the side also looked solemn. His status was not inferior to Meng Qi D Long, which meant that he was equal to Meng Qi D Long. It was equivalent to controlling the Revolutionary Army with him. This bargaining chip was so huge that it would exceed their expectations.

However, no matter how he thought about it, Bartholomew Xiong had no way to control Mengqi Dlong's decision. After all, he knew that since Mengqi Dlong had made a decision, he could not overturn it.

At this time, Yan Xing smiled and said,"Your pattern is too small to accommodate me, but you can let your revolutionary army join my forces!"

As Yan Xing's words fell, Mengqi Dlong knew at this time that Yan Xing had no intention of joining the revolutionary army, and Yan Xing actually prepared his own forces.

You know, this has never been reported in their intelligence, and the intelligence they got was that Yan Xing was alone.

However, at this time, Monchi D Dragon sighed and said,"I hope we can have a chance to cooperate in the future!"

In response, Yan Xing smiled indifferently, hung up the Den Den Mushi directly, and then turned to look at Bartholomew Bear and said,"I am very curious, as a king, why would you do such a thing!"

As Yan Xing asked, Bartholomew Bear looked heavy at this time, with a melancholy in his eyes, and finally shook his head indifferently and said,"Maybe it's for faith?!"

Regarding Bartholomew Bear's answer, Yan Xing looked thoughtful, and he had never figured it out.

But it doesn't matter, maybe this is their life, because of faith!!!

Maybe Bartholomew Bear doesn't know his future path! Become a puppet, and finally become a toy slave of the Celestial Dragons.

Yan Xing also has some admiration for Bartholomew Bear, and doesn't want him to fall to that point.

So at this time, Yan Xing waved his arm lightly, and a ray of light emerged in an instant.

With this ray of light appearing in front of Bartholomew Bear, suspended in mid-air. Bartholomew Bear looked at Yanxing with a puzzled look and asked,"What is this?"

Yanxing said calmly,"This thing can allow you to retain your consciousness after becoming a puppet, so that you can have a chance to live again. But it is not without price. If you live, you have to work for me."

As Yanxing's words echoed, Yanxing reached out and touched Bartholomew Bear. In an instant, Bartholomew Bear's ability of the Meat Ball Fruit was taken back by Yanxing.

However, Yanxing did not cancel Bartholomew Bear's ability of the Meat Ball Fruit. After all, this guy is his future subordinate. If there is no ability of the Meat Ball Fruit, then the strength will be greatly reduced, which is not what Yanxing wants to see.

However, Bartholomew Bear stared at the round bead in front of him, and finally reached out to touch the round bead with an embarrassed look. In an instant, the round bead directly flowed into Bartholomew Bear's body.

But Bartholomew Bear did not find out what was happening in his body at all, but he didn't care at this time. He just waved his arm lightly.


In an instant, his figure flew away, using the power of the Meat Ball Fruit to directly knock himself away. Among the hundreds of hosts of the Meat Ball Fruit, Bartholomew Bear is the most developed one. Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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