It also gave Yanxing a different idea. Sure enough, dispersing these abilities to let all living beings help him evolve is the right way.

If it weren't for the need to recover his strength now, Yanxing didn't want to take back the devil fruit. After all, these devil fruit users are working for him now.

After all, every time they develop their fruit abilities, they help Yanxing deduce the laws.

At this time, Yanxing has decided to collect all the fruits and wait until his strength is restored. He still has to spread the devil fruits and let them help him work.

Moreover, there are still too few devil fruits now. In the future, Yanxing wants them to have almost one each.

This is equivalent to the entire sea population working for him. Even if he falls asleep at that time, he can still let them help him improve his strength. Just thinking about it is exciting.

With the departure of Bartholomew Bear, Yanxing continued to soak in this warm hot spring pool, soaking his body with the water. After soaking for nearly two hours, Yanxing was...���There was nothing strange about it, so he stood up and walked outside.

Although the hot spring water had no effect on him after soaking for a long time, he always felt awkward staying in the water for too long.

Just when Yanxing walked out of the hot spring shop, he did see Doflamingo and his group coming towards him from the opposite side. All the people on the side retreated to the side with fear after seeing Doflamingo.

After all, the reputation of Ten Yasha has spread throughout the entire sea, and there are not many people who can compete with Doflamingo on the sea. Therefore, due to Doflamingo's reputation, almost no one dared to confront him in front of him.

The moment Yanxing saw Doflamingo, Doflamingo also noticed Yanxing's figure. I saw Trebol behind Doflamingo, looking at Doflamingo with a serious expression and said,"Dover, it's Yanxing!"

In response, Doflamingo said gloomily,"Now we still have things to do. This guy is very strong. It's better not to cause trouble."

As Doflamingo's words fell, Trebol and others behind him nodded solemnly. After all, from the information they collected, this guy's strength is extremely terrifying. It's better not to provoke him if you can. Their

Don Quixote family can't afford to provoke him. After all, this person is known as the fifth emperor.

But at this time, Yanxing walked towards them slowly. After all, they are all devil fruit ability users, and the Don Quixote family is basically all out.

Although it is not clear what they are going out for, it's okay. It saves the trouble of running back and forth, and takes back these devil fruit abilities at one time.

After all, the natural stone fruit ability, the power to control the earth, is what Yanxing needs now.

Moreover, what Yanxing is most interested in is the artificial devil fruit technology in Doflamingo's hands.

Although these animal-type devil fruits are only made by using this ever-changing ability, Yanxing still wants to know how they make devil fruits. However, according to Yanxing, the power of this artificial devil fruit seems to be developed by Vegapunk.

Yanxing is interested in this Vegapunk. However, the World Government hides this guy very deeply, and it is estimated that he will not be seen before the World Government is destroyed.

But it doesn't matter. Since he is interested in it, no one can escape his palm.

At the moment when Yanxing walked towards them, Doflamingo stared at Yanxing with a serious expression:"Yanxing, what do you want to do? My Don Quixote family is not easy to provoke!"

However, in response to Doflamingo's questioning, Yanxing raised a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth:"Is the Don Quixote family so great? It's just a bunch of rabble, and they can't even warm up for me!"

For Yanxing's insult to the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo's forehead was burst with blue veins.

At the same time, Doflamingo looked at the box in Trebol's hand from the corner of his eye. Inside was the artificial devil fruit he had cultivated during this period of time. Now he came to this island to trade with Kaido.

After all, he and Kaido had been connected a few years ago. Kaido gave him convenience, and Don Doflamingo provided Kaido with artificial devil fruits and created a legion of devil fruit ability users for him.

Now after this period of cultivation, all the mature artificial devil fruits have been brought over.

If Flame Star came here for the artificial devil fruit, then it would not be good news for Doflamingo.

After all, Kaido knew Kaido's temper. If Flame Star took it away, even if Kaido took it back later, then this deal would not count, so at this time. Doflamingo stepped forward and stared at Flame Star with a serious look, fearing that Flame Star would make the slightest move.

However, Flame Star, who noticed Doflamingo's movement, raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, following the corner of Doflamingo's eyes just now.

He also saw the box in Trebol's hand. There was a little strange breath in the box. Although it was somewhat similar to the law fluctuations he dispersed...

But Flame Star knew that it was not at all, so Flame Star's eyes flickered with interest.

It was really what he thought, and he just needed an artificial devil fruit to study what was going on. Since Doflamingo came to his door himself, he would accept it without hesitation! Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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