At this time, Jack the Drought was filled with anger. No matter who dared to stop the Beast Pirates, it seemed that the Beast Pirates had not taken action for a long time, and someone dared to provoke their power.

However, at this time, the cadres of the Don Quixote family next to the Flame Star died in the blink of an eye under the force of space compression.

Their abilities were also absorbed by the Flame Star. At this time, the veins on Doflamingo's forehead suddenly appeared. After all, Doflamingo spent a lot of effort to build the Don Quixote family.

However, now it is a return to the pre-liberation period. How can he not be shocked and angry? So at this time, the pointed shoes under Doflamingo's feet stepped.

At the same time, the strange power began to emerge in him, and the ground next to Doflamingo gradually evolved into white silk threads. This is the ability of the awakening devil fruit. Because Doflamingo knew that Flame Star was not an ordinary person.

So Doflamingo planned to use all his strength as soon as he made a move. As Doflamingo swung his arm, he said,"White Line of Wild Waves!"


In an instant, tens of thousands of transparent white silk threads were arranged, like raging waves created by the sea, sweeping directly towards Yanxing from bottom to top.

However, Yanxing looked at the silk threads in front of him at this time, but he did not feel the slightest bit of tension. The power of these silk threads that could cut through steel bars penetrated his body.

But there was no bloody smell emerging. It turned out that his body had long been integrated into the void. No wonder he was not afraid of Doflamingo's attack at all. Doflamingo stared at the silk threads embedded in Yanxing's body, recalling Yanxing's information in his mind.

The power to manipulate space is indeed extremely difficult to deal with, but Doflamingo also knows a little about the flaws in it.

At this moment, Yanxing walked out directly from the package of the white lines, and a blade of light began to emerge in Yanxing's hand.

In an instant, Yanxing's figure appeared behind Doflamingo, and the blade of light in his hand slashed directly at Doflamingo.

At the moment Yanxing attacked, Doflamingo knew that the opportunity had come:"Shield white line!"

""Giant white lines!"

In an instant, as the silk threads on the ground formed two shield-like things, in front of Doflamingo, the surrounding buildings also turned into white silk threads, intertwined together and penetrated towards Yanxing.

Regarding the white silk threads that penetrated in front of him, Yanxing's eyes flashed with a sarcastic smile. In a blink of an eye, Yanxing's figure directly merged into the void, and the whole person directly passed through Doflamingo's body.

The same white silk thread hit the shield formed by the white line of the shield, and Yanxing stood on the ground with an indifferent expression.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After all, from the moment when the light and shadow overlapped just now. Yanxing has taken back the power of the devil fruit in Doflamingo's body.

At this time, Yanxing's mouth curled up a faint smile, and in his mind echoed the opening of the hundreds of owners of the Thread Fruit.. The lightsaber in Yanxing's hand began to dissipate, and Yanxing walked towards Doflamingo step by step.

Doflamingo at this time showed a look of fear in his eyes. Because he found that as Yanxing walked over, the ground turned into white silk threads again.

This power was not created by him at all. This guy took away his ability. And now he can actually awaken, how is this possible. Why would such a thing happen.

Although Doflamingo knew from the intelligence that Yanxing possessed such power, he had no idea how much power Yanxing could exert after taking it.

At this time, Yanxing played with the silk thread in his hand, and said indifferently:"The power of the Thread Fruit is well developed in you, but you are still far from being able to go against me!"

In an instant, the imperceptible silk thread in front of Yanxing flew away:"Dotted line!"

This thread, like cow hair, passed through Doflamingo's layers of protection in a blink of an eye.

It went straight into Doflamingo's body.

At this moment, Doflamingo felt a tingling sensation in his body.

He quickly used the power of the Thread-Thread Fruit to control the thread, but it was useless.

Doflamingo's internal organs were turned upside down by the thread.

There were many holes in his internal organs.

Doflamingo used the power of the Thread-Thread Fruit to suture the broken internal organs.

He used all his strength to barely pull out the thread and looked at the Flame Star in front of him.

Doflamingo's eyes showed fear at this time. At the same time, a rough voice sounded from the side:"Meteor Volcano!"

Doflamingo saw this, pulled the three remaining men around him, stepped on the silk thread connecting the clouds in the sky, and hurriedly left the area covered by magma.

Yanxing stared at the falling magma in front of him, but he didn't dodge or avoid it, and came with the heat wave.

The magma went straight through his body. At the same time, in the magma, Akainu's figure was gradually formed by the magma!

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