At the same time, a rough voice came out from the mouth of this figure:"Evil will only be destroyed!"

However, Yanxing looked at Akainu in front of him with sarcasm and said:"Justice...Evil... What is true justice and what is evil? In fact, there is no clear boundary at all. There are only different camps!"

As the words fell, Yanxing turned his head and looked at Akainu and said:"If you don't even understand this, how did you get to your current position?...."

In response to Yanxing's mocking words, Akainu turned his head and stared at Yanxing with a frown, thinking:"Sharp tongue!"

As the magma in Akainu's hand continued to drip, the smell of sulfur emerged, and a dog-shaped figure suddenly formed:"Dog-tooth Red Lotus!" The dog-shaped figure formed by the magma came to bite Yanxing. But the magma went straight through Yanxing's body. At this time, Yanxing raised a faint smile.

Because at the moment when the magma passed through his body, he recovered the ability of the magma fruit.

Yanxing looked at Akainu and said:"You don't master the use of this ability very well, so let me tell you what real magma is."


Yan Xing stamped his foot, and the ground began to emit a rumbling sound in an instant. Akainu quickly transformed into an element and disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, as the ground cracked, the ridge gradually began to arch, and the roar of the earth echoed. A huge mouth opened on the ridge, and the boiling magma inside began to erupt continuously.

Such power directly turned the island into an active volcano. The island, which was only tens of kilometers long and wide, has now become an active volcano with a length of nearly hundreds of kilometers. Akainu looked incredible.

Such a power to change the landform is so easy He used it, knowing that even he couldn't do it to this extent.

As the magma began to erupt, it was like burning the sky and boiling the sea. Countless red magmas flew out, and the billowing black smoke almost covered the sky. The magma soaked the sea water.

The sea water boiled in the blink of an eye, which shows that the temperature is extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Doflamingo, who was hiding in the sky, wanted to see if there was any chance. Staring at the magma gushing in front of him, he quickly began to dodge.

Sure enough, the ability this guy took away would be better than the original, which is unimaginable. This It doesn't need to be developed in the first place, but it has reached this point. How could this be possible?

However, Akainu, who turned into magma and melted into the magma, looked at the active volcano with a frown. This scene was also beneficial to him.

But now the two magma fruit ability users are in a showdown, and this scene is beneficial to both of them.

Moreover, it is unimaginable that the magma has reached such a power. Perhaps the magma fruit has already awakened in him.

Otherwise, how could he exert such power with just a wave of his hand? After all, you have to know that he has obtained the magma fruit for more than 30 years. time.

But in the past thirty years, he has been constantly developing the magma fruit, but there is still a long way to go before awakening.

Now the guy in front of him, who got the ability of the magma fruit because of him, has reached the point of awakening first, which is simply unimaginable.

At this time, Yanxing's figure was suspended in the crater of the active volcano that spanned hundreds of kilometers. Then, with a slight wave of his arm, a giant dragon transformed by magma gradually formed in the sky.

The giant dragon kept moving, wrapping Yanxing's body. At this time, Yanxing stared at Akainu with an indifferent expression and said,"Go!"


At this time, the dragon roared towards Akainu in a blink of an eye. Akainu stared at the roaring magma dragon in front of him. He could sense that it was covered with armed color domineering.

If he was hit by this dragon, he would be crippled even if he didn't die. At this time, Akainu could only use all his strength to deal with it.

Wherever the magma dragon went, heat waves swept in. In this heat wave, the void seemed to become distorted. However, staring at the magma dragon in front of him with its claws spread out, Akainu saw the magma on his hands dripping continuously. A huge dog-shaped figure emerged:"Canine Tooth Red Lotus!"


In an instant, as the two collided, the confrontation of armed color domineering erupted with the sound of metal and stone.

The magma gathered and bared its teeth and claws, biting the giant dog in front of it in half. As the magma dripped, the dragon still roared at Akainu relentlessly.

At this time, Akainu's arm turned into magma again, with scarlet brilliance emerging on it, and a hot breath emerged:"Big Fire!"

As the fist formed by the magma hit the dragon magma in an instant, the scattered figure of the magma dragon turned into magma and fell to the ground.

In response, Yanxing stared at Akainu indifferently, and saw that as he waved his arm lightly, hundreds of magma dragons condensed and formed again at the crater in an instant:"See how you do this time!"

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