However, from the pressure revealed by Yanxing just now, they knew that Shanks's father was definitely more powerful than Shanks.

And such a healing ability is simply incredible.

Shanks looked at the intact arm, his eyes flashing with surprise. He had lost his arm for ten years.

It was really a bit unaccustomed, but now it has grown back, and it can also play a good role in enhancing his strength.

At this time, Yanxing said helplessly:"Be careful next time!"

In response, Shanks said with a playful smile:"It's Dad!"

At this time, Shanks looked at the crew members on the side and noticed Shanks's compelling gaze. Everyone present also said in unison:"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

They were all willing to call Yanxing Your Majesty. After all, these hidden injuries and diseases would more or less make them suffer.

And it would also prevent them from fully exerting their strength. After all, they fought hard on the sea, how could they not have injuries on their bodies!

Now it can be said that they have solved a lot of their troubles.

Seeing them, Yan Xing still looked indifferent. Shanks said excitedly,"To celebrate my reunion with my father, brothers, let's have a party!"

All of a sudden, everyone on the scene started to cheer,"Banquet! Let's have a party!"

Seeing the joy on the scene, Yan Xing's eyes also flashed with smiles. The atmosphere on Shanks' boat was pretty good.

However, after three rounds of drinks, Yan Xing walked up to Shanks, looking at the figures lying in front of him.

Seeing him in the sea breeze, he said in deep thought,"Dad, was the sea the same in your time?"

In response to Shanks' question, Yan Xing's eyes flashed with understanding,"Shanks, are you confused?"

Hearing this, Shanks nodded silently.

Yan Xing sighed and said,"The essence of the world is the law of the jungle. At that time, I suppressed the sea with absolute power, so it created a short peace. However, there is light and darkness in the human heart. After I fell asleep, the current situation evolved. If you want real peace, you have to become strong enough to suppress the sea and always stand at the top!"

After Yan Xing spoke, Shanks' eyes flashed with tenacity:"Strong enough!"

But at this time, Yan Xing suddenly said,"Go to Impel Down with Dad in a few days!"

As Yan Xing's words sounded, Shanks' drunkenness disappeared at this time.

It's going to take action so soon, and it's against Impel Down. You know, Impel Down is one of the three major institutions of the World Government.

I don't know how many pirates and people who are against the World Government are imprisoned there.

And there are the most devil fruit ability users there. At this time, Yan Xing took action against Impel Down, and the purpose is self-evident! But

Shanks was a little strange. According to his father's personality, he should have attacked Impel Down immediately after knowing Impel Down!

Why are you taking action now? Yan Xing looked at Shanks and knew that Shanks had probably thought of something.

So he explained:"It takes a few days to sleep and digest a large amount of power at once. It's best not to be disturbed!"

The moment Yan Xing opened his mouth, Shanks looked thoughtful. In this regard, Shanks would not object to his father's decision, so he nodded indifferently and said:"Okay!"

After Shanks agreed, Yan Xing continued:"As for the time you want to do it, it can also be carried out. After all, this man is not bad, and it's worth seeing him off!" In response to Yan Xing

's words, Shanks' eyes turned and flashed with bright eyes, saying:"Then Dad, do you want to go and take a look? Although the scene may not be as shocking as you have seen before, it is not bad to treat it as a farce!"

Hearing this, Yan Xing said thoughtfully:"Indeed!"

Just like that, the two of them decided on the itinerary for a few days in a few words.

Shanks came to Ben Beckman at this time and told him his arrangement. In response, Ben Beckman said helplessly:"Since it is your decision, we will certainly not object. We really can't let the navy kill them all!" At this time, Luffy and others who came to the Sabaody Archipelago and beat the Celestial Dragons again were rescued by Rayleigh this time!

They did not suffer the original fate. After all, in Rayleigh's view, this kid has the style of his old friend!

Moreover, it can also be regarded as a signal of comeback, so that his name, Pluto Rayleigh, will resound throughout the sea again.

After all, he doesn't need to keep a low profile now. Even if he wants to keep a low profile, he will not be able to keep a low profile in the future. After all, some people are born to appear on that stage!

Rayleigh shook the red wine in his hand, but I don't know what His Majesty will do at the moment of turbulence in the sea? It's really exciting!

Thinking of the deeds described in history books, perhaps it would be a good thing to let the world return to his control again!

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