Five days have passed since the seven-day execution time set by the navy, and there are only five days left.

During these five days, the entire sea has been in turmoil, and countless forces have begun to secretly accumulate power.

After all, the result of this incident will overturn the sea and change the situation of the sea.

These forces are now secretly accumulating power, either preparing to protect themselves in this incident, or wanting to take advantage of this opportunity.

So the entire sea is now almost strangely quiet. It's like the calm before the storm. No one knows what consequences the huge waves behind will bring!

Will they let them ride the wind and waves and soar straight up, or be hit by the huge waves on the bottom of the sea, and everything will disappear!

On this day, the Red Hair's Red Fors has passed directly through Fishman Island and arrived near the Sabaody Archipelago!

However, the Red Fors did not reveal its whereabouts. After all, if the navy finds their traces now, they will probably think that their Red Hair Pirates will also start to join the war.

In that case, the movement caused will be shocking enough. After all, the navy is not arrogant enough to deal with two Four Emperors!

At this moment, on the bow of the Red Force, Yan Xing pulled Shanks, and the two took a step forward, and their figures disappeared.

At this moment, the two of them shuttled through space and headed for the location of Impel Down. At this time, a group of people in the Sabaody Archipelago were also preparing to go to Impel Down!

Yan Xing came out of the void, and his perception was poor, so he shouldn't have arrived at the place, but the location on the map was still a little off!

I saw the two of them standing on the giant gate that towered into the sea of clouds. The giant gate opened, and a warship slowly drove forward.

Yan Xing stared at the warship, and felt a little familiar breath there, as well as the breath of the devil fruit.

That familiar breath made Yan Xing smile, it seems that the things back then did work.

But there is no need to worry about it now, after all, he is the protagonist of this war. If he leaves, it is estimated that the war will not start.

At this time, Yan Xing and Shanks looked at the fortress not far away. The entire fortress was built in the deep sea, surrounded by dozens of naval warships, ready for battle!

This is the most solid prison in the world, and no one can escape from here!

Looking at the buildings here, the Impel Down City is a product used to delay the arrival of the Devil Fruit in the sea again.

After all, for the World Government, those who are imprisoned here are all extremely evil, and it is not too much to kill them immediately.

But why are they imprisoned? In addition to the valuable information hidden in some people. There is another important reason, which is to prevent the Devil Fruit from appearing easily on the sea.

After all, the World Government does not have enough manpower to prevent the Devil Fruit from falling into anyone's hands.

The Devil Fruit is the ticket to become a strong man. It is because of these tickets. They have the power to sail on the sea and the power to cause trouble to the World Government.

But if he comes, then the entire Impel Down City does not need to exist now.

Thinking of this, Yan Xing took Shanks and took a step out. In a blink of an eye, the two figures appeared directly in front of the gate of the Impel Down City. Looking at the closed gate, Yan Xing touched it casually:"Dry!"

In an instant, the gate decayed directly, and the video telephone bug passing through the door.

The guards of Impel Down in the monitoring room saw the figures of Yan Xing and Shanks clearly at this time!

They were shocked and said,"This is the Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks and Yan Xing, the newcomer who has been in the limelight recently. They want to break into Impel Down now!""

"I haven’t heard of the people who have been detained recently!"

"Why did these two people standing at the top of the sea come to Impel Down?"

"No matter what, notify the director and the others now!"

Thinking of this, the guard dialed the Den Den Mushi, only to see that it was on the fourth floor of Impel Down. Magellan walked towards the toilet, picked up the Den Den Mushi beside him and said,"What's the matter!"

As Magellan opened his mouth, trembling words came from the other side:"Director, someone broke into the Impel Down and came in from the main gate. It was Red-Haired Shanks and Flame Star!"

As the guard's words fell, at this time, Magellan's eyes showed an incredible look.

Is he here to rescue Ace?

But Ace has been escorted away by the navy. No matter what, this is Impel Down. He has become the director here and will never allow anyone to break in here!

At this time, Deputy Director Hannibal and others on the side showed fear in their eyes. After all, let's not talk about those people in the Infinite Hell!

Although he has seen a lot, he dare not enter alone. After all, although those guys are bound, their murderous aura and domineering aura are not a joke! It

's easy to play with a small person like him. Now the Four Emperors Red Hair actually led people to break into the Impel Down. How can they resist such a person! Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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