In the next two days, Rayleigh took Luffy to the Beast Island.

And Shaqi also started her own training with Sanji, Nami and others.

As for Ace, he was always with Roger, although Ace disliked Roger unilaterally.

But under the observation of Yanxing, it can also be seen that Ace's attitude has gradually softened.

In these two days, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates also came to the Sabaody Archipelago.

After meeting Ace, they did not stay too long. They knew that Ace planned to stay here to practice.

Instead of stopping him, they encouraged him. After all, their Whitebeard father placed his hopes on Ace.

Now we have to give Ace time to grow. After all, although Ace's strength is good, it is only good. There is still a distance from the admiral level.

It is really not up to the task of mastering the Whitebeard Pirates.

So at this time, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates are also ready to go back to clean up the mess, and by the way, wait for Ace to succeed in his training and lead them to rise again.

As for the Red Hair Pirates, they stayed in Shampoo Land, but the Navy had no time to pay attention to them at this time.

After all, they did not expect that Flame Star would broadcast the scenes on the battlefield.

The winner of this war was not the Navy or the Whitebeard Pirates, but Flame Star alone.

After all, although the Navy killed Whitebeard in the Battle of the Top, the means were despicable. In addition, the Navy was frightened by Flame Star and dared not enter the field. Now the reputation of the Navy has been greatly reduced.

The Navy is now cleaning up this mess, and it can be seen outside the palace of the Five Elders in the Holy Land of Marijoa. At this time, the Navy Admiral Zhan Guo said with a heavy face:"I am willing to take all the responsibilities on myself and resign from the position of Navy Admiral!"

At the moment Zhan Guo opened his mouth, the gloomy look of the Five Elders also improved a little. They looked at each other and said,"In this case, what choice do you have for the next Navy Admiral!"

As Zhixing's words fell, Zhan Guo said with a heavy face:"I recommend Aokiji as the next Navy Admiral!"

Quanxing, who was right next to him, frowned and said,"Although Aokiji is good, he is too lazy. We still think Akainu is more suitable!"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo also looked gloomy. He didn't expect that Akainu had already connected with the Five Elders.

Thinking of Akainu's character, if he really let him control the navy, it is unknown how much trouble he would cause.

So at this time, he still had to fight for it, but the intentions of the Five Elders were difficult for him to change, so he could only fight for it.

Zhan Guo said solemnly:"Since you want to become the admiral of the navy, then strength is of course the most important. Let them fight! Whoever wins, I guess there will be no complaints at that time!" The

Five Elders did not speak to Zhan Guo's words. After all, they have fought for Akainu. If they don't win, then there is nothing they can do.

Seeing that the Five Elders did not refute his proposal, Zhan Guo was relieved. At least there was room for resistance and they did not make a decision directly.

However, when he left the holy land of Marijoa, Zhan Guo also frowned and looked a little gloomy.

As for the twists and turns of the navy and the turmoil of the pirate forces in the New World, Yan Xing did not pay attention to them.

Looking at the training of Sanji and others around Xia Qi's blackmail bar, Yan Xing looked thoughtful.

Although Xia Qi's strength is indeed strong and has reached the level of being comparable to that of an admiral.

It is enough to train them, but it only increases in strength, and other technical aspects cannot be improved.

This is not what Yanxing wants to see. After all, each of them has their responsibilities on the ship. So at this time, Yanxing thought of the memories recorded in his mind. This knowledge is extremely huge, and he can materialize it if he needs it.

So at this time, Yanxing turned his head and looked at them and said,"Come here! I have a gift for you!"

The moment Yanxing spoke, Sanji and others also looked thoughtful.

Just when they stood in front of Yanxing, Yanxing stretched out his hand, and the light and shadow on his hand emerged.

A thick book appeared in front of them. This book was handed to Sanji by Yanxing and said,"This is a chef's recipe. Take it and read it!"

Sanji opened the recipe in front of him and was shocked. These cooking methods and techniques are unimaginable. This craft is extremely ancient. I don't know what era the recipe is from.

Yanxing also waved his sleeves, and in an instant, 4 thick books gathered in the sky. These books were thrown directly in front of Nami, Chopper, Brook, and Franky.

Yan Xing then said indifferently:"These are books about meteorology, music, medicine, and mechanics, which are used to increase your knowledge. Okay, it's okay, you can go down too!"

After throwing these books to them, Yan Xing no longer cared about them. It didn't matter whether they could learn it or not.

After all, Yan Xing had given them the means of compensation, and asked them to learn by themselves in the hope of making up for it. However, at this time.

Zoro on the side was sweating profusely. Every time he waved the sword in his hand, he seemed to be in great pain.

There was a brown light curtain wrapped around him. This was the gravity space created by Yan Xing. The gravity inside was ten times that outside!

Zoro was indeed working hard, but because of his experience, there were some loopholes in the basics that needed to be made up!

However, Shanks on the side was also looking at Zoro's hard work, and in his mind he recalled his three months of devilish experience twenty-two years ago.

Because Yan Xing was about to fall asleep, the training for Shanks was like cramming.

At this time, Yanxing turned his head and looked at Shanks and said,"You can also teach him these basic things on my behalf. Now, you can help me teach Zoro here!"

As Yanxing's words fell, Yanxing took a step forward and disappeared. Only Shanks was left with a sullen face, looking at Zoro swinging his sword in the gravity space with a helpless look.

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