After leaving the Sabaody Archipelago, Yanxing is now preparing to go to Alabasta.

Relying on the Robin memory he had checked some time ago. His travel speedboat, Pluto, a thousand years ago should now be buried in that vast desert.

However, because the material used to build Pluto is meteorite iron from outer space, that kind of meteorite iron is very strange. It can avoid the discovery and detection of divine consciousness. So even Yanxing. It is also unknown where his speedboat is buried. However, finding the ruler of this land to find Pluto should be the fastest way. So at this time, Yanxing jumped on the space node, looking for the direction to Alabasta.

As Yanxing stepped on the space node, his figure suddenly flashed and appeared in the vast desert. Looking at the surrounding environment, a desert with no end in sight emerged with the illusory map on his fingers.

Yanxing nodded with satisfaction, this is indeed Alabasta. As for the location of the capital of the kingdom, Yanxing took a step forward, and saw the surrounding figures gradually become illusory.

Speaking of the rulers of Alabasta, it seems that they have joined forces to overthrow the family of the Kingdom of Fire. Although I don't know why their family did not become the Celestial Dragons and live in the holy land of Marijoa.

However, Yanxing can guess the general situation. It should be for the Pluto buried in this desert. Although the Celestial Dragons are high above, Yanxing knows that there is an Im above them.

Thinking of this Im, Yanxing also thinks of many things. Maybe this guy is someone he is familiar with, at least he is also a high-level official of the Kingdom of Fire, otherwise how could he easily overthrow the Kingdom of Fire.

It should be this person who unites the current Celestial Dragons and acts together, and the collapse of the Kingdom of Fire has been caused by the cooperation between the inside and the outside.

However, it is meaningless to pursue these. After all, the destruction of the Kingdom of Fire has long been an established reality, and 800 years have passed.

But as long as Yanxing exists, a new Kingdom of Fire can be established again.

Yanxing's figure appeared in the gorgeous palace, with the sound of water flowing. At this time, Yanxing looked at the bathroom that was like a swimming pool, looking at a beautiful figure washing there.

Looking at the blue hair and curvy figure, Yan Xing remained indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

A word of indifference appeared:"You are Nefertari Weiwei!"

As Yan Xing's words rang out, Weiwei suddenly turned her head, with shock flashing in her eyes.

"Who are you?"

Yan Xing did not answer Wei Wei's words, his expression was cold. At this time, Yan Xing said coldly:"Where is Pluto!"

As Yan Xing's words sounded, Wei Wei's face flashed with shock. Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons. Since the last incident, Wei Wei knew that Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons, had the power to destroy the island with this cannon. Such a terrifying weapon is buried in their country, and the historical text stone tablet recording the burial site is also in their underground palace. However

, the news should not have been leaked. Could it be that the Straw Hat Gang or the Crocodile leaked it?

But relying on the time they have spent together, Fei and others should not tell this secret. It can only be revealed by Crocodile.

Thinking of this, Wei Wei stared at Yan Xing with fear, praying in his heart that someone would soon discover the situation he was facing.

After all, if Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons, is born, it is unknown what kind of situation it will cause. What kind of bloodshed will occur, it is estimated that the situation on the entire sea will be turbulent.


However, at this moment, the bathroom door suddenly opened. The leader was none other than Vivi's father, Nefertari Cobra. Cobra stared at Yanxing's figure with a look of shock.

He said to Weiwei who was behind Yanxing,"You go out first! I'll talk to him!"

Princess Vivi looked at her father in surprise. After all, the man who suddenly broke into their palace was obviously not a law-abiding person.

As a king, how could his father put himself in danger like this? However, looking at the unprecedented solemnity in his father's eyes, he did not dare to refute his father's words, and finally walked out with a bath towel around him. However, Yanxing had a half-smile on his face.

Because he saw the emotions revealed in Cobra's eyes, he knew he would come.

As the bathroom door closed, at this time, Cobra stepped forward, knelt on the ground, and said respectfully,"Your Majesty!"

In this regard, the sand and stones on the ground gathered to form a gorgeous throne. Yanxing sat directly on the throne, looked at Cobra in front of him lazily and said,"It seems that you know my identity!"

Hearing this, Cobra took a deep breath and said solemnly:"The queen of traitors, Nefertari Cobra meets Your Majesty, congratulations on waking up from your long sleep!"

Yanxing looked at him with his eyes, and in an instant, Cobra felt that his memory was still turned over.

Soon, everything was known to Yanxing. It turned out that in the Nefertari family, there was a self-portrait of Yanxing that they obtained from the palace of the Kingdom of Flame, so they recognized him.

The reason why their family did not move to the holy land of Marijoa and become celestial dragons was because they were reluctant to leave Pluto.

They wanted to study the power of Pluto, but hundreds of years ago, because the world government noticed their unusual movements, there was unrest at that time, although the world government did not know what their family was plotting.

But the matter of studying Pluto changed just like that, and Pluto was buried and lost.

During this time, their family has been looking for the traces of Pluto, but because of the surveillance of the world government, they have always been cautious and dare not make too much movement.

However, in this generation, Nefertari Cobra did not have too much ambition.

He just wanted to be a good king.

The moment he noticed Yanxing's wanted order, he knew that Yanxing had awakened, so during this time, he has been waiting for His Majesty to come again.

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