In response, Yan Xing looked at Neferutali Cobra thoughtfully and said,"Then how should I deal with you traitors?"

As Yan Xing's words fell, Neferutali Cobra took a deep breath. After all, he also knew the temper of this crowned prince through the things recorded in the family!

Cold and ruthless, but from the current situation, it seems that he is not such a cold and ruthless person!

Neferutali Cobra did not dare to bet on such a possibility. Now he is the fish and Yan Xing is the knife!

So at this time, Neferutali Cobra has no other choice but to show his greatest sincerity.

Neferutali Cobra looked humble, with pleading eyes, and said:"Your Majesty has just woken up from a long sleep, and your strength should not have recovered yet, and your Majesty should not have servants. My Fitali family is willing to go through fire and water for your Majesty, in order to atone for your sins!"

As Neferutali Cobra spoke, Yan Xing was still expressionless at this time. After all, thousands of years ago, there were so many people begging to be his servants.

But it's better not to mention it now, but the words of the Neferutali family have been passed down from thousands of years ago, and a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Moreover, Yan Xing couldn't do it to Neferutali Cobra. After all, it was rare for him to have such a temperament as a superior!

Although his ability is insufficient, what Yan Xing values most is his character. After all, things like ability can be improved, but character cannot be improved.

So at this time, Yan Xing raised a smile and said,"You are very good!"

With Yan Xing's praise, Nefertari Cobra was relieved at this time. At least this attitude was willing to give them a chance.

Fortunately, it seems that after nearly a thousand years of sleep, the temper of this crown has become more humane!

But this is also fortunate. If it was a thousand years ago, Yan Xing would have killed them long ago.

At this time, Yan Xing said with a cold look:"Then in order to realize your value, tell us the burial place of Pluto now!"

As Yan Xing's words fell, Cobra's face stiffened at this time.

After all, hundreds of years ago, their Firutali family had lost Pluto.

Although their family has never mastered it, because even if they get it, they can't drive Pluto.

Even in the era of the Kingdom of Fire, Pluto is a speedboat exclusively for Yan Xing to travel. No one can drive it, he only obeys Yan Xing's orders.

So Cobra said stiffly:"Your Highness, we only know the approximate specific location, but we really don't know where it is!"

As Cobra spoke, Yanxing's face showed indifference:"Where is it, point it out!"

In Yanxing's hand, a map formed by an illusory light curtain appeared. Cobra stared at the illusory map in front of him and drew a circle in one of the deserts.

Looking at the range in front of him, there are nearly tens of thousands of kilometers, which is almost equivalent to 1/20 of the size of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

You must know that Pluto is not small or big, because after Yanxing gave him the birth of the ship spirit, he also gave him the ability to grow and shrink.

So if he really becomes very small, then he will be like sand and gravel. If he becomes huge, even the entire island cannot accommodate his body.

At this time, Yanxing frowned and directly pulled Cobra's figure, and appeared in the position they drew in an instant.

At this time, Yanxing and Cobra stood in the void, looking at the endless desert below.

Cobra stared at the desert in front of him with a feeling of deep emotion. This was the power of the gods.

At the same time, Yan Xing stared at the desert in front of him. As he raised his finger

, the whole desert began to tremble. Countless dust began to fly, and Zhang Yang was suspended in the sky.

Everyone within tens of thousands of kilometers stared at the flying dust in front of them. In their eyes, it looked incredible.

"The sandstorm is coming, run!"


"The sandstorm is coming, hide quickly!"


But they later found out that although these sandstorms looked terrible, they did not involve anyone's life. Such a strange scene also shocked the people in the entire Alabasta Kingdom who were in this area.

At the same time, Yanxing suddenly opened his eyes and pulled Cobra's figure away from the spot.

As they appeared near a town again, they saw that at this time, the sky seemed to be covered by sand and dust.

But the people below were fine. Such power control was simply unimaginable for Cobra.

At the same time, Cobra stared at the light that appeared in the desert as the sand continued to fly.

The smooth light revealed a blue color, as bright as a sapphire. What is this?

As Cobra turned his head to look at Mo Yanxing, a smile appeared in Yanxing's eyes.

At this time, Yanxing raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said,"Pluto!"

As Yanxing's words fell, the sapphire seemed to vibrate in an instant, and the mechanical words began to echo.

"The command input is correct, the audio recording is correct, and the identity is confirmed!"

At this moment, the entire sand dune began to shake, and soon the sapphire-like body began to appear in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with an incredible look, and the extremely gorgeous hull appeared in front of them.

You know, this giant ship is almost thousands of kilometers long and wide. It is hard to imagine that this is Pluto.

Pluto is luxurious all over, even the muzzle is made of such sapphire. It is hard to imagine how it was successfully made.

At the same time, everyone looked at the giant ship that covered the sky in the sky, and saw an illusory light and shadow appear in front of Yan Xing:"The ship spirit has seen the master!"

In response, Yan Xing stared at the speedboat Pluto that was thousands of kilometers long and wide in front of him, with a smile on his face, and said to him:"It's been a long time since we last met. I let you waste it again. Shrink it a little! Normal size will do!"

Hearing this, the ship spirit also responded:"Yes, master!"

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