The plane arrived at the Aegean Sea. When the two arrived, it was already night.

Xu Yi had booked a sea view room in a five-star hotel in advance and checked in with Xiaoju.

When taking the elevator to their hotel room, Xiaoju yawned tiredly:"I'm so sleepy~"

Xu Yi held Xiaoju in his arms with one arm to prevent Xiaoju from being as sleepy as a panda. Xiaoju fell asleep on the side of the road without knowing when.

Indeed, they took a flight for more than seven hours. It was a bit tiring to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

Xiaoju squinted her eyes and murmured in her mouth:"I will go to bed when I get to the room. Recover my spirit and go out to play tomorrow with full energy." On the way from the airport to here just now, Xiaoju saw the beautiful scenery along the way in the car. When she checked into the hotel, the scenery she saw was even more amazing.

There is the sea outside the door, and a blue and white town in the distance. The houses are scattered on the edge of the cliff, which looks very spectacular.

Xiaoju likes the place Xu Yi chose very much, and can't wait to go out for sightseeing and sightseeing, and record it with photos.

But all this will have to wait until tomorrow daytime when she is energetic.

However, when Xu Yi told Xiaoju about sleeping, there was another interpretation.

He looked down at Xiaoju with a meaningful look in his eyes, and said in a suggestive tone:"If you want to go back, just sleep with me?"

Xiaoju was in a sleepy stage and almost agreed casually. But when she caught a glimpse of Xu Yi's eyes looking at her, she realized something was wrong. Xiaoju blushed and corrected Xu Yi,"It's not that kind of sleeping.……"

Xu Yi looked at her and smiled without saying anything.

He didn't want to sleep, but he wanted to say something to cheer her up when he saw Xiaoju was so sleepy.

Later, seeing Xiaoju blushing with shyness because of his words, Xu Yi wanted to tease her even more.

At this time, the elevator door opened.

The two got off the elevator and came to their hotel room. Xu Yi checked the room card information and entered the room password.

Xiaoju also leaned over to help Xu Yi check and check carefully.

At this time, the two heard a voice behind them:"Hi, neighbor!"

After Xu Yi entered the last number, the door opened, and he turned back to see the source of the sound.

Then, he saw a beautiful woman with a proud figure. The beauty dyed her hair golden, but judging from her appearance, she should be a prostitute like Xiaoju and Xu Yi.

Seeing Xu Yi turn around, the beauty greeted him again with a smile on her face:"Handsome, I'm your neighbor next door. Come visit when you have time."

Xiaoju stood next to Xu Yi and saw the whole process of this beautiful woman talking to Xu Yi. She had been looking at Xu Yi with a teasing look, and her words were very inappropriate.

Moreover, from beginning to end, the woman did not even look at Xiaoju. Xiaoju had been standing next to Xu Yi, and Xu Yi was holding Xiaoju's hand with one hand.

Any adult who saw this kind of scene would know their relationship and should know to avoid suspicion, but this woman chose to turn a blind eye to her.

There is definitely something wrong with her.

After entering the room, Xiaoju looked at Xu Yi a little unhappy and said,"That female neighbor has bad intentions towards you"

"Really?" Xu Yi said, pretending to be stupid.

Just now, he also saw this from the woman's obvious attitude.

Xiaoju immediately nodded desperately and said to Xu Yi confidently:"That's absolutely the case. With my woman's sixth sense,"

""Then tomorrow, I will go to the hotel front desk to change the location of the room. We will not live next to her." Xu Yi said firmly. Xiaoju was a little touched when she heard this. She was very uncomfortable when she saw the scene at the door just now, but when she heard Xu Yi say this, Xiaoju's heart was at ease.

She looked at Xu Yi and said,"There is no need to be so troublesome, just live here, it's good. Anyway, we will go out during the day and we won't meet many times."

Xiaoju felt that as long as Xu Yi had no feelings for her, she would not worry no matter how she tossed.

Xu Yi thought about it and said,"Okay."

Then, he held Xiaoju in his arms with his hands horizontally, and ran straight to the bedroom.

When Xiaoju's feet were hanging in the air, she asked Xu Yi with a confused look on her face,"Hey, what are you going to do?"

"Sleep." Xu Yi had a sly smile on his face,"Didn't you say that just now? You'll sleep with me when you get back to the room?"

Xiao Ju blushed and explained anxiously,"That's not the sleep I'm talking about."

But Xu Yi didn't listen.

Originally, he was just teasing Xiaoju when he talked about sleeping. But after what happened just now, Xu Yi didn't want Xiaoju's mind to linger on the little episode that made her a little unhappy.

Xu Yi did this to divert Xiaoju's attention.

However, it doesn't matter what the reason is. The important thing is that the two of them had a wonderful and memorable night afterwards.

Looking at Xiaoju's sweet sleeping face, Xu Yi got out of bed reluctantly. This was what he had thought of early in the morning on the plane. Now that Xiaoju was completely asleep, he had to hurry up to make arrangements.

Xu Yi contacted the hotel staff and sketched out the real-life picture in his mind. The hotel staff was very helpful. In the middle of the night, they followed Xu Yi to the beach.

Under Xu Yi's arrangement, they began to actively prepare this surprise for Xiaoju.

Of course, Xu Yi did not treat them badly. In the early morning, after all the staff had finished their work, Xu Yi gave each of them a very large tip.

This tip caught up with a month's salary for the hotel staff. When the staff saw it, they bowed to Xu Yi with gratitude:"Thank you, boss! If you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, remember to call us! No matter whether it is morning or night, in heaven or on earth, we will definitely help you do it!"

The next morning, Xiaoju lazily got up from the bed. Feeling the salty and cool air slipping into the room, Xiaoju realized that she had arrived at the beach.

She walked straight to the windowsill, intending to take a look at the sea view.

The next second, Xiaoju was stunned by the scene in front of her.

There was a huge heart on the beach, and next to the heart were candle-like decorations, each with a hydrogen balloon tied to it.

The names of Xiaoju and Xu Yi were written in the middle of the heart, and"Love each other for a lifetime" was written on the balloon.

This sudden surprise made Xiaoju so moved that she covered her mouth.

At this time, Xu Yi just walked to Xiaoju's side. Xiaoju was so moved that she threw herself into Xu Yi's arms, crying and said,"I like this surprise very much."

""As long as you like it." Xu Yi said, touching Xiaoju's head.

Xiaoju's love for Xu Yi had accumulated to the extreme. She told Xu Yi:"Not only do I like you, but I will never forget you. Every time I come to the beach in the future, I will think of the surprise you gave me today."

Xiaoju raised her head, looked at Xu Yi infatuatedly, and asked for confirmation:"We will be together for the rest of our lives, right?"

Xu Yi lowered his head and kissed Xiaoju's forehead, and said without hesitation:"Of course."

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