Xiaoju was so excited that she forgot that she was wearing pajamas. She wanted to rush to the beach immediately to appreciate the surprise Xu Yi prepared for her.

But Xu Yi pulled her back and ordered her to have a good breakfast before she could go out.

Xiaoju had to obey and quickly packed up and prepared. She had a quick breakfast with Xu Yi at the hotel and then ran to the beach. After admiring it for more than half an hour, it was time for tourists to come to the beach to play.

Although she hadn't seen enough, Xiaoju didn't want to affect other tourists' sightseeing, so she ordered the hotel staff to remove the surprises Xu Yi prepared for her.

Then, Xiaoju officially started her trip with Xu Yi. Xiaoju was as excited as a child. She first took various landscape photos by herself at the beach. Then, she took out her professional qualities as a female star, posed in various poses, and asked Xu Yi to take various photos for her.

Xu Yi was naturally willing to match the beautiful scenery with the beautiful woman.

Most importantly, he felt that Xiaoju was really happy, happier than ever before. Xu Yi felt full of motivation when he saw Xiaoju's bright smile.

In the past, Xiaoju had been to the beach many times. Because of work, she had been to the beach for MV and TV series.

But no time was as happy as this time. Because this time was not work, but a trip that belonged to her completely.

Moreover, this sea was different from the ones she had been to before. It was the Aegean Sea, which symbolized love. More importantly, she was different now.

In the past, she came to the beach with many staff members because of work. But now, she didn't have those complicated jobs.

But there was one more person who was the most important in her life.

Because Xu Yi was by her side, the sea here, the scenery here... in Xiaoju's eyes, they all became different.

This is a foreign country far away from **. Xiaoju and Xu Yi are rarely recognized here. There is no need to avoid other people's eyes, and they will not be disturbed. Xiaoju can finally let go of herself and have fun.

She pulled Xu Yi, playing in the water for a while, and playing on the beach for a while, playing with sand, and forgetting everything.

This is exactly the purpose of Xu Yi bringing Xiaoju to travel. He just wants to see Xiaoju look so carefree.

Xu Yi had been happily accompanying Xiaoju, playing with her.

At this moment, the two were building castles on the beach, and suddenly a volleyball flew over from nowhere.

The volleyball flew straight towards Xiaoju's head, but fortunately Xu Yi was agile. He raised his hand in time and stopped the volleyball.

Xiaoju felt the wind brought by the volleyball and raised her head. Then, she saw a woman with a proud figure walking towards her in front of her. Xiaoju looked at her and felt that she looked familiar. When she was thinking about where she had seen her before, the woman walked in front of her and Xu Yi. Xiaoju saw the woman deliberately bend down and pick up the ball in front of Xu Yi at a very strange angle that could show her plump breasts.

In an instant, Xiaoju's memory opened up, and she remembered that this woman was the one who lived next door to them and ran around Xu Yi with ambiguous eyes yesterday.

The woman picked up the volleyball and apologized to Xiaoju first, saying,"I'm sorry, our volleyball almost hit you." Xiaoju shook her head and indicated that it was okay.

Then, the woman's eyes did not stay on Xiaoju for a second.

She immediately turned her eyes to Xu Yi and invited him,"Handsome boy, do you want to play volleyball with us?""

"No." Xu Yi refused without hesitation.

The woman was a little embarrassed, especially when her companions behind her said,"Lisa, what are you doing there with a volleyball? Hurry up and bring a handsome guy over to play volleyball with us."

Hearing the girls' shouts, Xiaoju knew the woman's name, Lisa.

Lisa was a little embarrassed by her friends' teasing, but she refused to give up. She turned her head and looked at Xiaoju and asked,"Will you join us too? With your boyfriend."

While speaking, her eyes still drifted to Xu Yi from time to time.

Xiaoju knew her intention. She didn't really want to invite herself to join them. She just wanted to invite Xu Yi, but was rejected by Xu Yi, so she had no choice but to drag herself in.

However, even if she invited herself sincerely, Xiaoju would not agree.

Just when Xiaoju was about to refuse, she suddenly heard a girl screaming,"Ahhh - is that Xiaoju?"

Then, Xiaoju saw a girl run out from the group of girls playing volleyball and ran straight towards her.

The girl ran to Xiaoju, first looked Xiaoju up and down carefully, and then asked in surprise:"Are you Xiaoju? Are you?"

Xiaoju did not make any disguises, and was recognized. She also generously admitted:"Yes, I am."

The girl happily took her hand and excitedly confessed to Xiaoju:"I am your fan! I looked at you from a distance just now, and I felt that you looked like you. But because I have been studying abroad for the past two years, I have been in a state of closed information in China. I haven't seen any news about you in the past two years, and I almost didn't recognize you!"

The girl excitedly took Xiaoju's hand and continued to confess:"But I really liked you before. I bought two copies of each of your albums, one for myself and one for collection. I would watch all your works many times... I am so happy. I didn't expect to meet the idol I have been a fan of for so many years in the distant Aegean Sea!"

Hearing the girl say this, Xiaoju was also very happy. She has been an artist for so long, and besides when good works are broadcast or awards are won, the happiest moment is when she sees fans and hears fans confession.

Xiaoju cherishes every one of her fans. She knows that her popularity today, in addition to her own efforts, is inseparable from the support of fans. Xiaoju immediately opened her mouth to express her gratitude to the fans:"Thank you for your support over the years. Now that I can study abroad, I will focus on my studies first. It won’t be too late to pay attention to me when I return to China and the communication status is restored."

The female fan kept smiling and nodding at Xiaoju. It was a miracle for him to meet his idol in a foreign country.

The feeling of overjoyed was indescribable, and now completely occupied all her emotions.

The female fan was a little excited, and asked Xiaoju humbly:"We are playing beach volleyball over there, I wonder if the goddess is interested?"

Hearing the female fan ask this, Xiaoju remembered that this fan was a friend of the woman named Lisa, and they had just played volleyball together over there.

However, the female fan and Lisa had different intentions in inviting her to play volleyball.

Although Xiaoju was not very willing when she thought of Lisa's presence, she could not resist the enthusiasm of the little fan.

She heard that the female fan had been inviting her enthusiastically. Xiaoju always spoiled her fans and did not want to disappoint her fans, so she had to agree in the end.

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