After hearing Xiaoju's affirmative answer, the female fans happily pulled Xiaoju to join their volleyball team. Seeing that Xiaoju agreed, Xu Yi also joined in.

He himself was not interested in this sport, and was even a little bored playing volleyball with a group of girls. But Xiaoju's fans heard that he was Xiaoju's boyfriend, and they kept inviting him to join and play volleyball with them.

Xu Yi knew that Xiaoju loved fans, and he was also a person who respected fans. In the end, Xu Yi agreed.

At first, Xu Yi saw Xiaoju's eyes drifting to the woman named Lisa from time to time. Xu Yi knew that Xiaoju was on guard against her and was a little concerned about her existence.

Therefore, when Xu Yi chose the team, he decisively chose the team that was hostile to the woman, wanting to distance himself from her as much as possible.

Fortunately, at this time, the girl named Lisa did not look at him like before.

Xu Yi saw that Xiaoju's worried expression disappeared from her face and gradually entered the game of beach volleyball, and he was a little relieved.

However, this beach volleyball game lasted only twenty minutes, and Xu Yi frowned.

At this time, he felt that the woman named Lisa was not being honest again. Not only did she keep her eyes on him, but she also made some misleading gestures to him from time to time. However, Xu Yi was fortunate that she still knew how to be considerate of Xiaoju. She did not do these uncomfortable behaviors in places where Xiaoju could see.

On the other hand, it was also because Xiaoju was having fun with her female fans and did not notice these things.

Since Xiaoju did not notice, Xu Yi did not want to stop Lisa on purpose. In this way, it would affect Xiaoju's mood.

The beach volleyball lasted about half an hour and everyone finished the exercise. After the end, the group of girls discussed about having a party in the evening.

Xiaoju's female fans came over to invite Xiaoju again, because Xiaoju and the fans cooperated very well just now, and they hit it off at first sight. Xiaoju agreed without thinking much. In the evening, a bonfire was gathered on the beach. Everyone was in the bonfire, watching the waves hitting the beach while eating BBQ, which was very lively.

This was Xiaoju's first time to participate in such a BBQ party on the beach. She was so happy that she drank a lot of wine and had a lot of fun.

By the second half, Xiaoju was already a little drunk. She stood up to go to the bathroom. Xu Yi was worried and wanted to accompany her, but the female fan took the initiative to hold Xiaoju and promised that she would return Xiaoju intact.

Xu Yi saw that the female fan was very sober and she was a woman, so it was more convenient for her to accompany Xiaoju to the bathroom.

So Xu Yi sat down again.

After Xiaoju and the female fan left, Xu Yi felt that there was a lot of space around him. He sat there alone, holding a glass of whiskey.

At this time, the one called Lisa walked towards Xu Yi, shaking her waist and twisting her butt. When she came to Xu Yi, she sat in Xiaoju's seat without saying anything.

Then, Lisa touched Xu Yi's glass with her glass, looked at Xu Yi charmingly, and asked,"Handsome, can you leave me your contact information? Phone or WeChat are fine."

When Lisa said this, her eyes were full of confidence. She knew in her heart that her appearance and figure were 99% fatal temptations for men.

All her life, she has been chased by all kinds of men, and she has never been rejected by a man.

Lisa didn't think much of Xu Yi's rejection of her in the past two days. She thought that Xu Yi was just pretending to show it to Xiaoju.

Xiaoju's female fan is Lisa's classmate. From her and her conversation with Xiaoju, Lisa learned that Xiaoju and Xu Yi are a well-known celebrity couple in Japan.

Lisa guessed that Xu Yi just didn't want to destroy their loving image in front of outsiders, so he rejected her again and again.

She didn't believe that Xu Yi didn't like her. To be precise, she didn't believe that there was a man who didn't like her.

But there is no doubt that Xu Yi was the first man who rejected her and rejected her so many times. This aroused Lisa's desire to challenge, making her want to flirt with Xu Yi even more.

Especially after she knew that Xu Yi was a star, her idea became stronger.

Now that Xiaoju was away, Lisa felt that it was the best time for her to attack. But after two days of testing, she didn't want to do anything here.

She knew that Xiaoju just went to the bathroom and would be back soon, and she didn't want to cause trouble for Xu Yi. Lisa just wanted to get Xu Yi's contact information. She thought that if she contacted Xu Yi privately, she might get a different result.

However, what Lisa didn't expect was that even when Xiaoju was not there, Xu Yi's attitude towards her was still a flat rejection.

Xu Yi put down the wine glass, with no intention of drinking it, and said coldly:"No."

Lisa's hand holding the wine glass froze in mid-air. She thought she had heard it wrong, and her hands were shaking with shame.

No man had ever rejected her so coldly in person.

Lisa refused to give up, and lowered her attitude again, and explained to Xu Yi attentively:"I don't mean anything else, but it's rare to meet people from the same country in a foreign country, and I want to get to know them and make friends."

Lisa was born in **, but she has been growing up abroad. So she didn't know anything about the entertainment industry in **, and she didn't know Xiaoju and Xu Yi.

Although Lisa thought that she had lowered her attitude to an unprecedented low, she should be accepted by Xu Yi.

However, what she never expected was that this time, she was rejected by Xu Yi more ruthlessly.

Xu Yi didn't say much about the contact information. He just glanced at Lisa with a look as if he was looking at trash, and said in a cold tone:"This is the seat of my girlfriend Xiaoju, please stand up."

Xu Yi's words, coupled with his eyes, completely hurt Lisa's self-esteem as a woman. For her, this was not only a matter of shame, but also a humiliation.

This time, Lisa finally got up and left. Not long after, Xiaoju returned to her seat.

Looking at Xu Yi helping her pick up things gently, looking at Xiaoju's eyes full of doting.

Lisa couldn't get angry and stood up from her seat. Walking to a place slightly away from Xu Yi and Xiaoju, Lisa picked up her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, it's me, Lisa. I agree to your pursuit."

A middle-aged man's ecstatic voice came from the other end of the receiver:"Really? Have you thought it through? Are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

"I can be your girlfriend." Lisa said affirmatively at first, then she changed the subject,"But you have to agree to one condition."

"What conditions?"

"Help me deal with these two people."

Lisa said sternly,"As long as you can do this, I will be your girlfriend."

She wanted to teach Xu Yi and Xiao Ju a lesson.

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