Xiaoju had a lot of fun at the bonfire party, and then drank some more wine. Back at the hotel at night, Xiaoju fell asleep quickly under the influence of alcohol, and slept soundly.

The next morning, when Xiaoju got up, she felt a headache. While having a headache, she began to recall everything that happened yesterday.

Thinking about it, the focus was on Lisa. Xiaoju thought that Lisa had been trying every means to hook up with Xu Yi, but because she was there.

She drank a little too much last night and had no energy to pay attention to Lisa. Thinking of this, Xiaoju felt a chill down her spine.

But she tried to recall the scene of yesterday, trying to piece together some of Lisa and Xu Yi's contact at the bonfire party, but she couldn't remember it anyway.

Maybe there was no contact? Not likely. It felt like the woman's eyes were always following Xu Yi. But she really couldn't remember anything. Should she ask Xu Yi?

When Xiaoju thought about this, the answer immediately emerged in her mind.


Even if Lisa was interested in Xu Yi, she did hook up with Xu Yi last night when she was drunk and unconscious, but Xiaoju believed Xu Yi.

No matter how Lisa or other women flirt with him, Xu Yi will not be tempted.

Xiaoju is not only confident in herself, but also in Xu Yi's character. He is not the kind of scumbag who would flirt with other women.

If she asks Xu Yi with a skeptical attitude, it will hurt the feelings of the two people and destroy the trust between each other.

When Xiaoju was thinking about it, Xu Yi opened his eyes and woke up. Xiaoju dressed up and went to the hotel for breakfast with Xu Yi like yesterday.

Then, Xiaoju followed Xu Yi in the Aegean Sea and started a new day of crazy play.

From that day on, Xiaoju never saw Lisa again.

That afternoon, Xiaoju saw a new couple check in in the next room, and it was no longer Lisa.

After that, Xiaoju stayed in the Aegean Sea for a week, and she did not see Lisa anywhere.

Since then, Xiaoju has been completely relieved and played more happily.

However, one morning a week later. Xiaoju was awakened by the sound of the phone.

Half asleep and half awake, Xiaoju was still complaining,"Who is so short-sighted?" They should know that she had finally taken a break and came out to spend her honeymoon with Xu Yi in advance, but they actually called her to disturb them!

Xiaoju found the mobile phone on the bedside table and saw on the screen that the caller was Sister Lan from the studio.

Is it work? But I have already asked for leave from the studio, and it was Sister Lan who personally approved it? Why did she call suddenly?

With such questions in her mind, Xiaoju answered Sister Lan's call.

As soon as the call was connected, Xiaoju heard Sister Lan on the other end, and she said in a serious tone:"Come back now"

""Ah???" Xiaoju was confused and didn't understand what Sister Lan meant,"I'm on vacation in the Aegean Sea now, and you approved it for me."

Xiaoju was still wondering if Sister Lan had forgotten because of amnesia, so she emphasized it to her.

Unexpectedly, what she got in return was Sister Lan's more decisive order:"No matter where you are now, you pack your luggage and go back to the studio immediately."

Xiaoju heard Sister Lan's stern tone and realized that something important had happened. So she asked Sister Lan:"Sister Lan, has something serious happened?"

Sister Lan paused and told Xiaoju:"Your new drama and endorsement, as well as several contracts that are being negotiated, will all be withdrawn. If it weren't such a serious matter, I wouldn't disturb you at this time and ask you to come back."

When Xiaoju hung up the phone, she was shaking. She called Xu Yi up and said to Xu Yi:"I want to go back."

Then, Xiaoju began to pack her luggage in a hurry.

Xu Yi got up and asked Xiaoju about her situation while helping her pack her luggage. By the time they left the hotel, Xu Yi had almost understood what happened.

Although the incident itself was not complicated, what was complicated was the reasons that prompted it. And this reason can only be understood by going to the studio in person and asking Sister Lan about the situation.

On the way from the airport to the studio, Xu Yi kept holding Xiaoju's hand and comforted her:"Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, it will be resolved. Remember, I'm here for everything!"


Although Xiaoju was very confused now, Xu Yi's words were like a powerful tranquilizer at this time. As long as she heard Xu Yi's voice, Xiaoju felt inexplicably relieved. When they arrived at the company, Xiaodi had been waiting at the door for a long time. When he saw Xiaoju, he looked like he was about to cry, and said to her aggrievedly:"You should go to Sister Lan to see her! The sky is changing.……"

When Xiaoju heard these words and saw Xiaodi's expression, she knew that this matter was very serious.

When Xu Yi saw Xiaodi's panicked face, his heart sank immediately. This matter might be worse than he imagined.

But the more times like this, the more you have to stay calm. Xiaodi is already panicking. If even he is panicking, then Xiaoju will be even more uneasy.

Moreover, without knowing the cause of the matter, it is unnecessary to panic and scare yourself. That is the worst thing.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi grabbed Xiaoju's hand and ran quickly to Sister Lan's office.

As soon as he saw Sister Lan, Xiaoju couldn't help but ask,"Sister Lan, what's going on? My contracts...why were they withdrawn?"

After Xiaoju's anxious questioning, Sister Lan's expression seemed to be a little hesitant.

Xiaoju asked anxiously:"Please say something! Give me a reason at least! How can you cancel so many contracts?"

Seeing that Sister Lan still had no intention of speaking, Xu Yi couldn't help but ask Sister Lan:"Xiaoju has been signed with your company since her debut. Everyone knows her contribution to the company over the years. Now the contract has been inexplicably canceled, we just want to ask for a reason. Isn't this too much?"

"It's not too much! Not too much at all! Sister Lan, you can tell them the reason."

When Xu Yi finished speaking, a woman's voice suddenly sounded, accompanied by the sound of the office door opening.

Xu Yi and Xiao Ju looked in the direction of the sound, and as a result, they saw a face they didn't want to see.

Lisa walked into Sister Lan's office in high heels.

Sister Lan seemed very scared when she saw her, and stood up immediately.

Then, to the astonishment of Xu Yi and Xiao Ju, they saw Lisa swaggeringly sitting in the position where Sister Lan had just sat, which was supposed to be the seat for the highest manager of this company.

Seeing this, Xu Yi already understood.

Lisa sat behind the desk, looked at Xiao Ju with a smile and said,"Don't blame Sister Lan, I asked her to do this. She has to listen to me now. I'm about to acquire this company and become her new boss. Of course, your new boss too."

"As for your contract……"

Lisa looked at Xiaoju and said proudly,"If I were your boss, wouldn't I be able to withdraw at any time? This is the reason. Do you understand now?"

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