After listening to Lisa's words, Xiaoju understood to some extent. But at this moment, she was still more confused.

Why did things suddenly develop like this? This Lisa, is she a woman with such great power? So powerful that she can control the fate of their company at will?

Xiaoju still finds it hard to believe this.

However, looking at Sister Lan's state, what Lisa said does not sound false.

Seeing the doubtful expression on Xiaoju's face, Lisa was not very happy. She thought that Xiaoju would be scared and cry immediately after learning about the current predicament.

Lisa is not very satisfied with Xiaoju's calm and calm state now.

So, Lisa spoke and continued to say to Xiaoju arrogantly:"Don't think so much, thinking so much will not change anything. Don't think about making any meaningless struggles, don't play those clever tricks. You must know what you did to me in the Aegean Sea before. I will not forgive you easily. I am going to block you now and use all my strength."

Xiaoju felt funny in her heart, and she did not spare Lisa:"What did I do to you? Did I hinder you from snatching a man?"

Lisa heard this and was furious:"You——"

Her face turned red and white at what Xiaoju said.

But when she saw Xu Yi looking at her with disgust, Lisa immediately returned to her posture. She had been rejected by Xu Yi once, and she couldn't show such an inappropriate posture for him to see clearly.

Then, Lisa changed her posture, leaning back on the boss chair, one long leg resting on the other leg, with a charming and lazy posture.

She knocked on the table, pointed at the coffee cup on it, and said to Xiaoju in a half-threatening and half-humiliating tone:"Go and make me a cup of coffee, American style, without sugar. Remember to grind it by hand, I can't get used to machine-ground coffee. If you can make the coffee I like, maybe I can save your life when I'm in a good mood."

Lisa thought to herself, Xu Yi wouldn't like it if he saw his favorite celebrity girlfriend groveling in front of him and making coffee for him like a stray dog.

However, the development of things was completely contrary to Lisa's expectations.

First of all, after she self-righteously ordered Xiaoju in such a threatening tone, Xiaoju stood there without moving.

Even though Xiaoju cherishes her acting career, she will never be threatened by such a bad-hearted woman. Especially when it comes to Xu Yi, she will not give in even a little.

Xiaoju did not take action after Lisa finished speaking, but Xu Yi could no longer bear it.

Xu Yi stepped forward quickly and grabbed Lisa's hand that had just been bossing Xiaoju around. Xu Yi's grip was very strong, to the extent that even a man's face would be distorted with pain, not to mention that Lisa was just a woman.

Lisa screamed in pain and kept shouting at Xu Yi:"Let me go, let me go!"

Xu Yi naturally ignored her. With a cold face and gritting his teeth, he looked at Lisa as if he was looking at a corpse and warned her:"Letting you go, impossible. I won't let anyone who makes Xiaoju sad go."

"I just gave her a choice, I didn't do anything."Lisa cried out in pain and begged Xu Yi,"Please let me go, it really hurts.……"

Seeing Xu Yi indifferent, Lisa finally relented:"Okay, I won't target her, I won't make her sad. Can you let me go now?"

Sister Lan watched Xu Yi holding Lisa's wrist fiercely, and the naked eye could see that Lisa's wrist was red.

Sister Lan knew that the power behind Lisa was not ordinary, and was worried that Xu Yi might cause a big trouble under impulse. Now that Lisa had relented, Sister Lan wanted to strike while the iron was hot and prevent the tragedy from happening.

So, she hurried forward to stop Xu Yi:"Let go first, let go quickly! We can talk slowly."

Seeing Sister Lan coming up to plead, Xu Yi looked embarrassed again. He gave Sister Lan this face and let go of the hand holding Lisa's wrist.

After being released, Lisa first cried and rubbed her wrist. Then, she saw that her wrist was red and swollen, and she immediately became angry.

Lisa stood up from her chair and walked towards the office door, pointing at Xu Yi and Xiaoju and saying angrily:"Just wait! Dare to bully me like this, I will make you pay the price!"

Xiaoju saw Lisa's fierce and fierce look, and her heart trembled a little. She subconsciously leaned towards Xu Yi. Xu Yi felt it, held her hand, and then said to Lisa with disdain:"Okay, we'll wait."

Hearing Xu Yi's voice, Xiaoju felt more at ease again.

But after Lisa left, seeing Sister Lan with a sad face, Xiaoju realized that the situation was still not optimistic, or even worse than before.

Xu Yi understood Sister Lan's difficulties. She couldn't afford to offend Lisa, but she didn't want to wrong him and Xiaoju too much. Caught in the middle, he was in a dilemma.

And this matter was caused by him and Xiaoju... To be precise, he caused it.

He naturally had to shoulder the responsibility of solving the problem. Of course, Xu Yi didn't think about escaping.

Xu Yi told Sister Lan in a serious tone:"Don't worry, Sister Lan, I will take care of this. This company is the result of your hard work over the years, and I will not let this kind of person destroy it."

Then, Xu Yi looked down at Xiao Ju and said firmly:"I will not let this kind of person bully Xiao Ju."

Sister Lan still had a sad expression, and compared to before, she had a hint of worry in her eyes. She was worried about Xu Yi.

Sister Lan told Xu Yi:"The financial sponsor behind this woman seems to be quite powerful. I heard that he has billions of dollars. Otherwise, I would not have done this.……"

"Don't worry, Sister Lan." Xu Yi curled his lips and said lightly,"Billions of dollars is not that valuable, I have it too."

Hearing Xu Yi's words, the expression on Sister Lan's face finally changed. At this moment, her hanging heart finally landed safely. After

Xu Yi finished speaking, he took Xiaoju away from the company.

Xu Yi didn't want Xiaoju to worry too much about this matter, but he also knew that it was impossible to completely let Xiaoju not be bothered by this matter.

Xu Yi called Xiaoju's two best friends Xiao Yan and Yu Lang, and asked them to accompany Xiaoju to chat and relax.

Fortunately, both of them had no work at the time, and they hadn't seen Xiaoju for a long time and missed her very much.

After receiving Xu Yi's call, they immediately came to the villa to accompany Xiaoju.

After arranging Xiaoju's affairs, Xu Yi began to contact his own resources to investigate the sponsor behind Lisa.

After several twists and turns, Xu Yi finally found out that Lisa's sponsor was indeed a rich man and a tycoon in the building materials industry.

But during the investigation, Xu Yi found that this sponsor was involved in many industries in addition to the building materials industry. But

I don't know whether the sponsor is not capable or the industries invested in are not doing well. In short, other industries except building materials are in a state of loss.

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