At this moment, Xu Yi happened to meet Xiaoju's eyes, who had opened her eyes and looked shocked. He smiled bitterly, raised his hand and waved to Xiaoju, and greeted her awkwardly,"Hello."……"

When Xiaoju heard the man's voice, she reacted completely and screamed belatedly.


This scream resounded throughout the entire 2049 suite.

Xu Yi subconsciously covered his ears, but the woman's scream still penetrated his eardrums.

However, compared to the trauma to Xu Yi's eardrums, Xiaoju was obviously hit harder.

She tightly grasped the quilt with both hands, holding it tightly in front of herself, looking at Xu Yi vigilantly and asked:"Who are you?"

Xu Yi was hesitating about how to answer Xiaoju's question.

Before he could think of a suitable answer, Xiaoju's second and third questions followed.

"How can you still appear in my room... in my bed!"

At this moment, Xiao Ju Shuen's face blushed. Unlike the red with Yu Yun just now, this time it should be angry.

Xu Yi, the more she feels seductive, it turned out that she was so angry when she played her dignity.

Forgot to answer the question of the heroine,

Xiao Ju thought that he wanted to pass the level, waving a blushing pink boxing, and put on Xu Yi to put his posture:"You quickly explain honestly, otherwise I will call the police!"

Xu Yi looked at Xiao Ju's fierce look and laughed in his heart. I saw it all……"

Following Xu Yi's gaze, Xiaoju immediately looked down at the quilt in front of her. Just now, because she was too excited, she stretched out her hand and punched, and half of the quilt in front of her slipped off. Xiaoju quickly grabbed the quilt and stepped back twice. This time, except for her little head, she wrapped herself tightly with the quilt.

Xu Yi looked at Xiaoju's eyes looking at him, and there was a hint of anger in addition to vigilance. He felt that he needed to explain it well to eliminate her eyes.

Xu Yi helplessly spread his hands to Xiaoju and told her:"This is my room."

Seeing Xiaoju's face showing an unbelievable expression, Xu Yi picked up the check-in door number card on the bedside table and handed it to Xiaoju.

Seeing that Xiaoju's whole body was wrapped in the quilt like a zongzi, Xu Yi sighed and placed the side with the room number in front of Xiaoju.

Fearing that Xiaoju's brain was confused and she couldn't distinguish clearly, Xu Yi deliberately kept the door number card in front of her for a full minute.

Xiaoju checked it more than ten times, but still refused to believe that the number on it was"2049" instead of"2046".

It seemed that she had really walked into the wrong room, and she had mistaken 9 for 6...

Xu Yi's timely supplement made her more convinced.

"The room number is 2049, please look carefully."

Xiaoju was like a deflated balloon, slumped on Xu Yi's bed.

A few days ago, the"Legend of xx Lady" starring her was launched, and the ratings far exceeded expectations. The crew happened to come here for vacation and invited her to attend the celebration party, so she was naturally happy to go.

The celebration party was arranged in the banquet hall of this hotel. During the meal, she saw the crew members who had fought together in the past. She was happy for a while and drank a lot of wine. The agent saw that she drank a little too much and directly booked a room for her in this hotel.

In a daze, she took the room card and thought she had returned to her room, but who knew that she went to the wrong place!

This is indeed her own fault...

Xiaoju felt more and more embarrassed the more she thought about it, and her fair face became even redder. But this time it was not anger, but shame.

She naturally lowered her head shyly, but suddenly swept a touch of crimson on the bed sheet. Coupled with the clear soreness from her body, Xiaoju's mind intermittently emerged the scene of last night. Xiaoju was completely awake.

After waking up, she realized what happened last night, and she was a little desperate: she had so easily lost her precious...

Xiaoju couldn't help but look up and carefully looked at Xu Yi. She didn't dislike this strange man. After a closer look, she found that he was quite handsome, the kind of appearance she liked.

But this is not the point. The point is that last night was her first time after all. She didn't know what kind of person this man in front of her was and how he would treat her.

But in fact, she walked into the wrong room first, so it was not his fault.

The more Xiaoju thought about it, the more uneasy she felt.

At this moment, Xiaoju suddenly felt her hand being grabbed.

Then, she looked up and saw Xu Yi saying to her solemnly:"Don't be afraid, since we are all like this, I will be responsible for you."

Xiaoju opened her eyes wide and looked at Xu Yi in disbelief.

His flawless face, the firm look in his eyes when he spoke... Xiaoju was stunned for a moment.

"Plop, plop, plop……"

Xiaoju heard her own strong and rapid heartbeat. Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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