He said he would take responsibility for me. Was he sincere?

Xiaoju looked at Xu Yi doubtfully, her heart full of doubts: But I didn't ask him to take responsibility myself?

Xiaoju thought about it, and finally said to Xu Yi hesitantly:"You don't have to force it... I am also an adult. Besides, it was my fault for walking into the wrong room first."……"

Xu Yi listened to Xiaoju's hesitant words and watched her trying her best to pretend to be righteous. But her hesitant tone still betrayed her, and Xu Yi knew that she was saying one thing and thinking another.

Xu Yi was not the kind of scumbag who would just pull up his pants and leave, and he had always liked Xiaoju. No matter from what angle, he would be responsible for Xiaoju to the end.

He had just expressed the idea of being responsible for Xiaoju, but it seemed that the effect was not good. However, it was understandable. After all, it was normal for her to be wary of a strange man like him, with whom she had developed into the current situation in bed after their first meeting. What

Xu Yi has to do now is to try to make Xiaoju trust him.

As Xiaoju finished speaking,���Xu Yi immediately confessed:"No, you don't know, I have always liked you!"

Xiaoju opened her eyes wide and was shocked.

Xu Yi continued in an orderly manner:"I like the way you sing and dance well on stage; I like your quirky appearance in variety shows; I like your natural and true nature, unlike other female stars; I also like the way you are pure and cute, but speak very straightforwardly.……"

When Xu Yi made this confession, he had been closely observing Xiao Ju's expression. He saw Xiao Ju's expression gradually change from shock to emotion, and Xu Yi finally dared to say the following words:

"Will you be my girlfriend? I remember you said on your official website that you don't have a boyfriend?……"

Xu Yi pointed at the scarlet on the bed and said seriously.

At this moment, the fragments of last night's lingering in bed appeared in Xu Yi's mind and gradually became clear. Thinking that the person who had a crazy blend with him last night was Xiaoju, and it was the first time!

Xu Yi was also a little surprised.

At this moment, Xiaoju blushed and avoided Xu Yi's sight. She felt her heart beating fast, faster than ever before, so fast that it was about to jump out of her throat.

Over the years, she has seen all the handsome guys in the entertainment industry, and there are countless people pursuing her. She didn't think that those who pursued her were not good enough, but she really didn't feel anything for them.

She is a person who has a beautiful yearning for love and pays more attention to feelings. She believes that the person who can come together with her must be the man she likes. Her first time can only be given to the man she likes.

Although she can't say how much she likes the man in front of her now, at least she has no aversion to him.

Xiaoju carefully experienced it again, and even felt that she might still have a little good impression of him. Especially when he said that he would be responsible for her just now, she still had a little expectation and touch in her heart.

A thought suddenly arose in Xiaoju's mind: Maybe... it would not be bad to be his girlfriend.

Xu Yi broke the silence and asked Xiaoju tentatively:"Why, you look down on a commoner like me?"

Xiaoju immediately raised her head and hurriedly denied:"No, how could that be? It's just... I'm not ready yet, can you let me think about it?"

Xu Yi smiled. In fact, when he asked that question just now, he already knew the answer in Xiaoju's heart.

He had been paying attention to Xiaoju's expression and found that when she looked at him, there was not only no disgust, anger or other emotions in her eyes, but he also saw goodwill.

Xu Yi knew that she would not look down on him, and he still had this confidence.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door outside. Xu Yi and Xiaoju looked at the door of the room at the same time.

Xiaoju didn't want to care at first, and this was not her room. But when she heard the voice of the female assistant Xiaodi at the door, she began to get nervous

"Xiaoju, are you in there? I know you are, please open the door for me quickly."

Xiaoju immediately got up from the bed and subconsciously wanted to get out of bed to open the door for her assistant. Halfway through the action, she realized that she was not wearing anything and there was a pair of burning eyes fixed on her.

Xiaoju blushed and said to Xu Yi,"Turn around and don't look!"

"Good good good"

——You are cute, and everything you said makes sense.

Xu Yi didn't want to make Xiaoju angry, so he turned around obediently.

Not long after, he heard the sound of the door opening, and finally turned around.

At the door of Suite 2049.

Xiaodi exclaimed when he saw Xiaoju:"I was scared to death. I went to your room this morning and found that you were not there. I called your cell phone, but you didn't answer! I checked the hotel's surveillance and found that you entered this room... Hey, why is your face so red, do you have a fever?"

Xiaodi reached out and touched Xiaoju's forehead:"Are you okay? It's a little hot, but it's okay……"

As they were talking, Xiaodi saw Xu Yi sitting on the bed and looking at them. She looked up in shock, pointed at Xu Yi, and couldn't speak clearly:"This, this...what's going on? Who is he?"

Xiaoju blushed and tried to explain in a panic. She didn't want people to misunderstand her, but for a moment, she didn't know how to explain it clearly.

At this moment, she felt her panicked body being wrapped in a warm embrace. At some point, Xu Yi came behind Ju Jingyi.

At this moment, Xu Yi gently hugged Xiaoju from behind, smiled and said to Xiaodi:"I am Xiaoju's boyfriend."

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